The analysis "loudly". Mayakovsky and his message

An interesting paradox is that this poem was never written by Mayakovsky. Just before his death, he wrote only an introduction to it, which he devoted to the first Soviet five-year plan in late 1929 - early 1930.

Coming to the topic “Analysis:“ With all his might, Mayakovsky ”, it should be noted that the poet dedicated this verse to the anniversary exhibition - the 25th anniversary of his career. He himself, speaking to the assembled audience, said that this work fully and completely reflects everything that he worked on all these long years, and presented it as a report on the creative work done. So, without suspecting it, he continued with this the classic theme of the “monument”, which was begun by Derzhavin and Pushkin.

analysis loudly Mayakovsky

Loudly, Mayakovsky: analysis

In this introduction, the famous poet contrasts himself with pure art, which does not recognize any politics. It is in this role that the general impression is formed of his attitude to creativity in general and to its individual representatives in particular.

In a way, this poem has become a message to future descendants. It is as if the poet appreciates himself with a glance from the future, looking into the present, where he immediately amazes with the lines: "I, the cesspool worker and the water carrier, have been mobilized by the revolution ...".

With these words, he creates a certain image of poetry without meaning and purpose, which is sarcastically and sharply ridiculed, calling it a "capricious woman."

loudly Mayakovsky analysis

Poems as a tool

The analysis of Mayakovsky’s “Loud Voice” poem suggests that the poet throws a stone at those specific “creators” who tried to write in the style of “pure” art.

His poems are not just lines on paper, he uses them as a serious weapon in the struggle for the communist cause.

The agitating poet hints that he is not afraid of either the government, or the "lyrical volumes", or the "ridges of the ages." Mayakovsky openly declares this openly. The analysis of the work boils down to the fact that his weapon does not injure and does not kill a person, but it can greatly affect the soul and heart of a person. He writes prophetic lines in which he hints that his poems are lead and ready for death.

analysis of the poem loudly by Mayakovsky


Mayakovsky wrote all his most coveted in the poem “Out loud”. An analysis of it suggests that everything the poet was doing was not created for aesthetic pleasure at all because it builds, inspires and fights against meaninglessness, moves forward and leads the masses along. He thought that his vocation was to realize socialist dreams and to go to the bright future with the masses.
The writer calls: "Die my verse as an ordinary." He believes that for public welfare, the poet should work hard, forgetting about himself and not thinking about rewards, sacrificing his work.

He writes in his poem that, in addition to a freshly washed shirt, he does not need anything, and that the poet and society are inseparable.

Fate and Homeland

In continuation of the theme “Mayakovsky“ Out loud ”: analysis of the poem”, it should be noted that the active creator calls the descendants dexterous and healthy, and, in his opinion, they should remember how much work was paid for, he compared it to the licking of the “Chakhotkins spitting. "

It’s a little surprising, but Vladimir Vladimirovich describes the future, that the “communist far” has already come, in which he has put maximum effort, because he has invested in his future labor day that has come.

The poet considers it his civic duty to build a worthy future, and this desire literally exhausted his soul.

Mayakovsky loudly analysis of the poem

Cry from the heart

This is what Mayakovsky shouts about in his poem "Out loud." An analysis of the introduction suggests that the poet inspires people to build a bright future, and that everyone should remember those who were involved in the battle for socialism and communism, and not to forget their desperate work. Their soul lives in every line of it and will certainly pass through the centuries.

The great ideologue refers to them as those who truly believe in communism, and expresses himself as a descendant of these people who can no longer imagine what could be so sincerely and deeply believed, and whether there is as much strength as there was in the forefathers of the October Revolution.

An analysis of Mayakovsky’s “Loud Voice” poem suggests that Vladimir Vladimirovich makes his people think a lot and awaken to decisive action. In this he sees the true meaning of his poetry.

loudly Mayakovsky analysis of entry


From the introduction to the poem “Out loud” it became clear that it is in some form a testament written almost three months before its tragic death. This question is even more interesting, since it remained unclear whether the poet was killed or whether it was suicide. Many historians and forensic experts, examining all the facts, documents and evidence, came to the conclusion that he was still killed. And they killed him because he began to delve into the affairs of the Stalin government, which avoided the Leninist course that millions of people so dreamed about. This dark matter is the same as with Yesenin.

However, the most interesting thing is that his faith still began to fluctuate at the end of his life, and he had his own reasons for that. Even with such a notorious communist, in the evening of April 13, 1930, “Oh Lord!” Will break out of his soul. At this moment, his beloved woman, Polonskaya, will be next to him, who will be very surprised at this exclamation and ask him about whether he is a believer. And Vladimir will answer her that he himself doesn’t understand what he believes in ...


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