Craft "my favorite kindergarten." We create with children

So that parents do not get bored, now it has become fashionable to set homework not only at school, but also in kindergarten. Everyone already understands who generates ideas for crafts and comes up with what material the child will create this time. Every year the tasks become more complicated. And if earlier it was necessary to make a cute piece of art on the theme “my beloved parents” or to draw a favorite dish, today very often you need to show your imagination. One of the actual tasks for today is the craft "my favorite kindergarten." We will consider ideas on this subject today.

Making a kindergarten building

crafts in kindergarten my favorite teacher
When educators give homework to children, they already know in advance that without the help of adults, the child will not be able to cope. Parents should specify the creative impulse of their child. And the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the theme of the craft "my favorite kindergarten" is, of course, the assembly of the building model of the institution itself.

Gluing a house with children is not such a difficult task. Many are advised to start the workflow with building complex patterns. But it will be boring for children and difficult for parents, so we will bypass this stage. But cut out 4 squares will be able to any child. Then they need to be glued together to get 4 walls. The next action is to make the roof. We take the blank of the same squares that went to the walls and lengthen them by 5-6 cm. Cut out the resulting rectangles. We fix them with a triangle on the finished walls. Well, the last stage of construction is the manufacture of pediments. To do this, we take the initial blank of the square and cut it diagonally. It remains to put parts in the holes on the roof.

When the frame of the house is ready, you can begin to work out the details. It is advisable to make the layout at least partially similar to a kindergarten. Count the number of windows on each side of the building with your child and transfer them to the paper house. In the same way, the design must acquire the door. If you wish, you can detail the layout using colored pencils. Draw roof tiles on the roof, flower pots and curtains on the windows.

Making paper friends

my favorite do-it-yourself kindergarten
Every child in kindergarten communicates with someone. After all, it is here that children make their first friends. Therefore, when the teacher instructs the child to do the craft "my favorite kindergarten", parents can offer the children to design their comrades. Adults will have to cut a blank of a paper man on their own, a child can’t do it. But he can dress his friends. Shirts, pants and dresses can be cut out of colored paper, cardboard, or unnecessary trimmings of fabric. When the stylish look is ready, you can proceed to detail the face. Eyes, nose and lips should be drawn with a marker, and hair should be made of colored paper or of multi-colored woolen threads.

Making friends from disposable plates

crafts on the theme of my favorite kindergarten
If there is no time, and you need to hand over the craft tomorrow, it does not matter. There is always a way out. We will need white cardboard disposable plates. If there are none in the household, then colored plastic will do. And again we begin to make friends, but in an easier way. From paper we cut out eyes, nose and lips. If desired, they can be molded from plasticine. So our craft "my favorite kindergarten" is almost ready. It remains to detail the images of friends. For example, put on Vasya glasses or add freckles to Oleg. When such small features are taken into account, we move on to the hairstyle. It is best to make it from the remnants of yarn, but if they are not found in the house, then colored paper can be used.

Make a teacher

hobby my favorite kindergarten
For most children, kindergarten is associated with that kind aunt who plays with them, takes care of them and listens to all their problems. After all, a good teacher is first of all a friend for a child. Therefore, the manufacture of crafts on the topic "my favorite kindergarten" for some parents is not difficult. The child is already quite good at taking portraits of his mother. Therefore, to do another such work for him is not difficult. So that the article "my favorite teacher in kindergarten" does not greatly hurt the feelings of a cute woman helping your child to develop, you need to help your child in the work. First, cut a rectangle of colored paper and a circle of plain white. On a blank sheet, the child should circle his hands and cut out these "prints." Now collect the crafts. Glue a circle to the middle of the rectangle, and arms on the sides. We decorate the head of the teacher by gluing eyes and drawing a nose and lips. The finishing touch is the hairstyle. In the center, on a paper dress, a child can write thank-you words or parents can print a verse.

Improvising from papier-mâché

Well, if parents have time to think about the theme of the craft "my favorite kindergarten", which you can make with your own hands in completely different techniques, then this is great. The child will be happy to spend time with his mother, inventing the images of his friends or teacher. As a material for creativity, you can use papier-mâché. Paper gruel can be given any shape (make a house, a face, or fashion a toy). In general, there is no need to restrain your imagination. You can sculpt anything that parents or children associate with kindergarten.


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