Apple tree "saved": description, photos and reviews

A modern garden cannot be imagined without apple trees. They are found both in amateur gardens and in industrial ones. The main goal of gardeners is to obtain a high yield with the contribution of minimal labor and resources. Thanks to the work of domestic breeders, these goals can be achieved. Many experts confidently call the apple variety “apple saved” the pride of modern selection.

apple tree rescued

Plant features

Many gardeners appreciate this variety for their high yield. From one adult tree, you can collect up to 50 kg of the crop. Ripening occurs by August 19th. This explains the name of the variety.

This variety was bred in 2004. The apple tree belongs to the category of triploid plants, which are characterized by three complete sets of chromosomes. This selection of fruit trees has been actively developed since the 1980s. These plants are characterized by such properties:

  • high productivity;
  • fast ripening;
  • juicy taste and attractive appearance;
  • minimal plant care;
  • resistance to various diseases and pests.

These characteristics are also inherent in the apple "apple saved." The plant successfully adapts to various climatic conditions, but breeders say that ideal conditions for growth are the central strip of Russia. This variety is well established in Siberia and the Urals.

apple saved apple tree description

It is a frost-resistant tree. At -25 0 C, specialists noticed minor damage to the bark and kidneys of the tree.

Grade description

The apple-tree “apple saved” is a tall tree with a rounded large crown. The bark of the trunk is smooth. The leaves are green, matte, pointed in shape with a wavy edge. There is a light fluff on the surface.

An adult tree reaches 15 m in height. It is necessary to regularly prune the branches. Maintaining an optimal tree height has many advantages:

  • easy wood processing;
  • simple and high-quality crown pruning;
  • easy way to pick fruit from branches.

Experienced gardeners believe that the optimal height of the fruit tree is 7 m.

"Apple Spas" has a gorgeous spreading crown of medium density, rounded in shape. The branches of the apple tree are located at a distance from each other, spread out to a length of 2 m. And the crown in this case reaches 4 m in diameter.

The annual growth of the tree is 60 cm. If the growth of the branches is higher, then the amount of fertilizers and top dressing, moisture should be reduced.

Young shoots are weak. They do not tolerate frost. Experts recommend pinching them in the middle of summer, twisting them under the lower branches, reducing watering.

apple tree rescued reviews

Variety Productivity

Apple tree early ripening of fruits occurs in mid-August. The weight of one apple is 200-215 g.

In the description of the apple tree, breeders indicate “apple saved” that it begins to bear fruit early enough - in the 3rd year after planting in open ground. The fruit ripening period directly depends on the climatic conditions of the region. Most often, the crop is harvested in the second decade of August, less often - in early autumn. Every year the number of fruits increases.

By the 7th year after planting, the apple tree can produce up to 50 kg of the crop. The older the tree, the more fruit. From 1 hectare you can collect 145 centners of the crop.

Gardeners really appreciate the apple spas. Reviews indicate a high yield of fruit tree, regardless of weather conditions. The fruits are always juicy, tasty, fragrant and large.

Fruit Description

Fruits are yellow with a slight green tint. On one side there are red vertical stripes. The peel of the fruit is dense and smooth. Through it, subcutaneous inclusions are clearly visible. Bulbous core with dark brown medium-sized seeds.

The flesh of apples is light, with a slight green tint. The fruits are juicy, medium hard. With prolonged storage, the structure of the pulp does not change.

Experts evaluate the taste of the variety at 4.3 points out of 5 possible.

How to store apples?

Summer fruits do not like fluctuations in temperature and dampness. They should be stored in a well-ventilated, dry and cool room. The ideal temperature environment is 0-4 0 C.

After harvesting, it is necessary to sort the fruits, selecting spoiled ones. For storage, it is better to use containers knocked down from the boards. Also, the fruits can be folded into plastic or cardboard boxes. In this condition, they can be stored for more than 6 months.

The negative side of this variety is the need to sort out the fruits several times during the winter. Soft or rotten apples must be removed on time.

Culinary specialists love this variety for its pleasant aroma and taste. Cider, juice, jams, preserves, sauces are prepared from these apples.

apple tree rescued photo description

Landing Features

Apple orchards attract many in the spring; photos are bright and unforgettable. Apple-tree rescued apple tree - a self-fertile tree, but not self-pollinated. Breeders recommend planting this plant on the same site as diploid seedlings.

This variety belongs to the summer. It is customary to plant it in the spring, at the time of the onset of the first thaw. Remember that the pit must be prepared and fertilized in advance.

For 2-6 weeks, you need to dig a hole at least 1 m deep and wide. Peat, potash and phosphorus fertilizers, humus are added to it. All components are mixed with a small amount of earth. Having placed the seedling in the pit, you need to carefully straighten the roots. Now gradually deepen the soil with soil.

You should also install a peg to support the seedling. Around the planted tree, the soil is gently rammed and a near-stem circle is formed.

After planting, it is necessary to water the seedling with 3 buckets of water.

The basal fossa can not be insulated, because the variety is cold-resistant.

If in the spring you could not plant a seedling, you can root such an apple tree in the fall, even before the onset of the first frost. During the winter period, the roots of the plant get stronger and grow.

apple saved apple tree description reviews

Tree care

Tree care consists in the annual trimming of dry branches, the formation of a regular crown, top dressing and mulching of the trunk circle. It is these main points that experienced gardeners mention in their reviews. Description of the apple tree “apple saved” attracts many amateur gardeners. After all, this plant requires minimal care. Due to its strong immunity to fungi and resistance to all types of scab, the need for pesticides is significantly reduced.

Many breeders argue that this variety must be planted in gardens. These apple trees actively bear fruit for 70 years, they do not require special conditions and soil composition.

Diseases and Pests

A feature of the apple tree "apple saved" is a stable immunity to all types of scab. The plant obtained this resistance due to the Vf gene.

Under favorable conditions, this variety was not affected by diseases and pests. On a five-point scale, he scored 0 points. Under adverse weather conditions, the lesion rate did not exceed 1.5. In this case, the leaves were slightly damaged, and the taste and quantity of fruits remained unchanged.

apple saved apple tree photo

Gardeners love this variety. Ideal in their description of the apple tree "apple saved." Photo of medium-sized trees with lots of fruits on the branches attracts many beginners. The advantage of this fruit plant is its minimal care. Due to the characteristics of the variety, the need for treatment with fungicides and insecticides disappears. And this directly affects the quality of the crop and the environment. After all, chemical pollution is significantly reduced.


“Apple saved” is a relatively young variety. But in a short time he won the hearts of many gardeners and lovers of delicious fruit. Many breeders proudly say that in a few years this early ripe apple variety will grow in every garden.


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