State registration of IP: documents

Entrepreneurship in Russia is developing rapidly. Today, every citizen can try to become a businessman. And a similar career begins with the discovery of IP. This type of activity is especially common among freelancers. After all, working unofficially in Russia is prohibited. For such an act, a certain punishment can be incurred, including criminal liability. Therefore, further we will consider issues related to state registration of IP. What would she need? How quickly do you provide the appropriate service? What documents will be issued to the person after completing the task? To understand all this and not only we will succeed further. With the right approach, no problems should arise in this case.

What you need for IP

What can be registered

The first step is to find out what can be registered in the relevant services. The activities of a businessman can be different. And so today, citizens can:

  • start an entrepreneurial activity;
  • use a patent for a job;
  • become a legal entity and establish an LLC.

We will consider the very first scenario. State registration of IP is actually a fairly simple operation. Especially if you prepare for it in advance.

Where to go for help

The operation under study is indicative. That is, until a person submits a corresponding request to the registering authority, he will not be able to conduct entrepreneurial activity legally.

Where can I send an application for state registration of IP? Today, the appropriate service will be able to receive:

  • at the local authority of the Federal Tax Service;
  • through the MFC;
  • through work with the service "State services".

In addition, in Russia there are special intermediary companies that help you register as an individual entrepreneur. Their work involves additional costs. And so people rarely choose this option. We will figure out how to independently cope with the task.


How much does state registration as an individual entrepreneur cost? In contrast to the registration of a citizen with the Federal Tax Service, the mentioned operation provides for the payment of state duties. Without it, IPs will not be opened under any circumstances.

Registration of IP at "State Services"

To date, the state duty for starting a business is only 800 rubles. If you deposit funds through the "State Services", a person receives a discount when paying the fee. She is 30%.

Accordingly, in order to start a career as an entrepreneur, the applicant will need to pay only 560 rubles. This is not so much.

Briefly about the opening of IP

Information on state registration of IP is contained in the Federal Tax Service. Each legal entity or person who has decided to become an entrepreneur will have to work with this service.

How to briefly describe the procedure for state registration of IP? A management of this type will help to cope with the task:

  1. To form a package of documents necessary for starting a business.
  2. Decide on the type of taxation and OKVED codes.
  3. Fill out the application in the prescribed form.
  4. Pay the fee.
  5. To apply for state registration as an IP to the registration authority.
  6. Get the laid papers on the appointed day.

Now it remains to make a seal (optional), as well as open a bank account for settlements with customers. You can do without these points. The main thing is that from the moment documents are received by the Federal Tax Service, a citizen becomes a full-fledged entrepreneur.

Service Duration

What is the time spent on the studied operation? State registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs takes a minimum of time and effort.

Usually the service is provided within three days. Sometimes you have to wait longer, but no more than five days.

The main package of documents

Registration certificate

Now it’s worth considering papers that are useful for realizing the task. This issue should be approached with special attention. Indeed, without a full package of papers, a person will be denied the opening of an IP.

Typically, citizens are required to:

  • identification;
  • statement of the established form;
  • TIN (if any);
  • receipt of payment of duty.

After the presentation of these components, state registration of the IP occurs. Documents for the implementation of the task may include:

  • notification of the transition to a simplified tax system ;
  • power of attorney;
  • proxy passport.

All of this will be enough. If the request is submitted by post, the application for registration will need to be pre-certified by a notary. Without this, it will not be possible to cope with the task.

Only for foreigners

In Russia, entrepreneurship is possible for stateless persons and foreigners. But in these cases it is necessary to prepare additional papers.

What is it about? Mandatory previously listed securities are supplemented by:

  • Help RVP or residence permit;
  • translation of the passport into Russian with notary certification.

No more papers will be required. These are all documents that may come in handy when opening an IP by a foreign citizen. The duty will be exactly the same as in the case of citizens of the Russian Federation.

Where to get the application

Next, we consider the issues that may arise during the state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur. For example, some are wondering where to get the standard sample request.

To open a business, a form in the form of P21001 is used. It is either handed out at the time of contacting the registration authority, or the appropriate form can be found on the website of the Federal Tax Service. It is not manufactured independently.

How to fill out a request

FTS and IP

State registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs is inconceivable without the correct filling out of an application of the established form. It is best to specify data manually in words.

In the form P21001 you will need to register:

  • Applicant's full name;
  • TIN of the citizen;
  • zip code of residence;
  • place of residence of a citizen;
  • code of the subject of the Russian Federation;
  • OKVED codes.

It is important to remember that the application is filled out only with a black ballpoint pen. The applicant’s personal data is indicated on sheet B exclusively in the presence of an authorized person in the Federal Tax Service.

Document Preparation Tips

State registration of IP can be greatly facilitated if you prepare in advance for the process. Here are some tips to help ease the task:

  1. Get INN certificate in advance. Then you don’t need to waste time registering in the tax as an individual.
  2. If there is no TIN certificate, you can find out the unique tax payer number online. For this, the service "Find out your TIN" is suitable. You can find it on the websites of the Federal Tax Service or State Services. The provision of information is carried out by indicating the passport data of the applicant.
  3. Pay a fee for starting a business in advance. Then the application for registration will be accepted immediately.
  4. Thoroughly think over the taxation system used and the types of activities that a person will engage in. This technique will save you from unnecessary paperwork.
  5. Some citizens decide to work on a patent. The corresponding document will have to be paid in advance. If you want to use PSN, it is better to immediately indicate this in a statement when registering an IP.
  6. Prepare scans of passport pages. The second and third sheet must be placed on one side of the printout.

Now the state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs will cause a minimum of trouble. What else do you need to know about these processes?

Switching to a different taxation system

Some citizens do not know that after opening an IP, you can change the taxation regime used. For example, switch from DOS to UTII or STS. The main thing is to submit the application in the prescribed form on time.

Doing business in Russia

Citizens who want to work on simplification can apply to the Federal Tax Service with a request within 30 days after the start of business. But the legislation of the Russian Federation allows you to immediately apply for form 26.2-1. This technique will greatly simplify the task.

Similar rules apply to PSN. Only for the implementation of the idea will have to fill out an application form 26.5-1. It is executed immediately in two copies. Both are filled manually. Copies of relevant applications will not be accepted.

After registration

Now we have found out how the state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs occurs. It is not as difficult as it seems. Even a citizen who does not understand anything in paperwork will be able to cope with the task.

What to do after a person has applied for starting a business? Wait 3 days, and then come to the Federal Tax Service with an identity card.

The specialist will issue the applicant:

  • certificate of state registration of individual entrepreneurs (notice of registration);
  • USRIP record sheet.

Previously, entrepreneurs received certificates from the OGRNIP. But from January 1, 2017, this paper was no longer issued. In addition, the TIN certificate is issued not on a form with special protection, as before, but on a regular A4 sheet.

Registration through "Government Services"

We found out all the features of starting a business. From now on, everyone will be able to cope with the task.

Entrepreneur documents

More and more people are trying to use the Internet to get public services. To do this, you need to register on the service "State services". What's next?

The instruction presented to your attention below will help you easily register with the Federal Tax Service as an entrepreneur without leaving your home:

  1. Register on the Gosuslugi website.
  2. Verify your identity. Without this stage, the bulk of the portal services will not be available.
  3. Login to your profile using login and password.
  4. Go to the service catalog.
  5. Select the "Business and Entrepreneurship" block.
  6. Click on the line "Registration of an individual as a legal entity or individual entrepreneur".
  7. Click on the appropriate item again.
  8. Put a checkmark next to the item "Electronic service".
  9. Fill out the application form.
  10. Choose a method for receiving documents. They can be picked up by mail, in person or electronically.
  11. Submit a processing request.

It remains only to pay the fee and wait for the invitation to the Federal Tax Service. Money for the operation will have to be transferred only after the application is assigned the status of "Accepted". Up to this point, you can not rush to pay a fee for starting a business.

Important! When working with the "State Services" portal, the registration period for IP is 5 days. If you independently contact the tax service, you can speed up the process by 2 days.

End of fuss

We dealt with the main part of paperwork. Now that the certificate of state registration of IP is on hand, you can move on. What remains to be done to the entrepreneur?

The bulk of the steps below are optional. The last stage of registration of the beginning of entrepreneurship includes:

  • submitting a request for the use of the simplified tax system or PSN;
  • opening a current account;
  • printing production;
  • registration of codes of statistics IP;
  • receipt of papers on registration with the FIU (if a person works "for himself", the relevant documents are not needed);
  • registration and installation of cash desks;
  • obtaining licenses, if necessary.

It is mandatory that entrepreneurs annually file income tax returns and pay taxes. The size of the respective payments in each case is different.

IP design

In addition, a fixed amount of money will have to be transferred annually to the PFR and FFOMS. These expenses in 2018 are about 32 thousand rubles. If the company has an annual income of more than 300,000, you need to transfer 1% of the amount to the Pension Fund.

In fact, the studied service does not cause any trouble. The main thing is to think over your activities in advance and determine the tax system. The success of the business will depend on these issues.


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