"Neocate" - mixes for baby food

Proper nutrition for the baby is the key to his health and strong immunity. In our difficult time, when the ecological balance of nature is disturbed, air, water sources are polluted, children are born with pathologies. Very often you can find babies who suffer from allergic reactions to certain foods. In this case, foods that can become a catalyst for skin rashes should be excluded from the diet. But what if the baby responds to protein? In this case, Neocate, a mixture for babies, will do. Why leading pediatricians recommend them, let's talk in the article.

What is interesting about the composition?

For those children who are allergic to protein, doctors advise you to buy "Neokate" - a mixture for artificial feeding. Their cost is quite high, so parents often doubt the need to purchase such a product. Why is the drink so wonderful? It's all about its composition. The components of the protein are completely absent. They are replaced by amino acids. In a split form, they are perfectly absorbed by the body. In this case, the gastrointestinal tract practically does not work. Digest especially nothing.

neocate mix

The Neocate mix, the composition of which is unique in its own way, has established itself among specialists in the field of baby food. In addition to enriched amino acids, you can find other useful trace elements and substances that are necessary for the normal development of the child in the first year of life.

The company manufacturer Nutricia cares about the quality of its products, using the latest equipment, scientific experience and inventions in the pharmaceutical field. You will not find such harmful components as cholesterol, fructose, gluten, GMOs in the composition of Neocate products (mixes).

The opinion of doctors

When parents are faced with food allergies in children, they are ready for anything to overcome this disease. Doctors say that it is better to do this at an early age so that subsequently there are no serious problems with intolerance to some products. If after eating the usual mixture or milk ingredients in the crumbs rashes occur on the skin and genitals, you should immediately contact your local doctor. First of all, he will prescribe an analysis to identify allergens, and if it turns out that everything is due to protein, you will have to forget about the products that contain this component for a while.

neocate advance

For children under the age of 1 year, leading pediatricians recommend the use of "Neocate" - instant mixes. Despite their high cost, they fully justify the expected result. There are cases when such a mixture is required:

  • protein intolerance ;

  • atypical dermatitis;

  • severe allergies;

  • postoperative period;

  • profuse vomiting;

  • frequent spitting up;

  • the presence of blood clots in the feces.

There are times when parents independently purchase this mixture, considering it the best. Do not do this without consulting a doctor. This product is used as a medicinal drink.

And yet there are contraindications

Despite the fact that the mixture is well suited for children, it does not cause vomiting, constipation, regurgitation, but there are contraindications for its use:

  • Age restrictions. Mixture "Neocate", the price of which is about 2500 rubles, the composition is calculated for children up to a year.

  • Diseases in which nutrition is not absorbed in the intestines. The mixture can be taken both orally and with a probe. But at the same time, the gastrointestinal tract must be able to accept and process the drink.

  • Absolutely healthy baby. If there is no indication for the use of this mixture, you do not need to purchase it. The fact is that the protein there is completely replaced by amino acids, as a result of which the product is absorbed almost without the work of the gastrointestinal tract. A situation may occur that the gastrointestinal tract will get used to work half-heartedly, and then there will be problems with the digestion of food.

    neocate reviews

Any parent should remember that before purchasing this or that mixture, it is necessary to get advice from a doctor.

A few words about the method of preparation

Many people wonder if it is difficult to prepare a Neocate mix. The instructions for this product are quite simple. You will need warm boiled water, a feeding bottle and a measuring spoon, which comes with the mixture.

First you need to sterilize the dishes in which you will prepare the drink. Then add the right amount of water there (temperature should not exceed 40 degrees). After this, use the measuring spoon to pour the right amount of the mixture and shake the bottle well. As you can see, all actions are as clear and easy as possible. However, you need to be careful and read the instructions in order to measure the exact dose of dry powder.

Follow the rules so as not to harm

Many, buying a mixture, do not read the rules of preparation and storage. This can lead to serious problems, and instead of a positive effect, you will get a negative reaction of the body. Here are the nuances that should not be forgotten:

  • Always use only boiled water for cooking.

  • The mixture should never be boiled.

  • If a small amount of drink is left, it can be refrigerated for a day (no more).

neocate price

  • Do not heat the mixture in the microwave.

  • It is necessary to observe proportions.

  • Consideration should be given to age.

  • After the can was opened, it is necessary to use the mixture for a month.

  • You need to pay attention to the timing.

Doctors advise buying the mixture only at large drugstores, so as not to purchase a fake.

The child grew up, but the problem persists. What to do?

There are times when an allergy to protein does not go away for a long time. The child grows up, and the problem is still acute. In this case, experts advise using Neocate Advance. This mixture is slightly different in composition. Servings are designed so that children receive all the necessary trace elements and vitamins. It is very important to combine the mixture with another proper food. You can use the drink as a basis for cooking cereals, milk soups. Thanks to the sweet taste, children are happy to drink this drink.

neocate composition

"Neocate Advance" is suitable for children aged 1 to 10 years.

Parent reviews

Many mothers noted significant improvements in the child after applying this mixture. Among the advantages can be identified:

  • lack of protein;

  • pleasant sweet taste;

  • availability;

  • ease of preparation.

The downside is the high cost.

From the above, it can be concluded that the Neocate mix, which is positive, is well established among parents whose children are allergic to protein.

neokeith instruction

The product has established itself as a food for children prone to allergic manifestations of protein. The mixture is nutritious, light, well absorbed, while babies eating it steadily gain weight. Depending on age, there are several series of these products. The cost of such food is quite high, but the quality fully justifies the price.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25479/

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