Godetia - growing in the garden and at home

Home plants can decorate and revitalize the house. How much joy and admiration for an amateur gardener brings a green pet with blossoming flowers! For example, such a beautiful plant as godetia. Its cultivation is possible both at home and in the garden.

This bright and colorful annual flower hails from North America. Its flowering lasts quite a long time, from July to October. A variety of varieties and colors allows you to cultivate both tall plants, which can reach 50 cm, and undersized, growing up to a maximum of twenty centimeters. There are both simple and double flowers, varying in size, color. The name large-flowered godetia, the cultivation of which leads to a bushy plant, speaks for itself. Lush flowers can be up to ten centimeters in diameter. There are pale pink, snow-white, purple, dark purple and other colors. "Lovely" godetia is a tall plant with small flowers. It blooms until late autumn.

godetius growing

If you want your garden to be decorated with godetia, growing from seeds of which does not require much effort, then you need to take care of the preparation of the soil. The plant does not tolerate transplantation, so this method of breeding is considered optimal. The end of April is suitable for sowing. First you need to arrange a flower bed. It should be in a well-lit area of ​​the site, on its southern side, which is warmed up by the sun. For proper growth of godetia, flower growing requires a well-fertilized, loamy soil, slightly acidic or neutral. In this case, the earth should not be excessively wet. Dig the soil and loosen it. Seeds are placed at an equal distance from each other, then sprinkled with earth or peat.

godetsia seed cultivation

You can also grow godetia seedlings from mid-spring. For a dive, use plastic cups. When planting in open ground, they are cut so as not to damage the seedlings. At the bottom of the hole where the flowers will grow, you need to pour peat.

If you plan to plant a flower at home, then a flower pot or a pot with a drainage layer is prepared for it. As the soil using a mixture of peat, river sand, rotted oyster mushrooms and garden soil. It is better to disinfect the soil from the suburban area by sprinkling it with boiling water.

godetia flower

The godetia flower requires the following care. Watering should be carried out regularly, but in moderation. In this case, use the settled, sun-warmed water. Twice during the flowering period, the plant is fed a complex mineral fertilizer. It is necessary to remove wilted inflorescences in a timely manner. This is done so that the bush receives more oxygen. As a prophylaxis of diseases, it is recommended to treat godetium with fungicides, special preparations that can be bought in flower shops. In order to delight in its bloom, it should be accompanied by prophylactic measures to protect the plant from pests. It is also necessary to regularly and timely remove weeds and loosen the soil.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25471/

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