Where is it warm in May? Find out!

May is precisely the spring month that can please us with warmth, a riot of green colors and a pleasant vacation somewhere in nature. But after such a long winter and exhausting cold, I already want to go somewhere to the seas, where the heat in May already warming tourists at full speed.

Moreover, this month is famous for a large number of holidays that can be spent with benefit for the soul and body. So let's figure it out together where it is warm in May, which resort is best to go to. As you know, there are plenty to choose from.

where it is warm in may
Perhaps the most popular among Russians are resorts in Egypt and Turkey. This is not surprising, because they are famous for their high-quality service, clean sea and nice staff, and all this for minimal money. Thus, in response to the question of where it is warm in April-May, you can safely call Egypt to Turkey. At this time of year you can already spend your holidays and weekends.


Those who like to soak in warm water will prefer the climate of Egypt, where the sea is warmer in May by about two degrees than in Turkey. Accordingly, the air temperature is also higher. Of course, the difference seems insignificant, but for those who endure heat poorly, even one or two degrees play a big role. It is understandable, because the consequences can be very unpleasant.

where the sea is warmer in may

Where is the heat in early May? Of course, in Turkey. The climate here is milder. Here the thermometer shows about 26 degrees. But just such a temperature is considered the most comfortable for a person to relax. But the evenings in Turkey are cool enough, so when going for a walk, do not forget to grab a jacket or a warm sweater.


Holidays in Thailand will cost you an order of magnitude more expensive than in Egypt and Turkey, but you can get a lot of impressions here, especially if your hobby is windsurfing. It is in May that ocean riots and tropical showers begin, which contribute to successful surfing.


If extreme sports are not your element, then the Moroccan resort of Agadir, which is famous for its clean golden sands and warm, gentle sea, is an ideal option for relaxation. The air temperature will delight you with a mark of 27 degrees.

where it is warm in April May


If passive lying on the beach is not the goal of your vacation, then Montenegro will be a good option. This is the resort where it is warm in late May. Good weather promotes active bathing, and also makes it possible to expand your horizons, thanks to interesting excursions.


Tunisia is a resort where the heat in May has not yet fully settled, so it is advisable to come here in June. Then the water warms up more, and the wind subsides.

Cyprus and Greece

In these resorts, the season opens in May. True, the sea is still cool, and you are unlikely to swim, but do not forget that you can visit many interesting places here. Children will also find it interesting and fun to wander through the ancient ruins and places they read about in books.


Israel is just two in one for those who want to combine a beach holiday with active walks. The air temperature in May ranges from 25 to 30 degrees, and there are plenty of interesting places.

where it is warm at the end of may


In Bulgaria, the beach season also begins in May, but the water is still not warming enough for a comfortable swim. The air temperature here is similar to Russian in May - 20 degrees.


Those who want to not only relax, but also improve their health, can go to Jordan. There is a dead sea in this country . Its medicinal properties are famous all over the world. The weather in Jordan is excellent in May: the warm sun has already warmed both land and water. Having visited this country, you can not only get plenty of fun, heal, but also get rich culturally by ordering excursions to ancient monuments. It is also worth visiting the caves and admire the coral reefs.


Booking a tour in Europe in May will be a great solution, because itโ€™s not so hot yet, which means it will be easier to get around by bus. Moreover, walking in the city in the spring is more pleasant than in the summer, because nature only comes to life, everything around is green and pleasing to the eye. The selection of countries that you can visit is huge. France, Italy, Portugal, Germany, Spain ... In general, choose a route to your liking.

Czech Republic and Poland. To spend a pleasant time here, you will not need so much money, but you will certainly get pleasure from what you see. Be careful and take care of booking the tour early, because usually there are a lot of people who want to go there in May.


Mauritius is just a paradise for those who love impressions and exoticism. There you will get exactly a lot of impressions. What is an active volcano constantly erupting lava! And how many diverse exotic dishes you can try here. The weather in Mauritius is quite comfortable, it is warm here, and there are practically no winds.

where it is warm in early May


Seychelles are picturesque islands bordered by turquoise water. This is a wonderful corner of the globe, where the sea is warmer in May than anywhere else. And the air temperature is 27 degrees. If you are a wealthy person, the Seychelles will offer you a truly paradise holiday in upscale hotels with their own beaches. Expensive pleasure, of course, but it's worth it, believe me.


Just in May, Buddhaโ€™s birthday is celebrated on a grand scale in Asian countries. And it is accompanied by noisy events and fun. This is very interesting, so you will not regret it if you visit Nepal, China or South Korea for the May holidays.

Now you know where it is warm in May. This means that you can decide for yourself where to go to relax. The choice, as you may have noticed, is wide enough.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25409/

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