Diamond carat, appearance history and value.

There is a saying among jewelers: “Diamonds are a woman’s best friend. Beauty will fade, friends will betray, but they will still sparkle and cost inconceivably expensive. ” Indeed, diamonds can be called one of the most expensive stones in the world. Their price varies depending on cleanliness, color and cut, but in any case it is very high. Below we will try to explain how much 1 carat of diamond costs.

carat diamond
A diamond is a faceted version of a diamond. Its weight is measured in units such as carats. This name comes from a species of tree whose seeds were used as a measure of weight in prehistoric times. At that time, the weight of this seed was considered a reference and was equal to 0.2 grams.

Diamonds are divided into three groups according to weight:

- large (from 1 carat);

- medium (from 0.3 to 0.99 carats);

- small (up to 0.29 carats).

Diamond carats are evaluated by experts in different ways, depending on the type of stone. And if small ones are valued only for their weight, then when evaluating large stones, jewelers take into account qualities such as purity and color.

how much is 1 carat of diamond
Small diamonds, regardless of their shape, are called “melee” among jewelers - their weight should not exceed a quarter of a carat. They are usually obtained by cutting parts of a large diamond. Stones with a greater weight and size are called "me lange".

The cost of 1 carat of diamond can vary from hundreds of dollars to tens of thousands. In this case, one stone or several small ones is of great importance. A carat of a diamond, which is inserted in the center of the jewelry, can cost ten times more than the same weight of small stones framing the central one.

the cost of 1 carat of diamond
The mass of diamonds is usually measured up to one hundredth of a carat. All stones that have a weight below this bar are considered crumbs. Jewelers use special karat scales to measure, but you can always roughly determine the weight of a stone based on its diameter. The value that a carat of a diamond has is calculated according to the Tavernier rule, where the cost of a gemstone is equal to the product of the base price of a carat per square weight of the crystal. Thus, a 2-carat diamond will cost about 3 times more than a 1-carat stone. The progression of value from the weight of a diamond grows up to ten carats: a diamond of this size will be one hundred times more expensive than 1 carat of a diamond of the same purity. Stones weighing more than 25 carats always have their own names.

A couple of tips for those who are going to buy diamond jewelry

Remember that the number of carats of a diamond is not the most important characteristic. It is always worth considering the cleanliness, color and quality of the diamond cut. So, for example, the cost of 1 carat of a diamond of color E and clarity WS1 will be approximately 2 times higher than that of a stone with clarity SI1 and color H.

You should always remember that the total price of all the stones surrounding the main value of the jewelry is not equal to the value of a large diamond in the center. For example, several dozen diamonds with a total weight of 1 carat will cost about $ 600, while one central stone of the same color, purity and weight will cost the buyer more than $ 6,000. Always be careful and check with the jeweler which components are in the product you are buying.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25379/

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