Can teeth be cut in 2 months: stages of child development, teething rates and opinions of pediatricians

Even those women who are not the first to become a mother may wonder whether teeth can be cut in 2 months. In some babies, signs of teething appear earlier, in others later, everything is purely individual, and any pediatrician will confirm this. It happens that the teeth cut through almost imperceptibly for parents. Other children experience all the "charms" of this time. Let's talk in an article about whether teeth can be cut in 2 months, how this happens, and whether it is a pathology.

Signs of teething

early teeth are cut

The growth of children is accompanied not only by touching and touching moments, but also by a number of anxieties caused by one or another behavior of the baby.

If teeth are cut in 2 months, the symptoms may not be noticed at all, and learning about the first teeth of a child is completely random. But in other cases, things are different, and parents are disturbed by the lack of appetite in the baby, the constant fists in the mouth, restless behavior, and so on.

Of course, if these symptoms occur at the age of the child, when teething can begin according to the prescribed standards, then young parents are not as worried as if this manifests itself in a baby of two months of age. Can teeth be cut in 2 months? They can, and often such an event is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • a sharp increase in body temperature;
  • anxiety in behavior, causeless crying;
  • diarrhea (can be both multiple and single);
  • the occurrence of swelling and redness on the gums;
  • sleep failure
  • increased salivation;
  • constant stay of fists in the mouth;
  • refusal of food;
  • diseases of the ears, throat and nose.

Not all symptoms and do not always occur in children. The above signs may indicate not only teething, but also heat stroke, food poisoning.

Therefore, if they arose, the child began to behave unusually, diarrhea or vomiting appeared, the temperature rose, you need to urgently see a doctor, and not attribute the symptoms to simple teething.

Not always strong salivation indicates that the first tooth will appear soon. At about 2 months, the salivary glands begin to actively develop in children, and at the same time, saliva begins to flow actively. Soon, the process of salivation is normal.

Why do such symptoms appear?

Teething in a child does not affect its health, all symptoms are a secondary phenomenon associated with a decrease in the baby's immunity in a given period of time. When teeth began to be cut at 2 months or later, any bacteria can cause the disease. Therefore, children often have a runny nose and fever.

Teething Age

child with toys

Can teeth be cut in 2 months? This question is asked by parents who have seen a scheme with prescribed age norms, and whose babies have symptoms of the appearance of the first incisors. Child development is completely individual. And if in some the first tooth appears only by the seventh month, in others it can erupt in 2-2.5 months.

Usually, two central incisors begin to break through the lower jaw first, and most often this occurs at an age closer to six months. By the first birthday, babies, in most cases, already have a complete set of all the incisors.

From year to year and a half, you need to wait for the appearance of the first molars, breaking through the top and bottom. By his two years, the baby can already eat almost everything, since its dentition is almost formed and ready to function fully.

At the age of three years, the child should have ten teeth on the upper and lower jaws. All these are temporary, milk teeth, which in the future will gradually change already to permanent ones.

But no pediatrician can predict when teething will begin and in what order. Therefore, parents are not warned that they need to prepare for what can happen to the child. Some teeth are cut in 2 months, and by one and a half years everything is already in place, for others the first teeth appear later than the prescribed standards, and they are cut not in pairs, but immediately in 3-5 pieces!

How to help the baby?

2 months old baby

Some parents are surprised to notice the presence of the first teeth, while others are faced with all the symptoms described above. If the child needs help, be sure to contact the clinic, where the baby is examined, and you will be advised on further actions.

To alleviate the condition, the pediatrician will prescribe age-appropriate drugs (antiviral, antipyretic, and so on).

It helps to cope with discomfort and gum inflammation when teething gels. For example, "Dantinorm Baby", "Holisa", "Kalgel." These drugs anesthetize, relieve inflammation, discomfort, and are endowed with antiseptic properties. But before use, you need to consult a doctor.

Teethers: where to buy and how to use?


Buy teethers made from quality materials. To buy, go to the pharmacy, here you definitely will not get low-quality Chinese teething, which can be dangerous for the baby’s health.

Due to the fact that the crumb is still holding things poorly in its pens - from our own hands, let's gnaw at the teether, massage the baby’s gums with a finger. Do not forget to wash this item more often using antiseptic agents!

There are teethers filled with water or gel. These need to be cooled before use, then they will cool the gums, thereby calming, removing unpleasant sensations.

Early teething: normal or pathological?

teething symptoms

If teeth are cut in 2.5 months, or even earlier, parents begin to worry about the norms in the development of the baby. There were also cases when babies were already born with one or several teeth. What is it? There is nothing terrible and abnormal in this development, early teething can only indicate that during pregnancy the woman received vitamin D and calcium in sufficient quantities. But even without dental control, early teeth cannot be left.

The baby should undergo systematic examinations by a doctor so that you are sure that the early teeth do not interfere with erupting in the future. If it happens that additional ones appear that go beyond the limits of the row, they are simply deleted. You don’t have to worry about it, because we already wrote that these are milk teeth, and after them molars will appear.

Late teething

teeth in 2 months

If the baby is 2 months old, teeth are being cut, then this is normal. Worse if the first teeth are in no hurry to appear. You can hear the opinion that the later the teeth appear, the stronger they will be in the future. But this is not so, and the age of teething does not affect the quality in any way. Delayed teeth may indicate the following problems:

  • rickets;
  • infectious diseases;
  • disturbances in the endocrine system;
  • digestive system failure, malnutrition and malnutrition;
  • early teething may be to blame for teething.

If the first teeth did not appear by 7 months, then this is not a cause for concern. Up to a year are developmental features, but if the first teeth have not appeared in 12 months, you need to visit the dentist.

First teeth care

child development

If the teeth appeared early - you still need to take care of them! Specialty appliances for babies' teeth are sold in stores, and they look more like a toy than a brush. Such a device is worn on the finger of the parent, and it is very convenient for them to clean small teeth.

By the year you need to get a baby brush. The kid still does not know how to take care of the oral cavity himself, but is already starting to copy the actions of adults - and this is a great reason to start to instill the habit of stable dental care!


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