Economy Options For May Holidays Travel

The abundance of holidays falling in the first half of May gives many people a small rehearsal for their holidays. Planning a large-scale long trip for this period is somewhat problematic, but to go on a mini-tour is exactly what you need.

The most economical, simple and yet incredibly interesting travel format for the May holidays is a trip to the cities of Russia. The undisputed favorite at this time is the northern capital. Severe weather conditions by this time completely give up their positions, and the city becomes especially hospitable. Almost any mini-hotel in Petersburg during this period provides opportunities for comfortable living at affordable prices. There are plenty of entertainments in May for guests of the northern capital. During this period, the long-awaited season of water trips along the Neva begins. The unforgettable landscapes of St. Petersburg from the water look even more impressive and make an indelible impression on any visitor to the city. May 9 in the northern capital is a traditional spectacular parade with the participation of military equipment. In addition, in May, the world famous Peterhof fountains begin their work. The last spring month is an ideal time for excursions in the palaces of St. Petersburg and its environs.

Another ideal option for an unforgettable May vacation is a trip to the Baltic countries. In cities like Tallinn hotels combine the European level of service with affordable rates for accommodation. Since Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia are located relatively close to Russia, the cost of the trip is negligible. May holidays - the period in which preparations for the beach season in the Baltic resorts begin. At this time, coastal cities are especially attractive for tourists due to mild weather and the first gentle sunshine. The ancient cities of the Baltic states retain a medieval flavor and will not leave indifferent any tourist, thanks to their spectacular architecture, numerous museums and cultural institutions. During a trip to the Baltic countries on May holidays, you can provide yourself with the most intense and varied excursion program.

The right approach to organizing travel during the May holidays is a great way to escape from the daily routine and gain new experiences.


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