Paper basket, paper sculptures, origami crafts - no time to miss needlewomen

Needlewomen and craftsmen to sit around doing nothing. Fingers themselves ask for work! And it doesn’t matter if there is no good material under your hands. The fantasies of a craftsman have no boundaries.

He knows how to "attach" to the business and ordinary cereals, and peas, and middle tubes from toilet rolls, and an old broken chair, and a torn car tire.

paper basket
And why only needlewomen get up from ordinary newspapers! For example, a basket of paper is a lovely, woven from newspaper strips of tueses. Creatively decorated, it can serve as a chest for needlework, a repository for jewelry, a box for documents, photographs, old letters.

Such a basket of paper looks gorgeous, original, and is made from practically nothing, but it will take a lot of patience from the master. And perseverance, by the way, too. Plus accuracy, precision and a bit of imagination.

A basket of paper is made by the method of weaving, just as weaving objects from willow twigs. Imitate willow tubes, which are obtained by rolling a newspaper strip with a knitting needle. A needle or wooden skewer is placed on the corner of a newspaper strip and begins to twist it. The paper wraps around the needle as if in a spiral, the remaining triangular tip is glued.

The product, made by weaving, is durable, voluminous, resembling weaving from willow rods. Therefore, the paper basket after manufacturing is covered with a dark “wood look” varnish.

craft paper basket
You can use such paper crafts in the kitchen. The basket looks gorgeous in the role of a bread box or chest for claws. And you can make napkins under a vase with flowers, a box for dirty linen, braid a chair, turning it into an elegant chair, according to the same principle.

And if the craftsman has a little talent for the sculptor, he can develop it by fashioning his masterpieces from ... the same paper! Only at first it needs to be crushed, filled with water in a bowl and allowed to stand this mixture so that the material is soft.

Turning the contents of the basin into slurry, you can begin to directly create a sculpture. Some add to the mixture of dry glue to make the product more durable. After drying the workpiece, everything superfluous is cut from it with a sharp knife, painted and varnished. You can keep this masterpiece for yourself, or you can donate made paper crafts to someone yourself .

DIY paper crafts
Origami from paper is also a fascinating work. The first acquaintance with this type of creativity dates back to early childhood. Who did not make summer hats from old waste newspapers? Who didn’t turn sheets from school notebooks into planes, boats, steamers, wallets and funny jumping frogs?

Moreover, if someone prefers to engage in origami to cultivate perseverance, then someone calms the nerves. And someone is truly creating, creating new product options.

There are two types of origami: simple and modular. This is exactly what we did in childhood, called the simple form of folding paper into figures. But for the manufacture of crafts difficult it is necessary to perform several modules - components of the overall composition. After collecting the entire figure, it is painted, varnished and - admired by itself or presented to loved ones as a keepsake.


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