U6 Airlines - Ural Airlines

The passenger air transportation market is one of the most profitable areas of Russian business. In recent years, the number of charter air carriers has significantly increased in the Russian Federation. One of the oldest charters is the airline U6. Surprisingly, unlike competitors, the history of this enterprise began back in 1993.

u6 airline

The oldest Russian charter

In Russia, there are many carriers specializing in charter flights, which we discussed above. However, almost all of them started their activities in 2006 and only by 2008 were able to enter the international flights market as full-fledged players.

The U6 airline began operating in 1993. Then it was a large airline located in the city of Sverdlovsk. Severe crisis years could not pass without a trace for him, and it collapsed as a result of various problems. The actual heir has become a completely new company - Ural Airlines. This name has survived to the present day.

u6 flight airline

Like any other air carrier, this airline has many names. All of them are authentication encodings. Airline U6 - This name displays the IATO code. An ordinary passenger rarely encounters such designations, as they are professional in nature. The official name legally registered is Ural Airlines. We can say that this is the trade name, the face of the enterprise, along with the logo.

Surprisingly, it is this little-known airline that is one of the largest air carriers in Russia.


Ural Airlines has many awards. One of the most important achievements of U6 airline is considered to be a highly innovative automated system of self-registration of passengers on a flight. Places on the monitor display correspond to the actual layout of places. You can choose the most convenient on board.

u6 5007 airline

In 2016, Ural Airlines won the prestigious Wings of Russia contest. The triumph in this event automatically puts the favorite on the list of the best air carriers.

The engineering and technical services of the airline have also repeatedly taken pride of place in professional competitions.

Flights and Air Fleet

There are no airlines without their own air fleet. It must have at least one unit of air equipment. The fleet of Ural Airlines has about 38 aircraft. It is noteworthy that among them there are neither Boeings nor Superjets. Absolutely all sides are "Airbus".

Many U6 flights are international. In recent years, the list of countries to which passengers are delivered has grown significantly. Today it includes about 25 states.

Most Popular Flight

According to statistics, Russians prefer visiting countries such as Turkey and Egypt. However, the statistics we are considering are slightly different statistics. The most popular is considered a flight to Spain. This is flight U6-5007. The airline does not make this route exclusive. The level of professionalism of pilots and a team of stewards is equally high in all directions.


For air carriers, the official name is for the most part just a trade logo. For flights in mid-air and navigation, completely different names are much more important. They are usually called encodings. This company has several of them:

• U6 - domestic Russian code;

• U6 - code in the IATA system;

• SVR - code in the ICAO system.


There is such information that you must pay attention to, because it will help to prepare for possible unforeseen circumstances. U6 reviews are very diverse. Unfortunately, despite the high ratings received by Ural Airlines at many competitions, passengers leave mostly negative reviews.

What they're saying? Many travelers are unhappy that the airline often delays flights for several hours. Some are unhappy with the passenger feedback system, which works poorly. Often travelers will learn about the cancellation or rescheduling of a flight already in the waiting room. They complain that the company rarely warns about such nuances in advance. It should be borne in mind that a long flight delay will negatively affect transfers. The risk of losing a ticket is very high.

u6 airline reviews

If you look from the other side, then almost all the negative reviews were left by passengers who were only unlucky once and the flight was delayed. This can happen in any airline. Those travelers who constantly fly Ural Airlines aircraft speak very positively about this airline.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25399/

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