Rivers of the Bryansk region: description, names and photos

The rivers of the Bryansk region entangle the territory with a dense water network. Their total length is 9 thousand kilometers. In total, there are 129 rivers and rivulets in the region. A large amount is the result of the beneficial effects of climate. A characteristic feature is the uneven arrangement, due to the combination of a flat and hilly surface. Most rivers are located in the east and in the central part of the region. In the northwest and southwest the rivers Snov, Iput and Besed flow.

rivers and lakes of the Bryansk region

The watershed of the Black Sea and Caspian basins

Most of the rivers of the Bryansk region belong to the basins of the Black and Caspian Seas. Their conditional watershed passes near the village of Vatogovo along the Resseta River. It flows into the Oka, and that, in turn, carries water to the Volga, which belongs to the Caspian basin. To him belong Tson, Vytebet and Lubna, which are tributaries of the Oka. Most of the rivers flowing in the Bryansk region flows into the Dnieper or its tributaries, and belongs to the Black Sea basin.

River Nutrition

The main food of all rivers comes from melting snow. During spring floods, rivers spread widely, the average annual volume of water rises by 10–20 times, and water consumption amounts to 60% of the total annual flow. Ground and rain nutrition is 20% of the total. In dry times, rivers feed on groundwater, which dramatically affects their full flow. In hot summer time, streams become shallow, their flow rate does not exceed 10% of the total annual flow. The opening of rivers from ice occurs in early April, and freezing in December.

description of the river of the bryansk region

Large rivers of the Bryansk region

The list of rivers of the Bryansk region is quite impressive. But for the most part, these are small rivulets, which are tributaries of larger watercourses. We will call significant, except for Desna, Iputi, Conversations, which we dwell on a little more. In addition to them, rivers flow through the territory of the Bryansk region:

  • The talk. The inflow of the Desna, which has a length of about 200 kilometers.
  • Conviction. The inflow of the Desna, with a length of 195 kilometers.
  • Nerussa. The Desna tributary, length 182 kilometers.
  • Navlya. The inflow of the Desna, with a length of 126 kilometers.
  • Vetma. The Desna tributary is 112 kilometers long.
  • Ivotka. The inflow of Vit - the gums of the Desna. The length is 94 kilometers.
  • Gabya. The Desna tributary is 74 kilometers.
  • Voronitsa. The tributary of Iputi is 73 kilometers long.

Rivers and lakes of the Bryansk region are fishing spots and land decoration. The gums and its tributaries are buried in the greenery of the forests surrounding them. In the spring it is shrouded in the color of bird cherry. But its inflows - Navlya, Sudost, Boltva - are in no way inferior to her in beauty.

Bryansk region of the river


It is the largest in the Bryansk region. The Desna River originates in the hills of the Smolensk-Moscow ridge and is located in swampy places called Golubev Moss, not far from the village of Nalety, which is located ten kilometers from Yelny, Smolensk region. It carries its waters to the Dnieper. Its mouth is 6 kilometers from Kiev. This is the largest tributary of the Dnieper. The flow goes from north-east to south-west.

The length of the Desna is 1187 kilometers. The width in the channel is 50-180 meters, in the floodplain - 4-6 kilometers. The maximum depth is 12 meters. It mainly receives tributaries from the left bank. These are the rivers Snezhit, Nerussa, Bolva, Navlya and others. From the right bank, Dreams, Sudost, Gabya flow into it.

In the upper reaches of the river, the banks are low, swampy. Down from Bryansk, the right bank rises, a lot of old women and ducts. The river is icebound from early December to early April.

gum river

Cities and towns on Desna

The places where the Desna waters flow have a rich history. It is on its shores that the ancient Russian cities of Chernihiv, Bryansk, Trubchevsk and Novgorod-Siversky are located. On the Desna River, trade routes to the Dnieper cities passed to the Don, across the Seim River to the Don, to Oru and then along the Bolva to the Volga. Merchants in forest places exchanged skins of wild animals, honey, furs for goods and brought all this to the lower reaches of the river, to the Dnieper. Today, the watercourse in the lower channel is partially navigable.

Before the Revolution, the Desna went ships laden with white and semi-white glass, crystal products, enameled dishes, cast iron products, which were produced in the Bryansk district of the Oryol province. In recent years, due to changes in climatic conditions and human activities, in particular deforestation in the floodplain of the river, the water level in the Desna River has dropped significantly. Shipping has become virtually impossible. But at present, measures have been developed to save the largest river in the Bryansk region.


It takes second place in the region in length, which is 475 kilometers, and also in the basin area - more than 10 thousand square kilometers. Iput is the left tributary of the Sozh River, which is the second largest and most water left tributary of the Dnieper, the most beautiful river in Belarus and the Bryansk region.

It can be included in the description of the river that it originates in the marshy places of the Smolensk region, flows through the Bryansk region and further through Belarus, where it flows into the Sozh near the city of Gomel.

A characteristic feature is the fact that it does not have significant tributaries on the right side. On the left side, Nadva, Voronus, Unecha and others carry their waters into it. The average width of the channel is 40-80 meters, the depth is 1-1.5 meters. This is a very slow river, which flows on a flat terrain with a slight slope.

rivers of the Bryansk region list


The third in length (260 km) and the water basin (more than 7 thousand sq. M.). Many lakes and swamps are located in the floodplain of the river. It flows along the plain, which is covered by pine and oak forests. This is a tributary of the Sozh River. It flows along the northwest of the region and is replenished with many tributaries, both from the left and right banks.

Etymology of the name of the river

The origin of the name of the rivers in the Bryansk region still causes some disagreement of linguists. Some see Iranian roots in the formation of river names, others found Baltic ones. If you take into account the latter, then the origin of the name of the river Besed can be explained as besti - to carry. This suggests that ancient people used the river as a movement. The name of the Iput River is derived from the Baltic py; (- u) ti - soak.

rivers of the Bryansk region name

Floodplain lakes

In the Bryansk region there are 49 large lakes, which by origin can be floodplain, hollow and dammed. Among the floodplain include old lake, which remained on the old riverbeds. They, as a rule, have an oblong shape, elongated in the direction of the old river channel.

There are many such lakes in the floodplain of the Desna River. They surprise with their discreet beauty, and attract fishing enthusiasts. Their food is mixed, it is composed of groundwater and rainfall. During floods, they connect with the rivers. After the descent, the waters are full of water, but by the middle of summer their level decreases. The largest of them are Kozhany, Bechino, Nut, Markovo, Boroven, Horsetail, Hotnya and others.

Hollow lakes

They are formed as a result of karst, relict faults or depressions in the earth's crust, which are filled with water after rains and snow melt. The most beautiful is Lake Svyatoe, which has an area of ​​water surface of 16 hectares. It is located near the railway station Rzhanitsa.

Another no less interesting lake is located in the Zhukovsky district and is called the Endless. It is not called in vain for nothing, its depth reaches 20 meters in some places. Area - 20 hectares. The water in it is very clean and clear. It is surrounded on three sides by an old mixed forest, most of which are tall pine trees.

Many in the Bryansk region and artificial lakes that appeared as a result of dams on the rivers. They are big. So Beloberezhskoye has an area of ​​300 hectares, and Batyshsky pond 260 hectares. In all lakes there are a lot of fish and excellent nibble, which attracts a large number of fishermen and lovers of beautiful places.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25493/

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