Why does the gas boiler go out? Reasons and solutions

Today, gas boilers are widely used, especially in the winter period. They act as the main part of an autonomous heating system. It happens that the boiler refuses to work correctly, for example, the flame may go out. When the consumer has a question about why the gas boiler goes out, it is necessary to analyze whether the device began to work somehow differently. Thus, wind noise can be heard. It is important to pay attention to the display on which the warning sign may appear. In this situation, a diagnosis should be made to identify the causes that led to the malfunction. Otherwise, the temperature in the home can significantly decrease, as a result, the system will defrost, which will then become unusable.

why does the gas boiler go out

Causes of boiler decay and troubleshooting

If you are interested in the question of why the gas boiler goes out, then, quite possibly, the reason may be in the ice growths that cover the tip of the device. It is impossible to get rid of them quickly, otherwise there is a probability of damage to a component of the system. If the ice freezes on the inner walls, then the air will be blocked, as a result of which the gas boiler will go out. Defrosting should be done gradually, the head for this should be removed. After it should be brought into the room and thawed. While defrosting will occur, the boiler can work without this part.

The gas supply to the burner must be shut off, and as soon as the igniter is ignited, the valve can be opened. After the main burner lights up, warm up the equipment. It should work on a slight gas pressure. Warming up must be completed, only after that it is allowed to increase the gas supply intensity. When the unit is operating, it is necessary to monitor in what condition the contacts of the piezo ignition elements are. They must be red-hot. If the contacts cool, the gas pressure should be reduced. This eliminates the cooling of the thermocouple. Otherwise, a signal will be triggered that triggers the automation.

gas boiler goes out what to do

Reason: slight gas pressure

If you were wondering why the gas boiler goes out, then perhaps the gas pressure is not high enough. The cause may be a malfunction of the gas distribution network. However, most often low pressure occurs when a gas meter malfunctions. If this happens, the fuel flow will not be missed. You can find out about this malfunction by the sounds uncharacteristic for the meter and a slight gas pressure, which can occur in the event of a breakdown of the temperature leakage sensors . Gas service specialists take certain rules as the basis for their work, which require the installation of gas analyzers. When this device trips, the gas boiler will go out.

If you are faced with the question of why the gas boiler goes out, then I must say that this problem can occur if the tightness of the existing connections is broken. At the moment when a gas leak occurs, the pressure drops, and the automation gives a signal that causes the system to shut down.

gas chimney

For reference

If the situations described above occur, you can smell the gas. In order to fix the problem, you need to analyze how tight the connection is, using a damp sponge with soapy foam. If there is a leak, then bubbles will appear. In this case, the user will urgently need to call the gas service specialists.

blows out the boiler

Chimney problems

This reason is one of the most frequent. It can arise due to ice accumulation, which is caused by the fact that the steam that enters the pipe together with the combustion products cools and settles, forming condensate on the walls. The latter freezes and grows with a thick layer of ice, as a result of which the thrust decreases, automation is activated, the equipment goes out. In order to solve this problem, the chimney should be cleaned and insulated, which eliminates the unpleasant probability of dripping water.

Chimney problems can also occur due to back draft. Does your gas boiler go out? What to do, this article will tell. Reverse thrust can be observed if the wind intensifies on the street or it changes its direction. Streams fall into the pipe and blow out the fire. It also happens that the fault is the insufficient height of the pipe. This phenomenon is quite dangerous if the boiler is used with poor quality automation. The combustion products are not thrown into the street, but are pushed into the house. If a malfunction occurs because the pipe is not the right size, it should be replaced, providing a length that should be more than 50 cm relative to the top of the ridge.

the gas boiler goes out in the wind

Insufficient ventilation

If your boiler blows out, poor ventilation can lead to this. In some cases, under such conditions, it is enough to open the door or window, as the burner lights up. The boiler can start functioning in rooms where equipment is installed to improve circulation. The hole at the bottom of the door can be closed with a fine mesh to solve the problem.

Reasons: failure of the automation or burnout of the pipe

If the gas boiler goes out during the wind, then the cause may lie in the burnt pipe. A stream of air begins to be pumped into the hole that appears, which significantly impairs the operation of the chimney. If such a problem occurs, it is worth replacing the gas chimney. If the automation failed, then this may be indicated by a noisy buzz, which is caused by improper fan operation. The latter is built into a turbocharged boiler. This element is necessary to provide traction, when it fails, the component is replaced with a new one. If we are talking about atmospheric boilers, then they work together with a draft sensor. If this element begins to work at elevated temperatures, the sensor may give a signal, which will contribute to the attenuation of the burner.

strong wind goes out gas boiler

Problem: lack of electricity

The reason may be not only a strong wind. The gas boiler also goes out due to lack of electricity. If the voltage disappears in the network, then the automation will catch this, which is especially true for Russian-made boilers. Such shutdowns adversely affect the electrician of the device, it can fail. If the burner does not light up when electricity appears, then this indicates a breakdown in the automation. In order to eliminate such problems, it is recommended to additionally purchase a voltage stabilizer.


If the gas boiler goes out, what to do, you must definitely decide, but first you should familiarize yourself with how the malfunctions appear. They can be expressed in that the main burner does not turn on or burns very weakly. The reason may be the clogged nozzles, they should be cleaned with a wire of small diameter. And if air gets into the system, an error code is displayed on the equipment display, the boiler should be turned off and then restarted.

If the gas chimney is improperly selected, this may cause the flame to blow off. The nozzle starts to make a whistle or loud noise, and you can cope with a defect by adjusting the gas pressure on the ignitor. You may encounter such a problem if excessive draft occurs or the ventilation is very intense.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E2550/

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