"Tarkhany" (Lermontov's estate): photos, route from Saratov and reviews of tourists

Today we will visit the famous museum "Tarkhany". The estate, where the great Russian poet spent half his life, often became a source of his inspiration.

Tarkhany Lermontov estate

From the history of the estate

The founder and first owner of the village of Tarkhany was the lieutenant of the Preobrazhensky regiment, Y. P. Dolgorukov (1701). The next owners of the estate were the spouses Arsenyev - grandfather and grandmother of the world famous poet. The village got its name due to the activities of local peasants. "Tarkhan" is a buyer who travels through villages in search of flax, canvas, hemp, etc.

For many years the village bore its official name - Yakovlevskoe, in everyday life it was often called the Tarkhans.

In February 1975, Arsenieva filed a petition for the recognition of her rights to own the estate. She owned the estate for over fifty years and was an entrepreneurial and skillful housewife. During her reign, the estate began to give a solid income. Over the long history of this village, Lermontov’s grandmother was the only landowner who lived here permanently and traveled only temporarily, leaving in her place manager F. Sokolov or clerk S. Matveev.

tarkhany saratov region manor of lermontov

From the history of the museum

On the eve of the centenary of the poet (1914), a school was built in the village.

In 1918, the People's Commissar of Education A.P. Lunacharsky summoned Baryshev, the chairman of the Chembar Committee of the RCP (b), and ordered the Tarkhany (Saratov Region) to be put in order. The estate of Lermontov from this moment became the property of the Country of Soviets. Despite this, the village council remained the owner of the estate.

Later (1925), the estate, together with all the property, was leased to the Lermontovsky Trotter partnership. In a short period of time, almost all the outbuildings were destroyed. An office was placed in Arsenyev's house. Until 1930, a collective farm youth school functioned here, on the ground floor they began to store grain, and on the mezzanine they kept a bird.

Tarkhany Lermontov's estate prices

In 1934, the Presidium of the Middle Volga Regional Executive Committee defended the village of Tarkhany. Lermontov Manor was recognized as a reserve. But restoration and restoration work began only in 1936, when the estate was almost destroyed.

Manors of Russia

All estates built on the territory of Russia differed from one another. Not far from Moscow and Petersburg there were entertainment estates. These are highly artistic buildings with a complex layout, rich decoration and unity of style design. In the depths of the country were "economic" estates. Their architecture and design were much simpler. As a rule, such estates combined several different functions: they served as a pleasure residence, a place where you can retire, an economic enterprise. In summer, balls were organized in them, young people had fun here, and the elderly rested.

This, quite typical, middle estate was also "Tarkhany." The estate of Lermontov, which was arranged by the poet’s grandmother, had a large manor house, which stood on a steep bank. It had more than 30 rooms with terraces and columns.

museum estate of Lermontov Tarhany

Built according to all the rules of architecture and park art - with gardens, parks with a compulsory gazebo, with acacia and lilacs, a rose garden and linden alleys - “Tarkhany” fully corresponded to the concept of “Russian estate”.

How is the estate arranged

On the site of the first huge manor house, the owner of the estate built a small church in memory of the untimely death of her daughter Mary, and a new building, much more modest in size, was erected almost next to the church.

On the western side of it was the front part of the estate with a park and a rose garden, and on the eastern side was a household courtyard. There was also a small outbuilding in which the housekeeper and clerk lived. On the same line as the housekeeper's house was the master's kitchen. To the southeast of the manor house were all the necessary premises: a mansion, a fodder shed, and a stable. At the pond were barns and barn.

Manor after the death of Lermontov

After the tragic death of the poet and the death of Arsenyeva, according to her will, the estate “Tarkhany” was transferred to A. A. Stolypin. Lermontov’s estate was actually transferred to the management of I. A. Sokolov, since Afanasy Alekseevich constantly lived in the Saratov province.

Tarkhany Lermontov's estate photo

In 1867, P. N. Zhuravlev, an educated person who understands the importance of the estate, was replaced by the manager Gorchakov. He completely restored the manor house. In addition, he provided invaluable assistance in collecting materials about the poet’s grandmother, his youthful and adolescent years in Tarkhany. This man ran the estate for 35 years, died in 1902, and was buried near the church of Michael the Archangel.

The idea of ​​creating a museum in Tarkhany was first voiced in 1905 in the Penza Gazette. An unknown author called for the perpetuation of the memory of the poet.

Researchers of the works of Mikhail Yurievich and enthusiasts began to collect exhibits for the Lermontov Museum. The creators of the first exposition were: M. D. Belyaev, the curator of the Goslitmuzey funds, consultants N. P. Pakhomov and T. A. Ivanova, graphic designer E. K. Rylova.

Tarkhany Lermontov estate where is

Museum-Estate of Lermontov ("Tarkhany")

The restoration was completed in 1938. In the spring of 1939, visitors were given access to the poet’s grave, and on May 30, the Lermontov Museum was inaugurated. At a rally dedicated to this event, about 2,000 people were convened.

In the very first years of its operation, the museum had a single exposition building - a manor house. In it, everything was told about the life and work of the great poet.

In 1944, the Lermontov Museum was renamed the Museum Estate. In 1948, the Council of Ministers of the USSR allocated 9.6 hectares of land for this purpose. In 1960, "Tarkhany" (Lermontov's estate) was included in the list of culture and history of Russia. Since 1969, the former estate has been the State Museum-Reserve.

Tarkhany Lermontov estate how to get from Saratov

Homestead today

Currently, the museum includes a manor house with a complex of monuments from the late 17th and early 19th centuries, the family necropolis of the Arsenyev-Lermontovs, as well as the Apalikha estate, located near the Tarkhanov. Here the young poet often visited his beloved aunt - M. A. Shan-Girey.

The first major stage of the restoration of protected objects was carried out in the 80s of the last century.

Exposition complexes

There are three of them in the museum. The first structure includes: the Church of Mary of Egypt, the house of the key keeper, the hut, the manor house, the park, ponds, oak grove, three orchards.

The second complex consists of the Arsenyev-Lermontov cemetery, where the remains of the great poet, a chapel, the Church of the Archangel Michael and the gatehouse rest.

The estate of Aunt Mikhail Yuryevich (Apaliha), which is located three kilometers from Tarkhan, is the third complex.

Tarkhany Lermontov estate

Today, the area occupied by the estate-reserve is 140 hectares. The museum has 28 thousand valuable exhibits. The gold fund rightfully considered things that belonged to the poet. The lifetime and posthumous publications of Mikhail Yuryevich and illustrations to them by great artists (K. Korovin, M. Vrubel, I. Repin and others) are also stored in the Tarkhany Museum. Lermontov Manor (see the photo in our article) is the most valuable repository of the manor of the 17th-19th centuries: utensils, furniture, paintings, sculptures, and book collections. And, of course, every Russian person should visit this institution at least once in his life.

"Tarkhany" (Lermontov's estate): where is the museum?

We hope that after reading this article you will want to visit these places. The museum-estate "Tarkhany" is located in the Penza region, Belinsky district, in the village of Lermontovo. From May to September, the reserve is open daily (except Tuesday and the last Thursday of the month), from 9.00 to 18.00 hours. On weekends, the estate is open until 20.00.

From the Penza bus station to the destination, you can drive in transit buses that follow the Penza - Tambov highway. By car - along the Novoryazanskoye highway to Penza, then along the Penza-Tambov highway to Lermontovo.

tarkhany saratov region manor of lermontov

Many are very interested in the life and work of the great Russian poet. Therefore, tourists annually come to "Tarkhany" (Lermontov's estate). How to get from Saratov? This question is of interest to many residents of the mentioned city. To do this, you can use the train number 6472. The road will take about 1 hour 40 minutes.

We advise you to visit fascinating excursions that take place at the Tarkhany Museum (Lermontov's estate). Prices are quite affordable - for an adult a ticket costs 210 rubles, and for children - 150 rubles.

In the former estate you will be offered to ride a horse (50 rubles / hour), take part in a photo shoot (1000 rubles / hour). In addition, you can become a member of the magnificent ball "Past days charm ...". Ticket price - 150 rubles.

In the spring-summer period, guests of the estate are invited to ride a boat on the Barsky pond. The cost of the walk is 50 rubles / person.

These are not all the services that Tarkhany manor provides. A more detailed list of events can be found on the official website of the museum.

Tarkhany Lermontov's estate prices

Visitors reviews

There is not a single person who would remain indifferent after visiting the estate described by us: the atmosphere prevailing here and the wonderful beauties of nature leave an indelible impression on us. Those who have been here once dream of returning to the Tarkhany estate again.

Lermontov Manor, judging by the reviews of travelers, is in excellent condition. The territory is very clean, comfortable. The staff is friendly and welcoming. Guides and organizers of expositions receive many kind words for their professionalism.

Visitors to the estate are grateful to the museum staff, who managed to preserve valuable exhibits telling about the life and work of the great Russian poet.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25465/

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