What does the flag of Belgium look like and what does it mean?

This country is located near Germany. Her official banner is surprisingly similar to German, but its meaning is completely different. Let's see what the flag of Belgium looks like, what is the meaning behind it.

What does the flag of Belgium look like?

Modern look

The state flag is an important symbol of the Kingdom. It has a rectangular shape, and the length refers to the width in the proportion of fifteen to thirteen. For civilian purposes, a slightly different flag is used. His proportion of length to width is three to two. All this is perfectly permissible under the constitution. The royal court has its own version of the banner - with a proportion of four to three. Thus, by the way the flag of Belgium looks , you can understand exactly who uses it - an administrative institution, private individuals or a monarch. The cloth is covered with three vertical stripes. Starting to list from the pole, it should be called black, gold and red.

Appearance story

The flag of Belgium, photos of which every traveler in Europe saw, appeared long ago. The modern version was recognized back in 1831, when the panel was approved after the Belgian revolution. Then the territory gained independence from the Netherlands. The Belgian kingdom appeared, which used tricolor.

The choice of colors is associated with revolutionaries from Brabant who fought for independence in 1798. An attempt to give the country sovereignty failed, but was not forgotten - their struggle greatly influenced the history of the region. The cloth under which the rebels from Brabant spoke was covered with horizontal stripes - gold, black and red. After the revolution, the interim government decided to change the direction to vertical, as well as slightly change the order of the bands. Two weeks after the creation of the flag, it was approved by the constitution. The way the flag of Belgium looks now, is no different from the view adopted in the nineteenth century.

Flag of Belgium, photo

Other panels

There are several types of banners (in addition to the official). For example, the government flag is similar to the civil one, but at the same time it is supplemented with an emblem - on the golden strip are images of the crown and a lion standing on its hind legs. Such a state option was approved in 1950, before that it was used in the Navy. Now the sailors are using a white canvas with the cross of St. Andrew. At the top of the pole is an image of a crown and black crossed cannons, and below them is an anchor. Length refers to width in a proportion of three to four.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E2541/

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