Mount Rushmore. Presidents on Mount Rushmore

Mount Rushmore is by far one of the most famous and popular attractions in the United States. According to statistics, about three million tourists from different cities and countries visit this national memorial annually. For the Americans themselves, the giant stone bas-relief has become a kind of symbol, reminiscent of the principles on which their state was created.

Location of Mount Rushmore

Mount Rushmore

Of course, many people are aware of the existence of rocks with giant sculptures. But where is Mount Rushmore? The memorial is located in the US state of South Dakota, near the city of Kingston. This giant bas-relief was carved on a granite rock in the Black Hills massif.

A few historical facts about the area

where is mount rushmore

Interestingly, before the colonization of American territories, this mountain range and the surrounding land belonged to the Lakota Indians. In 1868, the United States even signed a peace treaty with the local population, according to which the lands remained in the possession of the Indians. But in 1874 gold was discovered here, after which the government demanded that the indigenous people be resettled on the reservation. So in 1876 the Great Sioux War began, which ended in the defeat of the Indians.

Where did the name of the mountain come from?

At a time when the Indians were the owners of these lands, the mountain bore a different name - Six forefathers. But in 1885, the famous American businessman Charles Rushmore arrived in this area with an expedition.

In 1930, the government decided to rename the mountain, calling it the name of the famous freight forwarder - this is how Mount Rushmore appeared in the United States. By the way, Mr. Rushmore once allocated five thousand dollars to create a sculpture. At that time, such a donation was considered simply huge.

How did the idea of ​​creating a memorial come about?

In fact, the idea of ​​creating such a monument is by no means new. For example, in 1849, Senator Thomas Hart Benton proposed making a huge sculpture of Christopher Columbus in the Rocky Mountains.

Nevertheless, the famous historian Doan Robinson is considered the father of Mount Rushmore. It was he who in 1923 made a proposal to knock out several monumental sculptures on the territory of the mountain range to attract tourists. Naturally, his idea looked a little different, since he proposed to portray the heroes of the Wild West.

The historian shared his idea with the famous sculptor Hudson Borglum. And already in 1924 they went together to the Black Hills to explore the area. Nevertheless, Borglum agreed to lead the project only if the people on Mount Rushmore are not just a tourist attraction, but a symbol of the creation of a large state. The personalities chosen should have significance for every resident of the country. So Mount Rushmore tidied up its "face." By the way, discussions about the choice of famous figures have been going on for quite some time.

Mount Rushmore: Presidents and Their Role in State Development

presidents on mount rushmore

Each of the political figures, whose appearance is carved in the rock, during his reign has managed not only to leave a mark on history, but also to make the country stronger.

For example, the first president, George Washington, is one of the most iconic figures in state history. After all, it was he who led the struggle of the American colonies and declared war on Great Britain. Largely thanks to him, the new country achieved such a coveted independence. In addition, President Washington laid the foundation for the development of American democracy. Many believe that it is his face that is the most important figure on the rock.

The second sculpture is the face of Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States, author of the Declaration of Independence. In addition, during the reign of this president, the country's territory almost doubled. For example, in 1803 he acquired Louisiana, and then annexed several more states.

No less famous is Abraham Lincoln - the sixteenth president of the United States. It is difficult to overestimate his services to the state, because it was he who began the struggle for the abolition of slavery in the United States. Moreover, this man managed to restore the unity of the country after a difficult civil war.

The last was chosen by Theodore Roosevelt, who throughout his career struggled with large monopolies, trying to secure the rights of the working class, and also played an important role in the project to build the Panama Canal.

As you can see, the presidents on Mount Rushmore really managed to leave an indelible mark on world history and in the heart of every American.

How was the construction work?

mount rushmore in the usa

In fact, the creation of such a large monument required not only great skill and experience, but also some innovations in the construction industry. After all, the length of the face of any of the presidents is about 18 meters, and they are located on top of the cliff. Thanks to the mass of innovations, Mount Rushmore was not only a sensation for tourists and historians, it was also actively discussed in the scientific community.

Construction work began in 1927. By the way, at that time Mr. Borglum, who led the project, was already 60 years old. Creating a bas-relief in such conditions was very difficult. At first, the workers carved giant boulders in the rock - these were blanks for the heads. After that, the rock around the blocks exploded with dynamite. And then sharper contours were created using wedges, sledgehammers and pneumatic hammers.

Mount Rushmore with the faces of four esteemed US presidents has been created for 14 years. During this time, more than 360 tons of rocks were removed from the territory of this massif. About one million dollars was spent on the creation of the Memorial, which at that time was a sky-high sum. And, fortunately, not a single person was injured during the construction, despite the really harsh and dangerous working conditions.

Opening of the monument and completion of construction

faces on mount rushmore

Since sculptures were created gradually, they were opened in turn. For example, the public was able to see the face of President Washington for the first time in 1934 - the grand opening took place on the fourth of July. And two years later, in 1936, President Franklin Roosevelt appeared at the celebration of the opening of the statue of Thomas Jefferson.

The sculpture of Abraham Lincoln was discovered in 1937, namely on September 17, when the whole country celebrated the 150th anniversary of the signing of the Constitution. And after another two years, tourists could already admire the fully finished bas-relief. By the way, in the same 1939, a night lighting system was installed on the territory of the National Memorial.

For another two years, work continued on the creation of the monument. After all, it is no secret that the Hudson Borglum was going to enlarge the sculptures. But, unfortunately, in March 1941, the famous sculptor dies. At the time, the management of the work took over his son Lincoln. But in connection with the upcoming participation of the country in World War II, they decided to stop work. On October 31, 1941, the National Memorial was solemnly declared completed.

Tourism on the territory of the national memorial

mount rushmore usa

Not everyone knows that tourism is the second largest source of income for South Dakota. Mount Rushmore (USA) was created primarily to attract tourists. And she continues to fulfill her mission to this day.

Every year, an average of three million tourists visit the National Memorial, which, of course, has a positive effect on the state budget. Around the mountain there are many other attractions that are really interesting to see.

In addition, the National Park, on the territory of which the mountain is located, is one of the largest and most famous centers of sports climbing in the world. Of course, it is forbidden to engage in this sport in the area where the sculptures are located, but most of the mountain range is open to visitors.

Other interesting sights

mount rushmore presidents

Near the rock there is the Lincoln Borglum Center and a museum that all tourists are offered to visit. On its territory there are two large audiences, where they broadcast films about the creation of Mount Rushmore. Nearby there is a Sculptor Studio where you can look at various models of the monument (including its initial version), as well as the tools with which the construction was carried out.

Another attraction is the so-called Flag Avenue, which is surrounded on all sides by the official banners of different states, regions and territories of the United States. By the way, they are arranged in alphabetical order. The alley is connected to the presidential path and a panoramic terrace.

On the territory of the National Memorial, the traditional village of the Lakota Indians was also recreated, which at one time owned these lands. Here, tourists are offered to get acquainted with the lifestyle, traditions and life of the indigenous population.


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