Angelfish. Compatibility with other types of fish

Aquarium fish angelfish are quite peaceful. To distinguish them among other residents of the home mini-pond is very simple. Due to the elongated fins (anal and dorsal) they have a flat body of a triangular shape. Light scales, decorated with transverse dark stripes - these are the main signs of scalaria. The compatibility of these fish with other species depends mainly on the volume of the aquarium and the number of plants contained in it. In order not to be constrained, they need a lot of space.

scalar compatibility
Angelfish. Compatible with various types of fish

It should be noted that during the spawning period, these aquatic animals become very inactive and shy. However, they can easily be in the same aquarium with other non-aggressive rocks. Their best neighbors can be anticyrus, corridors, large neons, algae eaters, tetras. And discus will even help protect them from overeating. Scalaria, the compatibility of which must be taken into account when filling a home reservoir, do not get along with cichlids, telescopes, amphibians, tetraodons, stingrays. It is not recommended to keep them together with aggressive fish species, for example, such as Sumatran barbus. Angelfish, whose compatibility with other species largely depends on the volume of the aquarium, occupy a certain territory and do not allow other fish to live on it. Perfectly get along individuals of the same age and color. Young growth, planted in an aquarium to an older generation, can even be left without food.

Angelfish. Kinds

Today, many individuals of this breed are known, differing in a dissimilar and original color:

- marble, whose scales are decorated with strokes and black spots;

- gold - their body has a golden color with a pinkish tinge;

- zebra-shaped scalars have a large number of vertical black stripes ;

- the stubs are distinguished by long fins, fluttering when moving;

- veil;

- black (fish scales have a black velvet color);

angelfish breeding

- leopard;

- two-tone;

- blue;

- albinos;

- chocolate;

- smoky;

- marble gold.

Angelfish. Breeding

The puberty of individuals of this species is achieved by ten to twelve months. At this age, couples begin to form. Noticing them is very easy. As a rule, male and female constantly swim one after another. To stimulate the process of reproduction, it is recommended to increase the temperature in the aquarium to 27 - 29 degrees. In addition to dry, frozen fish should be included in the daily diet of fish. Three to four times a week, you need to change the water. During the spawning period, the female lays eggs. To fertilize them, the male is constantly nearby.

angelfish species
This process can last up to three hours. After fertilization, it is recommended to carefully move the eggs to a previously prepared hider. The water in it should be changed daily and disinfected with special means. The best temperature is 27 degrees. A lamp with dim light should be placed near the aquarium. Dead white eggs should be periodically removed from the bottom with a syringe. It is very important to ensure that the fry do not stray in the corners of the aquarium. On the seventh day, the fishes begin to feed. From now on, the water level should be raised, and a small filter and a floating plant should be placed. After a couple of weeks, young animals can be released into a large aquarium.


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