Classic writers and an example of artistic style

art style example
Any work of classical literature is an example of an artistic style. Her task was expressed in rhyme by Alexander Pushkin - to “encourage” “feelings” with his “lyre”. A characteristic feature of fiction is that its plot is “launched” by the author in a special world re-created by him with the help of created images. Indeed, the artistic style is that “lyre” that presents to the reader’s imagination a special, figurative representation of life.

Among the writers there are real virtuosos. Enthusiastic critics call their works "poetry in prose." So wrote Turgenev and Gogol. They provided an impressive authoring arsenal of artistic means with each of its own text of an artistic style. An example is the Gogol's description of the Dnieper, presented by him in “Terrible Revenge”. The author acts on the psyche, emotions through the use of words in a figurative meaning (paths and stylistic figures). Allegories, hyperbole (exaggeration), epithets (representation in the image), litots (understatement), metaphors (comparison), personifications (the judgment of the inanimate as a person) are referred to paths. An example of an artistic style, an obvious hyperbole, for example, can be seen in the statement that not every bird can fly to the middle of the Dnieper. But then - what an artistic power is felt here! Stylistic figures are another type of verbal construction. This concept includes anaphora and epiphora (enhancing the repetition of words at the beginning and end of the text, respectively), antithesis (opposition), asindeton and polysyndeton (non-union and multi-union), oxymoron (comparison of the incomparable).

artistic style of speech examples of texts
The poet implements the artistic style through poetry, the playwright - drama, the writer - prose. At the same time, as mentioned above, the “re-created” world invariably bears an “author's” imprint. After all, we see the story through the eyes of the author, we are presented with his assessment of events, characteristics of people, assumptions, thoughts.

Recall another artistic style that can be described as mixed. It is based on the literary, but has significant differences. This is an art style of speech. Examples of texts for it use shorter phrases, the use of local slang, dialectisms is encouraged. It focuses directly on listeners and is highly emotional. Russian classic, our contemporary, Victor Pelevin brilliantly presents the scene of such a speech on behalf of his character - Chapaev in the stage of his speech before being sent to the front (the novel "Chapaev and Void"). Instead of lengthy speeches about the attitude to the service, Pelevinsky Vasily Ivanovich expressively expressed: “There is no need to tar! ... you will experience it yourself! ” An example of an artistic style is convincing with colloquial melody, gesturing with chopped movements, uniform torso turns to the listeners left and right. His words include archaisms and jargon, as close as possible to the minds of workers, they reflect what they want to hear.

art style text example
Artistic style has another characteristic feature - a specifically-shaped representation. By means of it, by illuminating the private, in fact, features that have a broad, generic community are illuminated. On the basis of similarity, a capacious characterization of deep social phenomena and processes is given. As an example of the artistic style in the comedy "The Inspector General" through the images of the city mayor, judge, postmaster, trustee of charitable institutions, the corruption characteristic of the entire provincial government of Russia of the 18th century is presented.


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