Who is a geneticist? Gregor Johann Mendel is the founder of genetics. History of genetics

Today, words and phrases such as DNA, genetic engineering, genetically modified foods (GMOs) have been heard. Despite the fact that genetics as a science has existed for more than a hundred years, there is still no clear definition of who a geneticist is or what he does. Is this specialty a profession, and if so, in what field of activity does it relate: to science or medicine? The attitude of society towards the results of the activities of geneticists is also ambiguous. There is still debate about whether GMO products are harmful or beneficial to humans.

Genetics - the birth of a new science

The founder of genetics is Gregor Johann Mendel. Although there were scientists before him who tried to explain how the transmission of hereditary traits from parents to children goes, these theories were not based on facts. So, the theory of Charles Darwin that the transmission of hereditary traits is carried out through the blood was refuted experimentally during the life of the scientist.

History of genetics

Mendel is the first scientist who has been able to establish how the transmission of hereditary traits occurs. He revealed this by conducting a series of experiments with garden pea seeds, with which he worked for two years. The research results became the foundation for new discoveries and the development of genetics as a science. That's why Mendel is considered the founder of genetics. He was the first to put forward the idea that the transmission of hereditary traits occurs at the cellular level. He was the first to discover the laws of transmission of hereditary information. He found out that there are two types of hereditary traits: recessive and dominant, between which there is a struggle.

Mendel is considered the founder of genetics

A brief biography of the founder of genetics

The first geneticist was born on July 20, 1822 in Heinzendorf, a small village located on the Moravian-Silesian border. Johann Mendel received his first education in an ordinary rural school. After he entered the gymnasium in Troppau, where he studied for 6 years. He graduated in 1840.

Gregor Johann Mendel

In 1843 he became a monk of the Augustine monastery of St. Thomas in Brunne, where he received the new name Gregor. From 1844 to 1848 he studied at the Brunnian Theological Institute. In 1847 he received the priesthood. Mendel did not stop teaching all the time. He independently studied Greek and mathematics. Despite the fact that he could not pass the exams, he could engage in teaching activities.

In the years 1849-1851 he taught mathematics, Latin and Greek at the Znojmsk grammar school. In the period 1851-1853, thanks to the rector, he began studying natural history at the University of Vienna. Mendel studied natural sciences, and one of his teachers was Franz Unger, one of the first cytologists in the world. While in Vienna, Mendel became interested in scientific research in the field of plant hybridization. He began to independently conduct experiments and observations with certain species of plants and animals. The most significant scientific contribution was his experiments with garden peas, as a result of which he prepared a report.

In 1865, he twice, on February 8 and March 8, made a report to the Society of Naturalists in Brunn. The report was entitled "Experiments on Plant Hybrids." Subsequently, the report was printed and distributed. Mendel himself made 40 copies of his work and sent it to major botanists, scientists, but never received recognition from them. His work received recognition later, but then knowledge of genetics and who genetics was did not exist. This was the first work in this field of knowledge.

History of development

The history of the development of genetics can be divided into two stages. The first stage includes the discovery of the law of transmission of hereditary traits by Mendel, the discovery of chromosomes, DNA, the chemical composition of genes and their structure.

The second stage is when geneticists discovered a way to change the structure of DNA, rearrange genes, introduce and remove its individual parts, and even create completely new organisms with desired properties. At this stage, a complete decoding of the DNA of humans, animals, and plants (only some) took place.

First stage

At the first stage of the development of genetics as a science, the following discoveries occurred:

  • In 1865, Gregor Mendel made a report on the topic "Experiments on plant hybrids." This work formed the basis of genetics, although it as a science did not yet exist.
  • In 1869, Friedrich Mischer discovered the existence of DNA as the main component of the cell nucleus. He called her nuclein.
  • In 1901, the work of Hugo de Vries "Theory of changes (mutations): experiments and observations of the heredity of species in the plant kingdom" was published.
  • In 1905, the term “genetics” was introduced by William Batson.
  • In 1909, W. Johansen introduced the concept of a hereditary unit - the gene.
  • 1913 Alfred Stertevant compiles the world's first genetic map.
  • In 1953, the structure of DNA was first deciphered by Jason Watson and Francis Crick.
  • In 1970, it was found that the genetic code consists of triplets.
  • In 1970, when studying the bacteria of the hemophilic bacillus, it was possible to detect restrictase enzymes, which makes it possible to cut and paste sections of DNA molecules.
The Importance of Genetics

Second phase

The second stage in the development of new science began when geneticists began experimenting with changes in the structure of DNA by adding, removing, and replacing genes. Application of discoveries in the field of genetics for practical purposes:

  • 1972 year. Getting the first samples of genetically modified plants.
  • In 1994, the first GMO products - tomatoes, arrived in US stores.
  • 2003 year. Decryption of human DNA. Thanks to this, it became possible to diagnose genetic diseases in the embryo in the early stages of pregnancy.
  • 2010 year. Creating an organism with artificial DNA in a laboratory.
  • In 2015, the sale of the first genetically modified animal - Atlantic salmon.
History of genetics

Decoding human DNA

The most important discovery in the modern history of genetics is the complete decoding of human DNA. Thanks to this, it became possible to learn not only the entire genealogy of a single person, but of all mankind. There was an opportunity to predict the likelihood of the emergence and development of hereditary diseases in humans, moreover, to treat serious diseases at an early stage of development or to prevent the birth of a child with strong genetic abnormalities.

However, in this sense, genetics is often criticized, comparing with eugenics. The solution to the mystery of human DNA, together with the ability to control its structure and get people with desired properties, led to ethical problems. There have been periods in the history of mankind when the ideas of eugenics and scientific discoveries in genetics led to the mass extermination of people on a national or racial basis.

The subject and tasks of modern genetics

Genetic Engineering

If in relation to people any genetic experiments are forbidden, then in relation to animals and plants such experiments and studies are not only allowed. They are encouraged by states, large agricultural and pharmaceutical companies. Despite criticism from some genetic scientists, advances in the production of genetically modified plants have been used for a long time. Today, virtually all soybeans are genetically modified. Some GMO plants have been used in agriculture for over 40 years.

Genetically modified crops are absolutely harmless to humans, but at the same time they give a stable high yield, and are resistant to bad weather conditions and parasites. Their cultivation requires less fertilizer, which means that such crops contain less nitrate and other substances harmful to humans. But time-tested varieties are few. Most of all existing GMO crops appeared less than 30 years ago, and their effects on humans are still poorly understood.

However, genetic engineering has already proved that the subject and tasks of modern genetics are not limited only to laboratory research and experiments. This is a new science that will help people adapt to new conditions of life on the planet and provide themselves with necessary food products.

Scientist geneticist

Who is a geneticist? In what areas can he work?

Geneticist is a specialist who studies the structure and changes in the genetic material of man and other living things. He explores the mechanisms and patterns of heredity. The most widespread profession is the scientist-geneticist in medicine, pharmaceuticals and agriculture. The use of scientific achievements in the field of genetic research has allowed the development of new types of medications for hemophilia and other diseases that are inherited from parents to children.

It became possible to prescribe medications that will not cause the patient an allergic reaction or will be useless to him. Treatment in the near future will be prescribed individually, based on information obtained as a result of researching the DNA of a particular person. In forensics, genetics helps to find a criminal by the particles of sweat, blood, and skin.

Genetics in medicine

A geneticist working in the medical field must know the basics of genetics, be able to use an electron microscope, spectrometer and work with special computer programs. As a material for analysis, the doctor uses the patient's venous blood, a smear from the oral mucosa, placental fluid, i.e. he must know how and in which case it is necessary to take samples for analysis.

So who is a geneticist? Most often, this name means a doctor, but the profession of genetic engineer and agronomist-genetics will eventually become a more common concept than now. The scope of scientific achievements in genetics will only expand.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25486/

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