Cypress - what is it? Types, description and care of the cypress tree

Since ancient times, representatives of different cultures have repeatedly evaluated the beauty and useful properties of cypress, giving this tree special mystical abilities. In the Assyro-Babylonian period, people perceived him as a symbol of the fertility goddess. The Phoenicians bowed to him and were convinced that the knowledge of the sacred Tree of Life was given to them by the gods themselves. Direct or indirect references to cypress are found in many ancient written sources, such as ancient Greek mythology and biblical manuscripts. In other words, this plant has always aroused interest and was in the field of view of mankind. We will try to figure out what cypress is and for what advantages it is valued.

Perennial handsome

The genus of cypress (Cupressus) is represented by evergreen large shrubs and trees whose crown shape has a tent or pyramidal appearance, and the height varies from 5 to 40 meters. The trunk of graceful plants is covered with a bark of dark brown color with exfoliating narrow lobes, and the branches are highly branched. Small leaves are painted in saturated green color (in most species) and are located in a cross-pairwise arrangement: in young specimens they are needle-shaped, but change in the process of growing, becoming scaly-like, tightly adjacent to each other. Cypress seeds develop in rounded cones with a thyroid coating and ripen in the second year after pollination.

The affiliation of cypress to coniferous trees determines its life expectancy, an average of 500 years, but there are specimens that have far crossed this line. Perennial handsome people mainly grow in the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere, are widely distributed in the Mediterranean, in the southern part of China, the Himalayas, Crimea, the Caucasus and North America. Their very origin is so ancient that the true homeland remains a mystery to humanity.

what is cypress

Cypress in Russia

On the lands of Russia, cypress was noted in ancient times, when Greek settlers brought it in small quantities to the Crimean peninsula. It is also known that in ancient Georgia he was given pride of place at palace gardens and parks. In later periods, the spread of cypress was greatly facilitated by the spread of Christianity. The tree has become a constant companion of religious buildings, cathedrals and churches as a symbol of eternal life and hope for rebirth.

After the annexation of Crimea to Russia, many people already knew what a cypress tree looks like. Field Marshal G. A. Potemkin ordered an increase in the planting of an exotic tree whose seedlings were transported from Turkey in 1787. There is a version that during the trip of Catherine II to the Crimea, she personally participated in the planting of cypresses in the Vorontsov Garden.

Types of Cypress

In the natural environment, up to about 30 cypress species are classified, and about 10 subspecies and varieties stand out in ornamental horticulture. But apparently, these figures are not yet final, since some populations are isolated and small in number, which makes it difficult for taxonomists to determine them.

The most famous types of cypress include:

  • Lumpy,
  • Arizona
  • Large fruited
  • Evergreen,
  • California
  • Kashmir,
  • Italian,
  • Swamp
  • Mcnaba
  • Siberian,
  • Mexican.

Most of the species are concentrated in North America, northern Africa and southeast Asia.

evergreen cypress

Evergreen cypress

Some of the most popular cypress species noted by landscape designers include Evergreen cypress. Its tree reaches a height of 30 meters, and the trunk girth is 60 centimeters. The narrow-pyramidal crown consists of thin, densely placed branches, whose shoots are turned in different directions. The trunk bark with longitudinal cracks in young trees has a light brown color, in adulthood - gray. Small leaves have a slight glossiness, they are closely pressed to the shoot. Due to the rapid growth, the height of the evergreen cypress already at 8 years old is 4 meters, and fruiting occurs even earlier - from 4 years. Also, a well-developed root system, represented by the rod form, is noted in the tree.

Although all representatives of cypress have "evergreen" leaves, but only this species was honored to have this talking adjective in its name. The fact is that the epithet was obtained in ancient times, when similar trees grew in the south of Europe, and therefore they were one of the first to fall under the scopes of people of science. But the promising name justifies itself somewhat, because the features of cypress are such that the plant is able to tolerate frosts down to -20 degrees, has sufficient fire resistance and can withstand prolonged drought.

cypress mcnaba


Cypress Macnaba is a branching tree or shrub that reaches a height of up to 12 meters. The crown of the plant is wide and very dense, with intensive branching from the trunk itself. Its natural habitat is in California and Southern Oregon.

When describing a cypress tree of this species, its frost resistance (up to -25 ° C) and the transfer of drought are most often noted. The bark of the trunk can be dark red or blackish brown. Short shoots branch out in all directions. Dark green oval needles when rubbed gives a rich smell of lemons. Cones are spherical, may have a slight bluish plaque. After ripening, they remain on the tree, preserving the viability of the seeds up to 8 years.

McNaba was introduced to Europe in 1854, and 4 years later it first appeared on Russian territory. Currently, it is cultivated in small quantities on the Black Sea coast.

bog cypress

Tree Swamp Cypress

Taxodium, or Swamp cypress, is a large deciduous tree native to North America. Its height reaches 50 meters, and in diameter, at the base of the trunk, the girth reaches 12 meters. A powerful plant prefers moistened soils, for which it received its name. This is well shown in the photo, where the cypress tree grows in swampy areas, towering on large "airy" roots. Its branches are dressed with needle leaves directed in two directions, and outwardly resemble yews.

Of particular interest in the characterization of this cypress is the needles, which in the summer have a light green color, and by autumn they repaint in a yellowish-crimson color. In winter, the needles are dumped along with the shoots, due to which the tree is not just deciduous, but also represents a rather rare deciduous species.

Swamp cypress is widespread in the subtropical forests of North America, on wetlands. Life expectancy is on average 500-600 years, but individuals can live 10 times longer.

breeding varieties

Decorative varieties

Shrubs and cypress trees are in great demand in cultivation, which led to the emergence of new sizes and shapes of this marvelous plant. The most common decorative types of cypress include: Mexican, evergreen and Arizona.

Mexican cypress reaches a height of 40 meters. Its wide crown resembles a tent, and the dark needles have an ovoid shape. The plant does not withstand drought and cold temperatures. The following varieties of cypress were derived from it:

  • Bentama - the crown is narrow and regular, branches in one plane, the color of the needles varies from gray to dark green.
  • Tristis is a columnar crown, flexible branches grow down.
  • Lindley - dark green shoots with large cones.

Evergreen cypress is an impressive giant with a pyramidal crown and needles of a bluish-green hue. It differs from brothers in life expectancy (up to 2000 years or more). Scientists have developed the most compact varieties of cypress so that it can now be grown in personal plots:

  • Montrosa, Fastigiata Forluselu - stunted trees.
  • Stricta is a hardy plant with a dense pyramidal crown.
  • Indica is the correct crown in the form of a column.

Arizona cypress is a fast-growing variety up to 21 meters high, tolerates small frosts and is resistant to drought, but loves light. Its gray-green crown is represented by a wide, pint-like shape. Based on this plant, breeders have developed the following varieties of cypress:

  • Konika - a tree with gray-blue needles for a warm climate.
  • Aschersoniana is a stunted plant.
  • Pyramidilis is a variety with a conical crown and gray needles.
  • Compacta is a shrubby form of cypress with a bluish-green tint of needles.
cypress propagation

Cypress planting: from seed to tree

Consider the process in more detail. Cypress at home, along with the seed method can be bred and vegetative, which involves the propagation of layering and cuttings. Important conditions for any method chosen will be: good illumination, isolation from strong winds and drained soils.

Propagation by seed. Here, a special requirement is placed on the soil, which in equal proportions should contain sand, peat and soddy soil. Seeds are placed in containers to a depth of 2 centimeters and set on the sunny side. After several months, they germinate, provided that the soil is moistened regularly. In spring, at a temperature of 13-15 ° C, the grown sprouts are planted.

Reproduction by layering. This method is the most effective for propagating home cypress. Shoots growing to the ground, bend to the very bottom and make an incision, inserting a stone into it. Next, an incision is laid out on the ground and fixed, sprinkling with soil. After root formation, the layer is separated from the mother plant and transplanted.

Propagation by cuttings. Small cuttings are cut from young shoots in spring (size 5-15 centimeters) and needles are removed from the bottom. Then they are planted in pots containing sand and coniferous bark, where they take root for several months.

seedling care

Young plant care

At first, cypress seedlings need abundant watering: on average, a bucket of water leaves per week. In dry weather, watering needs to be increased, but spraying must also be connected. The fragile trees 2 times a month necessarily require fertilizing with complex fertilizers. With the onset of the cold season, there is a need for additional protection: the roots are covered with sawdust, at lower temperatures the whole plant is covered. The intensity of cypress care with the growing process is gradually decreasing, and by 3-4 years only 2 top dressings are given per season, and watering is done only with severe drought.

After planting, the growth rate of young cypress trees allows you to trim the crown in a couple of seasons, creating the desired shape. Dead branches are harvested in March, and with the arrival of warm weather, the plant can be trimmed completely.

cypress in Russia

Cypress use

In addition to aesthetic contemplation, cypress has always been famous for its wood. She is well processed any kind, despite the many knots that impede the process. Its mechanical properties are equivalent to pine wood. Thus, the productivity of cypress is such that it is successfully used in construction, shipbuilding and furniture production. And from its needles and shoots, essential oils are produced, which are so highly valued in medicine and the perfume industry. The content of aromatic resins in the wood keeps the tree from being damaged by insects.

As for the healing properties, it has long been known that cypress groves have a life-giving effect on the human body. Oxygen produced by evergreen trees effectively destroys pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, simple walks in the park with cypresses can significantly improve immunity and increase the tone of the body as a whole. On top of that, clean air next to these plants contains endorphins that uplift your mood.

ancient cypress

Interesting Facts

  • In the central part of Iran, the long-lived cypress of the Zoroastrian Sarv grows, one of the oldest plants on earth. Its age is over 4 thousand years, corresponding to the period of the first forged Asian chariot.
  • There is an assumption that the pyramidal form of cypress is a consequence of the works of the first breeding.
  • Confucius distinguished cypress among other trees, taking it as a symbol of longevity and happiness.
  • The definition of cypress as "evergreen plants" implies a periodic renewal of leaves, which lasts for 3-5 years.
  • In time immemorial, the island of Cyprus was covered with impenetrable forests and cypress was one of the most common trees.
  • According to biblical texts, the cypress tree is among the plants of the Garden of Eden. And there is also a hypothesis that cypress wood was the material for the construction of Noah's ark.


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