Why is the 17th in Italy considered unlucky? What is the explanation for this?

Each country has its own superstitions. They are justified by culture and lifestyle. Many people do not believe in signs, and say that this is nonsense. But few of our compatriots want to live in apartment number 13. But in Italy there are almost no complaints to this number. Residents of this country, on the contrary, believe that the number 13 brings good luck. But then what number is considered unlucky in Italy? We will talk about this in the article.

Where did superstition come from?

The word itself speaks for itself. "Sue" - means empty vanity, unnecessary experiences. This is an empty, stupid belief in trouble.

How do superstitions appear? This is a very interesting question. The fact is that people are accustomed to blaming their troubles not for themselves, but for circumstances. A good example: an unprepared student goes to the exam on the 13th. The young man enters the audience, pulls a ticket and realizes that he has already failed the exam.

17 unlucky number in Italy
The guy blames the blame for such a nuisance on fate. Like, I pulled out the wrong ticket, although such would be any of the proposed ones. As a result, the 13th is to blame for everything. Now imagine that the same trouble happened not with one person, but with half of the student group. All young people will blame the 13th. Also, blame can be passed on to the audience, and after the exam it will become unhappy. That is why people have unlucky T-shirts, many do not wash their hair before the exam and, naturally, bypass all black cats.

What number in Italy is considered unlucky

Shifting blame on circumstances and things is loved not only by compatriots. Asians, British, Italians - all suffer from belief in superstition. Depending on the culture, the signs will be different, and some other “magic signs” of fate will also differ. So what is the unlucky number in Italy? What number is missing on the airplane seat and which number is not written on the hotel door?

what number in italy is unlucky
In Italy, 17 is considered an unlucky number, although in many other European countries people bypass the number 13. Why is there such a difference? Superstition arose long ago, when Roman numerals were in use. If XVII is considered not as a number, but as letters, they can form in VIXI, which in Italian means "living". This word can be read on all sarcophagi and tombstones. That is why 17 is an unlucky number in Italy.

Different countries have their own special signs, some of which relate to a particular profession. For example, in Russia on Monday the 13th, not a single ship goes to sea. But in Italy, some individuals on Friday 17 prefer to stay at home. Especially if this day falls in November. Historically, it was in this month of the 17th that people should have trouble.

Interesting superstitions associated with the number 17

We have already figured out what number is considered unlucky in Italy, and now let's look at how the country's inhabitants are trying to eliminate it from their lives.

unlucky number in italy

17 floors, as well as 17 apartments in the houses do not exist. Builders do this so that people are not afraid to buy housing, because otherwise it may turn out that the whole floor will be empty. But especially superstitious persons bypass even the 18th floor, because according to logic, he is still the seventeenth. The same situation is in hotels. The 18th room can be rented cheaper, because the demand for it is always small.

In any Italian aircraft there are neither 17 rows nor 17 seats. Even non-superstitious persons begin to cautiously think of flights on foreign planes, where there are no such “precautions” about the 17th.

As you know, athletes themselves are superstitious, but now you can imagine how they relate to the number 17. In Cesan, there is no turn 17 on the bobsled track 17. Officially, it is commonly called “no name”.

And one more interesting fact. Knowing the superstition of Italians, the French company Renault, releasing the car on the Italian market, renamed the model R 17 to R 117.

How to deal with superstitions

What number in Italy is considered unlucky, which in Russia and Bermuda, simply does not matter. These are stupid remnants of the past. Many say: "But this number brings me failure." If you think so, then really trouble can not be avoided.

what number in Italy is considered unlucky
But if you do not take everything to heart and think that every day is unique and therefore will be the best in life, then it will happen. Do not get hung up on cats, a happy T-shirt or a happy ticket on the bus. Just enjoy life without paying attention to stupid superstitions.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25463/

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