Common Arrowsman: use in cooking and medicine

The common archer is popularly called the swamp. This plant adorns the waters off the banks of rivers and other bodies of water. But in addition to the fact that the swamp serves as a worthy decoration of the lakes, it is suitable for food, as well as used for medical purposes.

Common Arrowsman: description of the plant

Marshland belong to the family of chastuhovye. The plant is perennial. From the name "arrowhead" it becomes clear that it differs in pointed leaflets resembling arrowheads. During flowering, he releases several small flowers of white color. Flowering usually occurs in July or August. Pollinated by all kinds of insects, as well as snails. The plant grows off the coast in water and forms abundant thickets. Sometimes it can go to a depth of 5 meters, but in this case the arrowhead does not bloom, but has only leaves that do not come to the surface. By winter, the leaves and stems die off, but the root in the form of a tuber winters successfully; the next year a young common arrow-shoot grows.

Arrowsman ordinary

The habitat of the plant is Asia and almost all of Europe. But the marshland does not grow in fast rivers. Often it is used for decorative purposes in the design of ponds, since it originally looks like an independent plant and harmoniously combines with other species.

Growing marshland

In order to successfully grow this plant, he needs to create conditions. The common archer is well received in stagnant water. This plant is able to grow on land in the absence of a reservoir, but for this it needs constant hydration. It is also better to organize muddy soil for the bog. But, in addition to this, he prefers open shaded areas. The plant can be planted with seeds or in the spring to divide tubers and planted 12 cm below the water level.

ordinary marksman description

Cooking Application

This plant belongs to food crops, but in the summer, the common arrowhead is not suitable for consumption. You need to collect nodules in autumn and spring at a time when they form underground.

The plant has a pleasant taste, so it can be combined with other products. It can be baked with meat. But before cooking, it is boiled in salted water, after which the peel is cleaned from it. For convenience, the product is cut.

Fresh nodules to taste may resemble a nut, but their aftertaste is slightly bitter. After heat treatment, they change their taste characteristics and bitterness disappears. Also, in the finished form, the arrowhead can resemble a potato, since it contains a lot of starch and protein. In addition, it is worth noting that the bog is rich in vitamins A, C, E, B.

The benefits of marshland

The common shooter is used not only in cooking, but also in folk medicine. For treatment, both a fresh plant and a dried one are used. Rhizomes of the marshland have astringent, tonic properties. So, it is effectively used for diseases of the intestines or stomach.

common arrowhead habitat

Arrow leaf extract is used as an effective antifungal and antitumor agent.

With erysipelas, you can use fresh leaves of the plant. They need to be applied to damaged areas, since they have wound healing properties.

Are there any contraindications

The shooter is considered a harmless plant, but some people may have personal intolerance. In addition, those who are overweight or who have diabetes should also be wary of this product. Sometimes due to the high starch content with excessive consumption of a raw plant, digestion problems can occur.


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