Duration of registration of ownership of real estate. Recognition of ownership

Today we have to find out how long is the registration deadline for real estate. It is also necessary to determine what options for acquiring ownership of real estate take place in practice. What will be required in this or that case? What documents does the registration authority request at the time of issuing certificates of ownership? Where can I get the appropriate service? In fact, all this is easier to understand than it seems.

Where to register

Let's start with the simplest question. We will find out where the direct registration of property rights to real estate takes place . The timing of this service will be presented below.

term of registration of ownership of real estate

For help in the matter under study, you can contact the following bodies:

  • Cadastral Chamber;
  • Rosreestr;
  • Multifunctional Center.

Also, registration services are provided through the website of Rosreestr and on "State services". The population itself can choose where specifically to seek help.

Service time

How much in reality is the deadline for registering ownership of real estate? It is necessary to refer to current legislation to clarify the situation.

Today in Russia, the direct issuance of certificates of ownership is carried out within 10 days (from the moment a citizen applied for paper). That is exactly what the law spends on registration.

reference Information

It is important to understand that in Russia there is movable and immovable property. What is usually attributed to the second category of objects?

Real estate today is called:

  • apartments;
  • at home;
  • cottages;
  • land;
  • garages;
  • construction in progress;
  • bosom.

It is with these objects that we have to deal in the future. They are subject to mandatory registration with Rosreestr or any other registration authority. What document should the owner receive? Either a certificate of ownership of the established form, or an extract from the Unified State Register. The last paper has recently been issued to all owners of "real estate" without fail. It replaces the certificate of ownership in full. But not everyone knows about this.

recognition of ownership

Registration Guide

The deadline for registering ownership of real estate is already clear to us. Under this law, no more than 10 days are allotted for this operation. And how to ask for help in a registered body?

We'll have to follow a small guide. It will help to carry out registration of real estate on a new owner in Rosreestr or in the cadastral chamber without any problems. As already mentioned, you can apply for a service at the MFC. There is no fundamental difference in such situations.

property registration

It is necessary to act as follows:

  1. Verify ownership of real estate.
  2. Prepare a package of documents requested during registration. More details about it will be discussed later.
  3. Submit a written request for registration of ownership of the “immovable property” to any of the listed authorities. Compulsory prepared papers are attached to the application.
  4. Get a receipt of acceptance of the request.
  5. Come at the appointed time with an identity card and get proof of ownership of the property.

Usually this operation does not cause any difficulties. Registration of real estate in Rosreetra is not a hassle. A much more difficult issue is the preparation of documents and obtaining property rights to real estate. Sometimes the latter has to be proved in court.

How to get property

Now we can examine in more detail the grounds on which a person has the right to register property rights. There are a lot of them.

term of state registration of ownership

Nevertheless, there are the most common situations in practice in which you can acquire ownership rights to housing or other real estate. For example, the following layouts are possible:

  • inheritance;
  • purchase of real estate from citizens;
  • acquisition of property in a mortgage;
  • receiving gifts;
  • participation in privatization;
  • obtaining public housing with the possibility of redemption / privatization;
  • rental housing with subsequent redemption;
  • receipt of property by court decision.

In addition, real estate can be obtained from the state, purchased with subsidies, or won. In fact, everything is not so difficult. Especially if there is no need to apply to the court for recognition of property rights. A similar scenario is not too common. Usually they resort to it in case of property disputes.

What you need to register

What documents for property registration can come in handy? After a citizen has the right to receive property, it is necessary, as we have already found out, to come to Rosreestr. There, a person will be issued a certificate of ownership or an extract from the Unified State Register.

What is useful for receiving such papers? The applicant must submit:

  • statement;
  • receipt of paid duty (if necessary);
  • passport or other identification card;
  • any base document indicating ownership;
  • cadastral passport (if it comes to land or apartment / house).

If the right of ownership is registered for the child, then it will be required to present the birth certificate of the minor. Further, as we have already found out, it remains only to wait until the relevant certificate is issued. Nothing difficult or incomprehensible!

violation of the registration deadlines

During privatization

Registration of ownership of a land plot or other real estate with proper preparation does not cause any problems. But before visiting the Rosreestr, citizens need to get a basis for the emergence of property rights. About what documents you may encounter, has already been said.

Let's start with privatization. It can only be carried out by citizens who are registered on a permanent basis in one or another municipal housing. The right to privatize arises on the basis of a social housing rental agreement.

In this situation, the period of state registration of property rights as a whole will be long. The Rosreestr certificate is issued 10 days, but first citizens will have to get a privatization agreement. Without it, municipal housing will not be issued in private ownership. It usually takes 30 days to sign an agreement. You need to apply with documents for an apartment, a residence permit and a social contract of employment to the city administration.


But what about the inheritance of property? An application for registration of ownership in this case will be submitted after contacting a notary.

Inheritance is carried out either by will or by law. Within 6 months from the date of the testator’s death or the opening of a testament document, you must contact the notary’s office and write your consent to accept or refuse the inheritance.

documents for registration of property

In exchange for the agreement, the notary will issue a certificate of the established form. It will serve as confirmation of property rights to real estate. This is the basis that will come in handy when registering at the Rosreestr.


The recognition of property rights often occurs in the order of conclusion of a deed of gift. In this case, the property is transferred to the new owner during the life of the previous owner.

A deed of gift is concluded with a notary public. A deed of gift, certified by an authorized person, will be useful in the cadastral chamber. This option for the transfer of real estate in Russia is more and more common.


Another common case of receiving property is buying it. Purchase and sale can be carried out both with the help of intermediaries (special agencies), and independently.

Only adult citizens can enter into a transaction. After the operation, the new owner will have a receipt on receipt of money by the seller, as well as a certified sales contract. Without it, the cadastral chamber will not be able to confirm the existence of property rights.


Is there any liability for violation of the registration deadlines? This question worries many citizens. After all, an extract from the Unified State Register is a legally significant and important document.

It is noted that now the delay in the timing of registration of real estate in Rosreestr is commonplace. In practice, it is not possible to hold registration authorities accountable. Therefore, the only thing that remains for citizens to do is wait. And order the necessary documents in advance.


Now it’s clear what is the deadline for registering title to real estate in Russia. In addition, we figured out how to get a "real estate". No problems with these processes usually arise. Especially if it’s right to prepare for them.

registration of land ownership

An application for registration of ownership of property is submitted in 1 copy. After accepting the documents for consideration, the applicant will be issued a receipt. It will confirm the fact of processing the request and help to understand when it is possible to pick up the extract from the Unified State Register.

In reality, everything is not so difficult. If citizens have property disputes, then the court will help to solve them. The court decision (ruling) after the meeting should be referred to the Federal Registration Service. And after that the property will be registered.

If you order a certificate of the established form through the website of Rosreestr, then a notification of the readiness of the document will come by e-mail. When it comes to ordering paper through State Services, readiness is reported through the Personal Account on the portal.

Dear readers, we hope that our article has been interesting and useful for you.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25401/

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