Solar mole repellers: reviews (photos)

Moles who settled on a summer cottage can cause significant harm and cause a lot of problems to the owners. Of course, these animals do not eat the underground parts of cultivated plants. However, making many holes, they spoil the roots very much, which inevitably leads to crop losses. Therefore, the owners have to take urgent measures to rid the site of these uninvited guests. Very often, such modern equipment is used as solar-powered mole repellers . Reviews about devices of this type are rather controversial. However, their effectiveness is noted by many owners of suburban areas.

solar powered mole repellers reviews

Mole lifestyle

These animals inhabit and, accordingly, dig holes in the upper fertile soil layer (not deeper than 20 cm). Their moves are usually very branched, and therefore it is quite difficult to catch a mole in some kind of trap. These animals breed in the spring. The female nurses the offspring only about a month and a half. After this, young moles begin adulthood, usually not far from their parental possessions. That is why in a short time, these animals can simply fill the cottage area.

The physiological feature of moles is not only blindness, but also sensitivity to ultrasound. Man, as you know, does not hear him. For the mole, he is a very unpleasant, frightening phenomenon. It is on this feature of animal physiology that the work of modern ultrasonic repellers is based.

solar powered mole repeller reviews

Is it worth using?

How effective can solar powered mole repellers be ? Reviews about them are basically good, since their use is really considered one of the best methods of getting rid of annoying diggers. In order to expel moles, in principle, a variety of methods can be used. However, if you read the posts of users on the forums of summer residents, most of them bring almost no result. Moles are usually impossible to survive with unpleasant odors or rattles. The most effective way to get rid of them, most summer residents consider traps. However, this technique is very labor intensive and time consuming. Catching a mole, as already mentioned, is quite difficult.

mole repellers solar-powered photo

Therefore, many summer residents and buy repellers with ultrasound, hoping to expel these animals without much effort and quickly. In many cases, such a tool is quite effective. But, judging by the reviews of summer residents, unfortunately, also not always. The effectiveness of such devices depends mainly on the type of soil and the correct installation. Also, when buying a repeller of this type, many owners of suburban areas are advised to pay attention to the brand of the manufacturer.

Device Design Reviews

Ease of use - this is what, according to most summer residents, is distinguished by a solar-powered mole repeller . Feedback on such devices is positive, including for its ergonomic design. Outwardly, this trap looks like a big mushroom with a long leg. The latter is pointed at the bottom so that it is more convenient to stick it into the ground. The solar battery itself is mounted in the “hat” . Such mole repellers have earned good reviews of summer residents, including due to the presence of this particular element.

Devices for this purpose of the old model are powered by batteries. The latter are often designed for a rather long period (from 3 to 6 months), but still have to spend money and time to replace them. The solar battery, unlike the usual one, allows not to recall the existence of repellers at all. And both in the summer and in the winter. The case of an ultrasonic repeller is usually made of durable moisture-resistant plastic, capable of withstanding severe temperature changes.

solar powered mole repeller

The installation of such equipment as a mole repeller on solar batteries is not difficult either. Instructions for using the devices are extremely simple. The device should be unpacked and screw its “leg” to the “hat”. Then the repeller sticks into the ground in the right place.

Job reviews

A good opinion about devices of this type has developed mainly among those summer residents in whose areas the land is quite loose. Plot owners with dense soil often note the fact that the ultrasonic repeller does not make any impression on moles. The reason for this is the principle of operation of the device. Krotov ultrasound repels unambiguously. However, unlike the usual sound heard by a person, he is completely unable to penetrate dense soil.

solar powered mole repeller

Thus, it can be concluded that solar-powered ultrasonic mole repellers (photos of which are on the page) should be bought only for areas with loose earth. For clay soils, such devices are not very well suited. However, they can act in this case. On heavy soils (and on light ones) it is recommended to stick them directly into the mole hole. Ultrasound travels very well along the way.

Solar panels

Some summer residents note that such devices are not suitable for central Russia. Allegedly, there is not enough light to recharge them. However, most landowners, on the contrary, believe that sunny days for such a repeller in our country are quite enough. In this case, it all depends on the design and quality of the battery of the device.

When buying a device such as a solar powered mole repeller, be sure to pay attention to the manufacturer. You should not buy equipment from dubious companies, especially those made in China. The best today are repellers released in Europe and Russia. About what reviews are available about some of the most famous brands of such devices, and we will talk further.

solar powered mole repeller thunder pros led

The opinion of summer residents about the Solar models

According to many summer residents, quite effective solar-powered mole repellers are produced under this brand. Reviews about the Solar models are good primarily because after their installation the animals really disappear from the site within a month and a half, as stated by the manufacturer. To the advantages of this brand, many summer residents also include the presence under the “hat”, inside the “legs”, behind the transparent plastic of the LED bulb. Going out into the courtyard at night, it is simply impossible to stumble upon the Solar mushroom stuck into the ground. Solar panels are installed quality. Judging by the reviews of summer residents, there are no problems with recharging them. Having stood one day in the sun, Solar can work without problems for the next three cloudy days.

The disadvantage of the Solar-powered mole repeller Solar, according to truckers, is only one. This is its high cost. For one repeller alone you have to pay about 3200-3300 rubles. On a plot of ten acres, 3-4 such “mushrooms” are needed, since the radius of action (650 m 2 ) of these models, like any other ultrasound, is limited.

Reviews about the devices "Thunder-Profi LED"

This is another brand that has earned the recognition of Russian summer residents. The area of ​​action of the solar-powered mole-killer “Thunder-Profi LED” is slightly larger than “Solar” - 700 m 2 . Summer residents include not only work efficiency, but also a good build quality. Due to the presence of rubber gaskets, neither rain water nor steam can get into this device during fog. LED backlighting is also present in this model. The Grom-Profi device is a little cheaper than the Solar - about 3,000 rubles.

solar powered mole repeller

Russian model "Ecosniper SM-153": reviews

According to domestic owners of suburban areas, this model is just perfect for lawns. Of course, many install such repellers in gardens. Some summer residents have been using Ecosniper for quite some time (3-4 years each) and are quite happy with the result. Devices of this brand are only about 1,500 rubles.

As you can see, good repellers of moles on solar panels received reviews not in vain. In most cases, they are pretty good at their job. This is especially true for areas with light soil. But, of course, a guaranteed result can be obtained only by using a not too cheap device from a well-known manufacturer.


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