A small autumn tree made of beads: a diagram, a description, a master class for beginners

Beadwork always looks very beautiful. In the light of the sun, small beads sparkle and sparkle. Therefore, the craftswomen love various products from this material. And also the Chinese sages believe that the presence of a small golden tree in the house is to wealth and prosperity. We will learn how to make the simplest autumn tree from beads, so that money and joy will increase in your home.

beaded autumn tree

By learning how to make basic details, you can practice and perform a real masterpiece. Working with this material is very simple and easy. There are many ways to make an autumn tree from beads. The master class in this article will be aimed at the maximum explanation of the main stages and elements necessary to create a composition.

Necessary materials

Any work begins with preparation. Consider what materials and tools will be needed for any tree.

1. Beads. Naturally, for the autumn version, appropriate colors are needed. Shades of red, orange and burgundy will be beautifully combined. Then your item will appear gold. Be sure to buy several colors to emphasize grace. Solid wood will look beautiful only in composition with other elements.

As for which one to choose beads, there is also no difference. It all depends on your imagination. From a glass bead, large and small beads, you can make a beautiful autumn tree from beads. Schemes of different variations will be given in today's workshop.

2. The wire. You will need a base for your tree. In modern stores you can find a variety of wire colors. Classical is copper. If you have one, use it. And so you can buy any that is suitable in order to make an autumn tree from beads.

The thickness of the wire should be medium. Too thin will not hold the shape, the leaves bend under the weight of the beads. And with a thick one it’s very hard to work. Ultimately, you should get a trunk that still needs to be fixed.

3. The basis for the tree. This can be a bonsai pot, a piece of wood, or any other suitable item on which to place the product.

4. Round-nose pliers. In the process, you will have to twist a lot of wire. At first, while the branches are narrow, it will be convenient for you to work with your hands, but later, when you start collecting thicker branches, you will not be able to tighten the wire tightly without a tool. You can use pliers, but there is a risk to bite a twig, so it is recommended to take all the same pliers.

Simple round leaflets

We begin any small autumn tree from beads. Scheme, description of the leaflets are presented below. We offer several different options. Choose the one that best suits your idea. So, the first option is simple round leaflets.

The diagram is presented in the following figure.

autumn beaded tree master class

We start weaving with a set of beads. For one leaflet, you need to dial from 7 to 13 beads. For example, 9. Connect the ends so that the circle is closed. Twist the wire. On the same principle, make 6 more circles.

Start picking a twig. Connect them one by one, spinning the wire. It should be like this:

autumn tree bead scheme

Now collect the small branches into large ones. To do this, twist three of these branches. You can make them in different shades so that the picture becomes lively.

how to make an autumn tree from beads

Thus, the simplest autumn bead tree for beginners is assembled. Consider how else you can collect leaves.

Simple large bead leaves

If you want to create an unusual graceful autumn tree from beads, but do not have experience for this, we suggest you buy beautiful large beads and use them. Collect the leaves according to the scheme shown in the following picture:

autumn bead tree for beginners

First, pass one bead, twist it. Then everyone else. Gather in a twig, alternating one after another.

Full round leaf

If the previous options seem very simple to you, we will offer you a more interesting outline of the leaflet. It is formed in a circle and is suitable for mountain ash, acacia, maple or other similar trees. To get started, dial 5 beads and make 2 curls.

small autumn bead tree outline description

Type 12 more beads on one side of the wire.

round leaf

Swipe them in a circle and fasten on the other side.

finished round leaf

A complete round leaf is ready. Next, follow the already outlined scheme. Leaflets are combined in a twig of 6 pieces one at a time.

Long leaf

Autumn bead tree can be green, brown or any other. We bring to your attention the last version of the branch with full leaves. This method is not very fast, because each leaf needs to be carefully collected. First, we give a diagram.


  1. Put 1 bead on the wire. The second end, moving towards the first, stretch through it.
  2. Put the next two beads on one side. Again the second end of the wire towards the first end and stretch through the beads. Tighten.
  3. Repeat step 2 for the remaining beads, following the pattern. The last again should be one bead. Twist the wire.

You have an elongated leaf. Make 9 more of these and collect them in a twig.

long leaf

Collect the tree

When you have made a sufficient number of branches, it is necessary to collect the autumn tree from beads completely. Please note that no matter what leaves you made, the assembly method is always the same.

We take a full branch and divide its wire into two parts.

collect branches

Connect each of the halves to the other half of the barrel and tighten them tightly with pliers. Do not make too large a distance between the branches, try to create a compact tree. Twist the wire as much as possible so that it does not unwind and pop out anywhere.

At the end, collect everything into a single trunk. Twist well again.

form the trunk

You can form a root system. After you have formed the trunk of the required length (10-12 cm), again divide the wire first into 3-4 thick branches, and each of them into smaller ones.

root system

Base Mount

We examined how to make an autumn tree from beads. Only the final stage remained - fixing to the base. If you made the root system, then you can use the ends of the wire to fix it on a stone or a pot under bonsai.

A thick trunk can be inserted into a hole made on a wooden plank. Pour in glue there for strength. Throw small stones on top or lay out decorative moss.

fasten the trunk based

Your first bead autumn tree is ready. Do not be afraid to experiment and change the set standards. This is your work and your imagination. Change colors, number of beads or their sizes. Try to make a similar money tree. You will find the necessary material in any hardware store. We hope that the master class was useful and helped you learn the basics of bead weaving.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25445/

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