How to make a store in Minecraft - we build buildings!

So, when you’ve already mastered a little in the game, you have to think from time to time how to make money on the server. Then the question comes to mind: "How to make a store at Minecraft? Can this be done?" Let's try to deal with you in this difficult matter.

how to make a minecraft store

Become businessmen

Well, you have long wanted to start making good money on the server, but did not know how to do this? Do you have a lot of extra resources that you feel sorry for just getting rid of? Then let's talk with you how to make a store in Minecraft. With it, you can easily sell extra items and resources. True, you have to sweat a little.

Before you start building, think carefully about how many and what resources you plan to sell. The more you want to "fuse", the more trouble you will have. After all, for each "transaction" you need to build your own items. What kind? You will need tablets and chests. But there was still something left. At Minecraft, a store requires some mental ability. Let's see which ones.


So, if you are thinking about how to make a store in Minecraft, then, in addition to having to “equip” it, you will have to stock up on a considerable amount of knowledge. The point is that you need to know the id-items and materials that you will put up for sale.

minecraft store

The fact is that building your own store in Minecraft is not only an architectural process, but also a computer one. Have to program a little bit. So look at the official website of the game, where you can find a complete list of id items and materials. Now it makes no sense to list them - it takes about 10-15 pages. Instead, let's better discuss how to make a Minecraft store when you already have all the necessary knowledge. If you remember, then we need chests and tablets. They will also have to craft. Now we will see how this is done.


So, our showcases will be the so-called chests that are crafted in the game. They are quite roomy - in one such "box" is placed 27 units of the resource. But how to make them?

In order for you to get a single chest, you will have to collect wood. Since in the game world of Minecraft there are 6 different "varieties" of wood, then you have to choose one and create the item you need from it. For one single chest, any variety in the amount of 8 pieces is suitable. After you assemble the boards from the tree, just combine them. The result is a box-display case.

But what if you need to place more than 23 units of one resource, and you are reluctant to arrange 100 boxes each? In this situation, you will have to craft double chests. How to do it? Just create two single, and then put them side by side. They themselves will unite and turn into a single whole. After that, you can safely use the necessary amount of this item in order to build a store. But besides the boxes you have to take special boards.

how to make a store in minecraft


In order to make your store work, you will have to stock up with special signs. They will help you realize the idea. But what is needed for this? It is impossible to find this item in the game world - only create it yourself. Let's try.

In order to get a wooden plate, you only need sticks and boards. Finding these common resources will be quite simple. So just combine one stick with 6 boards, and you get three output plates. After that, it is worth starting the work of our store.

Put the chests in the places you want. After that, put the necessary objects inside, and put a sign next to it. The first line should be skipped. On the second write the number of goods sold (or purchased). The third line is the ratio of goods. Here, first write the price for which the sale takes place, and through the colon - the number at which you buy materials. The last line is the id of the item. This is where the special Minecraft table will help you. That's all. Now you know how to make a store in Minecraft.


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