How to bind to the "KS: GO" keys?

"KS: GO" is the most popular team shooter today. It is played by millions of gamers around the world, so you should also try your hand if you have not already done so. But even if you have already started playing, you should think about your competitiveness. The fact is that this is a very competitive project, and you will have to train a lot to achieve success. However, training alone will not be enough, you also need to learn some small tricks that do not violate the general rules of the game, but at the same time make your life much easier. For example, binds.

From this article you will find out what it is generally like to bind in “KS: GO” and why it should be done. Do not worry, this is not too difficult, and you can do it once, and then use it constantly. So, it's time to learn how to bind in "KS: GO".

how to bind in cs go

What is a bind?

If you have been playing computer games for a long time, especially in multiplayer versions, then you should already know what binds are. But if not, it will be quite simple to explain. A bind is the assignment of a specific key to perform a specific function. In this game, in most cases, the keys to buy one type of weapon or another are bind, so as not to waste time opening the purchase menu, scrolling through the list of available weapons, choosing what interests you, then separately buying cartridges, grenades and so on.

With binds, you can make all purchases with a few keystrokes, so you should understand that for the effectiveness of the game you should learn how to bind in “KS: GO”. First, you will find out exactly where to do this, and then get acquainted with the standard form of binders. And then you will never have questions about how to bind in “KS: GO”.

bindim buttons in cs go

Where to register a bind?

So, you said to yourself: “Bindim buttons in“ KS: GO ”!”, But where exactly is this to be done? The fact is that you can register all those teams that we are going to talk about in the game console. But at the same time they will be used only during the current game session. When you turn off “KS: GO” and then run it again, you will have to re-enter the commands. How to solve this? To do this, in the folder with the game you need to find the configuration file config.cfg, which must be opened using a text editor, for example, Notepad. After that, you can safely write the commands that you want to activate each time you start the game.

The convenience of this method lies not only in the fact that you do not have to register commands and binds every time you start the game, but also in the fact that you can write this file to external media and take it with you to use your config on other computers . Now you are ready to learn how to bind buttons in “KS: GO”.

how to bind buttons in cs go

Bind format

Here, everything is quite simple, since the same format is used in each individual case. Firstly, the command itself is called bind, and you need to write it first. After that, you need to specify the name of the key that you want to use (if there are spaces in the name, you need to replace them with underscore). After that, you should open the quotation marks, which will mean the beginning of the command itself. Well, inside the quotation marks, you can register any command that interests you.

As mentioned earlier, in this game the purchase of weapons is usually bind, so almost always the contents of the quotes will look like a combination of the buy command and the name of the weapon (spaces are also replaced by underscores). That's all, now when you press the key you selected in the game, you will activate the team that you yourself have registered. So now you know how to band commands in "KS: GO".

Bind Examples

To make sure that you have learned the material, you are offered several examples of binds. For example, the bind f6 “buy flashbang” command means that when you press the F6 key, you will get a blinding grenade. As already mentioned, bind can not only be purchased: the bind kp_enter "use weapon_flashbang" command allows you to use a blinding grenade when you press Enter.


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