The Pechora River. Description

Pechora is a river flowing along the north-eastern part of Europe, along the Nenets Autonomous Okrug (Autonomous Okrug) and the Komi Republic. The area of ​​its basin is about three hundred twenty two thousand square kilometers. Its length is, according to some sources, one thousand eight hundred and fourteen, and according to others, one thousand seven hundred and nineteen kilometers. It is considered the largest and most full-flowing in the northern part of Europe. The Pechora River begins in the mountains, in the Northern Urals (from the slope of one of the ranges - the Belt Stone), and flows into the Barents Sea (into the Pechora Bay). From the source to the mouth, the course is predominantly mountainous.

Pechora River

In accordance with the water regime and the nature of the valley itself, the basin is divided into three parts. From the source to the confluence of the Volosnitsa, the segment is called Upper Pechora, then to Ust-Usa - Middle, and to the mouth - Lower Pechora.

The upper one flows between steep steep banks with fir and spruce forests. In this section, there is a fairly fast current, a narrow valley, and the channel is replete with numerous rifts and rapids. Further, the Pechora River overlooks the flat terrain. The course on this segment is calmer, in rare places there are rifts.

Middle Pechora flows almost in the meridional direction. Its valley on this site reaches ten to twelve kilometers. Forests grow in a wide floodplain, in some areas - meadows with tree-like willow. On the stretches, a depth of four to five meters is noted, on the rifts it drops to a meter or two.

pechora river
In Lower Pechora, the channel is not stable. It, breaking up into separate independent channels, forms numerous islands. Boggy meadows spread in a wide floodplain, and tree-like willows and willow shrubs grow. Pine forests grow in some places on sandy mounds . On reaches and rifts, the average depths are about a meter and a half, in the lower reaches - up to ten, and on average - up to five to six meters.

The Pechora River, a photo and a description of it is not difficult to find, one hundred and thirty kilometers from the sea is divided into two branches: the Great (eastern) and Small (western) Pechora. These two sleeves subsequently merge together. Further, somewhat lower, the Pechora River splits into several more branches. As a result, a delta is formed, the width of which is about forty-five kilometers. Gradually, it narrows to thirty kilometers. Subsequently, she goes to the Pechora Bay in the Barents Sea.

In the basin, vegetation is relatively poorly developed. In the upper reaches, sandy and rocky soils are predominantly noted. Downstream soils are silty-sandy.

The upper course of the river opens in May (in the first half), sections in the lower reaches - by the end of May - early June. It freezes - by the end of October, beginning of November.

Pechora photo

The river has many tributaries. Among the main ones, Izhma, Usu, Vilma, Ilych should be noted. The Pechora river basin is poor in fodder resources. It is home to more than thirty species of fish. Among them, salmon, chir, whitefish, omul, nelma, peled are of particular value. Among the usual, widely known, fish here you can find dace, burbot, ruff, perch, roach, pike and others.


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