Briton chocolate. Breed description

Among lovers of furry pets, the demand for British cats is increasing. This breed combines the best qualities of the cat family. The British are intelligent and proud, a little stubborn because of a kind of self-sufficiency and independence. In their movements visible unique grace and importance.

Brit chocolate

The British are quite affectionate and loyal to the owners. However, despite this, loneliness is calmly endured for a short time. Such a pet is a great option for a busy person.

History of the appearance of chocolate

Due to the increased interest of people in this breed, specialists began to expand the range of colors, one of the new ones is chocolate. It was obtained by the side way when breeding another breed. That is, they were not planned, but the British chocolate color received recognition among the public. Appearance and character were appreciated by lovers of fluffy.

The appearance of the British chocolate

Chocolate British are often crossed with representatives of the breed color point. The British chocolate has wool that shimmers along its entire length. Appearance is aristocratic and noble. It is proved that cats with this color have a beneficial effect on the human condition.

The Briton chocolate, due to the long and painstaking work of the breeders, became the owner of a thick and pleasant to the touch wool, which is not inferior to representatives with a blue color.

Type Features:

- short strong legs, wide chest;

- round head with wide cheekbones;

- ears are small, beautiful;

- eyes are round yellow or orange;

- the nose is the same tone as the color of the fur coat, or light chocolate (like milk chocolate).

Chocolate kittens british

The coat of the British is soft, short. As a rule, the color is uniform and saturated, without any marks or specks. Purebred representatives have an almost perfect dark brown fur coat, which makes them irresistible and very attractive. In some cases, this color is described as chestnut. Also rarely, but still called “Havana,” because it is similar to the color of the Havana cigar.


Cats are affectionate and undemanding, strongly attached to the owner, calm enough if this does not apply to food. It is important for them to receive food in the required amount on time. Chocolate British kittens can have different shades of this color. Their formation time lasts for fifteen months. A brown shade may appear, but it will go away. According to the standard for this breed, the shade may be the color of chocolate: from milk to bitter.

Withdrawal complexity

It is quite difficult to get chocolate color from British kittens. In the natural environment, a separate gene for chocolate color does not exist.

The color of a cat is affected by the presence of a coloring matter - melanin. It is in the hairs in the form of microspheres. This substance is divided into two types: eumelanin, pheomelanin. The British chocolate is obtained from the first kind. The intensity and color of the color will depend on the D gene. Saturation is affected by which of the two states the gene will be in. With a recessive condition, chocolate-colored kittens can only be obtained if it is received from both parents. That is, everyone should have a chocolate gene - this is a key condition for breeding the breed.

Briton chocolate color

The Briton chocolate combines the best features, for which he began to be in demand among breeders. Aristocracy, generosity and pride in its purest form. Despite the fact that this color appeared later, such Britons in a short time became popular and fell in love with cat owners, so much so that in popularity they overtook many brothers.


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