Gifts for the musician: tips for choosing

Choosing a gift for a musician is a rather difficult task. It is always difficult to surprise a person who is directly connected with the beautiful world of art and has a good taste. Remember, if you want to present a gift related to his native element, then it is better to give not the instrument itself, but something that can be qualitatively supplemented. The fact is that all people for whom music has become a profession are very selective about instruments. They pick them up for themselves, and even if you choose a famous brand, this does not mean that the hero of the occasion will like its sound. So what can be presented to a musician? Further options for gifts.

Guitar stand

Musical souvenirs and gifts for musicians

If you don’t know very well the person you want to congratulate, then present him a souvenir. He must have elements of a musical instrument on which this person plays.

The choice in gift shops is simply huge:

  • a cup with notes and a pen in the shape of a violin;
  • earrings in the form of small saxophones;
  • piano clutch.
souvenir cup for the musician

Of course, these are gifts to a girl musician. You must admit that they love beautiful trinkets much more than guys.

Figurine made from photo

This is a doll made in a humorous manner. The next gift may appeal to a more ambitious stronger sex. How to order it? You provide the master with a photo of the hero of the occasion and talk about his professional activities or hobbies, and he makes a figurine with his image. You can bring a photo of the instrument on which the musician plays. So the figure will look more reliable.

Candy packaging

M & M's multi-colored sweets, of course, give mood and delight the eye. Few will refuse such a treat. You can use them as a filler for gift wrapping. Take a souvenir that you purchased in advance, such as a themed cup. Let's say you will give it in a box. Put the cup there and completely fill the bowl with sweets. Naturally, you will need more than one pack, but a good mood for the hero of the occasion will also last a long time!

There are companies that create transparent packaging in various shapes. If you find one, you can order a box in the shape of a musical instrument. Fill it with sweets. A guitar or saxophone full of M & M's looks really cool!

Portable acoustics

Among musical gifts to musicians, a portable speaker system will occupy a worthy place. A person will be able to listen to his favorite music everywhere. It can even be a bathroom or a beach, as the system is equipped with splash protection. Choose a model with a powerful battery. Quality systems have Bluetooth support. This is a great gift for a musician to enjoy a clear and powerful sound.

Smart pen

The model is called Neo SmartPen N2. This is a chic and original gift to the musician. It will also appeal to artists, designers and other creative personalities who are visited by the muse. It so happens that you need to very quickly sketch out the image that was born in the head, but there is no computer nearby. This gadget has the functions of a regular pen. Together with special paper, it is a storage device that is indispensable for creative individuals.

Features Neo SmartPen N2:

  • converts handwritten text into electronic;
  • remembers fonts;
  • able to save small sketches (sketches) on the smartphone;
  • It has its own memory, which holds up to 100 sheets.

This is a gift for a musician who is always on the move.

Stock of socks for a year

This is a practical gift for a male musician. As you know, creative personalities are quite slack in everyday life. Finding a pair of socks before a concert is normal for a single man. Take care of his life. Give a gift that will solve this problem for a long time.

set of socks

Gifts for the guitarist

A set of strings for a guitarist is always a good gift. Especially if it is a quality branded product. Just before buying, be sure to find out on which strings he plays. They are nylon and metal. The musician will definitely appreciate such a gift and devote his next composition to you!


A device for the guitar, which allows you to quickly change the tone of the music. Outwardly resembles a regular clothespin. If the guitarist uses a classical musical instrument, then choose a capo for a rounded reef. However, consultants in the music store will help you. Just try to find out as much as possible about the instrument of the person to whom the gift is intended. In this case, you can really please him.

Guitar Capo


A good voice recorder should be with a professional musician. This is especially true for people who create music on their own. I don’t always want to write down a piece of music that arose in my head on notes. You can play it and record it on a recorder. Over time, it will be easier to repeat unforeseen musical turns.

voice recorder for musician

What to give a trumpet player and saxophonist?

  1. Radio system for concerts.
  2. Tool care accessories.
  3. Orchestral music stand.
  4. Tool holder.
  5. Collector's Edition of Dizzy Gillespie.

Present for violinist or cellist

  1. Keeping your tool clean is a must. Its sound also depends on it. Therefore, a professional set for the care of a violin or cello will come in handy.
  2. Stand for violin - it is very convenient. The musician’s hands get very tired. This is great when the instrument has a dedicated space.
  3. Sensor for violin. It enhances the sound of the instrument. This is especially important when speaking to a large number of people.

Gifts for the Drummer

  1. High-quality expensive case for drumsticks. It can be made of textile or leather. On sale you can also find a special wooden box for sticks.
  2. Metronome and headphones. The drummer must always keep the rhythm. The present will help with this.
  3. Training pad. It is a compact simulator that you can do anywhere. Now, to practice the skill, the drummer does not need installation. You can play almost on your knees.
  4. For a good musician, a pair of oak sticks will never be superfluous. Present him sticks for jazz compositions.
Drum Training Pad


Everyone loves to travel! Trips bring us vivid impressions. They are especially necessary for creative people. If your beloved girl or boyfriend (musician) is choking, the muse has left him, there is absolutely no mood to create, then give him a ticket to some new place.

The direction does not play a big role here, because everyone has different opportunities. You can go to the suburbs together to see the monuments of architecture and enjoy the stunning countryside views. You can travel around the country. Well, of course, if money is not a problem, then go abroad. It can be an exotic vacation on the islands or a trip to Vienna. Especially valuable for a musician will be a trip to a country where at that time a music festival will be held.

DIY musician gift

A piece of soul is always invested in a gift created with your own hands. Please a person close to you who is professionally engaged in music, an unusual gift. What you do yourself will definitely be in a single copy. What can be done?

  1. A cake in the shape of a musical instrument. If you have a culinary talent, you can bake a biscuit and cut out the shape of the instrument on which the hero of the occasion plays. Top it can be covered with marzipan or mastic. Such cakes look gorgeous and will impress both the musician and his guests.
  2. A cake made of sweets in the shape of a musical instrument. Needlewomen can lay down a piano or drum kit made of chocolate and sweets. You can make such a gift yourself or order it to a handmade master.

Quilling card

If you are fond of this technique, then you can independently make a card with elements of a musical instrument. The hero of the occasion will definitely appreciate the painstaking work. He will keep such a present for many years.

Musical Instrument Certificate

If you still decide to give the musician an instrument, then it is better to do this with a certificate. In the musical instrument store, you purchase a card for the amount that you are willing to spend on an instrument, and present it to the hero of the occasion. The musician himself chooses a gift to his taste. Doing this yourself is not worth it. Even if you can afford to give a premium product.

Favorite concert ticket

Musicians often fan from the work of their famous colleagues. A concert ticket will be not just a gift, but a real celebration for the fan. Especially if a group or artist comes from abroad, and such an event is rare. Naturally, you need two tickets, because such a gift implies a joint trip. You will also get a lot of impressions.


Gifts and souvenirs for musicians are not just a sign of attention, but also an expression of gratitude for the opportunity to listen to the wonderful music that they create. Giving a thematic professional gift, you emphasize the importance of a loved one for a person. Show that support him in any undertakings and projects.


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