323-FZ of November 21, 2011 "On the basics of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation"

The duties of state authority include protecting public health. There is a law 323- "On the protection of the health of citizens", which enshrines all the main provisions relating to the implementation of policies to support optimal health among the population.

What is the law about?

323- is designed to regulate the relations that arise in the field of health care for every citizen of the country. In particular, the law defines the following phenomena:

  • economic, organizational and legal foundations in the field;
  • rights and obligations of federal and regional authorities in the field of health protection;
  • the responsibility of the authorities, whose duties include maintaining an optimal level of health among the population;
  • functions and powers of representatives of pharmaceuticals and medicine, etc.

And what, according to 323-FZ, is called health? This is a mental, physical or social condition of a person in which there are no diseases or negative biological processes. Under the protection of health 323-FZ means a number of economic, political and legal measures aimed at preventing, strengthening and maintaining a healthy human condition.

Health Principles

Chapter 2 323-FZ establishes the basic ideas, principles and provisions on which the entire system should be based. Here are some highlights:

  • strict observance of the secrets of the doctor;
  • priority of the patient’s interests, child health protection, health prophylaxis, etc.
  • responsibility of state bodies and local self-government bodies for the organization of protecting the health of citizens;
  • accessibility and high quality of medical care;
  • social security of citizens, etc.

fz 323

Naturally, this is far from all the principles on which the health protection system is built and operates. There are also many unspoken provisions that are not methodologically fixed.

On the powers of the state

Article 14 323-FZ discloses one of the principles in a little more detail, it speaks of the active role of the state in this area. Here are the powers that federal and regional governments have:

  • Formation, introduction and implementation of a unified state policy on health protection;
  • federal property management ;
  • organization of a sanitary protection system in Russia;
  • the introduction of information systems at the federal level;
  • licensing of certain activities in the field;
  • organization of the provision of high-quality medical and pharmaceutical assistance to Russian citizens;
  • the formation of a legal procedure for medical practice in the country;
  • organization and control over the reliability of statistical data;
  • ensuring the development and introduction of various kinds of scientific programs in the field of medicine;
  • other powers consistent with federal law.

health protection fz 323

It is worth noting that in chapter 3 of the normative act under consideration, the powers of state bodies are disclosed and characterized in some detail. Moreover, all responsibilities are strictly distributed according to relevant classifications.

On the rights and obligations of citizens

Not only does the state play an important role in protecting public health; citizens themselves are also involved. But what role do they play? The answer to this question is provided in article 27 of the law in question.

The population of Russia must take care of their health and the health of their loved ones. Citizens are required to undergo medical examinations in a timely manner. This is especially true for people with contagious diseases that pose a danger to society. According to the law, persons under treatment must comply with the appropriate regimen and obey the legal requirements of doctors.

Federal Law on the Protection of Citizens 323

Articles 18 and 19 deal with the rights of citizens. They speak of the right to health care. Specialists in the field of medicine must perform a number of professional functions to ensure the quality of prevention or treatment of a citizen.

About Health Organization

Article 29 323- “On the Protection of Citizens and Their Health” states how the health care system should be formed and functioning. Here's what to highlight here:

  • ensuring sanitary and epidemiological conditions for the well-being of citizens;
  • organization of high-quality first aid;
  • development and implementation of individual measures for the prevention and treatment of diseases;
  • management of health care facilities.

Federal Law on the Protection of Citizens' Health 323

At the federal level, the considered area is composed of the following bodies:

  • executive authorities;
  • subordinate bodies from the executive branch.

The regional system consists of local authorities and their subordinate bodies.

About a medical examination

Article 58 323-FZ "On the Protection of Citizens' Health" refers to a rather important procedure in the field of healthcare, which is called examination. According to the law, this is a holistic study, which is aimed at determining the state of health of a citizen. It is carried out in order to establish the ability of a person to realize one or another type of labor activity. At the moment, there are several main types of examinations in the territory of the Russian Federation. It is worth mentioning here:

  • military;
  • medical and social;
  • forensic and forensic;
  • psychiatric and some types of expert opinions.

323 Federal Law on the basics of protection
The law also describes the establishment of temporary disability of citizens, vocational training and fitness, as well as special diseases and conditions of the body through examination.

There is also the concept of a medical examination, referred to in article 65. This is a set of methods of medical research and examination aimed at confirming a person’s condition. As a result of the survey, certain legally significant consequences may occur. It is worth noting the following types of examinations:

  • psychiatric
  • intoxicated;
  • to check for medical contraindications, etc.

Examination is carried out in medical organizations.

Law 323 of the Federal Law on the protection of public health

About State Audit Office

Article 85 323-FZ "On the Basics of Protecting the Health of Citizens" sets forth the norms in accordance with which the state must implement a number of control and supervision functions. Here it is worth paying attention:

  • to control the safety and quality of medical and pharmaceutical activities;
  • on state control over the circulation of medical-type products;
  • to the federal sanitary and epidemiological control.

The state must exercise its functions of a supervisory nature through special instances and bodies.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25467/

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