Thermo-bonded geotextiles: what is it, characteristics and types

Thermo-bonded geotextiles are made from a continuous thread based on polypropylene and polyester, it is bonded to the canvas under the influence of high temperature. If we compare this material with needle-punched, then it is non-woven and has a smaller thickness, but its density is quite high and varies from 70 to 110 g / m 2 . You may have heard of this material if you are an avid summer resident. This product is generally very common in many areas of human activity, therefore it is known everywhere.

Thermally bonded geotextiles also have excellent water resistance, while its resistance to deformation is extremely high, they can even be compared with those characteristic of woven materials. This fabric is similar to needle-punched and has a significant elongation at break, which ensures resistance to high loads.


The use of thermally bonded cloth contributes to savings in the performance of construction work, while their quality does not decrease. Reinforcement allows you to make the roadbed more reliable. This increases its wear resistance and durability. If you use geotextiles, you can significantly reduce the number of base materials, but the quality of the canvas will not be lost.

thermofastened geotextile

Repair of the road, which was arranged using such a geotextile, is required less often than the highway that was laid according to the old technology. In landscape design, this material provides an excellent level of drainage and is an excellent choice when creating green roofs.

The main varieties and their characteristics

The material described above is represented by several varieties that differ in their level of surface density. For example, a material marked TC 70 differs by the aforementioned parameter within 70 g / m 2 . The breaking load is 4.9 kN / m, the breaking transverse load remains the same.

non-woven thermally bonded geotextile

On sale you can find thermally bonded geotextiles with the marking TC 90. The numbers in the designation indicate surface density. But the breaking longitudinal and transverse loads are 6.5 kN / m. You can purchase geotextiles with a higher surface density, in this case we are talking about the material TC 110. It is a product with breaking longitudinal and transverse loads, which are 70 kN / m.

Area of ​​use

Thermally bonded geotextiles have excellent moisture permeability and soil retention, which is why builders use it when laying roads and building critical facilities.

geotextile thermofastened techno-nikol

This material is actively used by landscape design specialists, in addition, it can be found in the following areas:

  • in construction;
  • with the formation of a green roof ;
  • at the device platforms;
  • in the process of protecting the foundation;
  • when creating obstacles to the root systems;
  • when strengthening the walls of drainage canals ;
  • if necessary, protect insulation and waterproofing membranes from mechanical influences.

Non-woven thermally bonded geotextiles are used in the construction of roads, as well as children's and sports grounds. With it, you can protect the base of a building of any purpose from the roots of trees. Geotextiles can become a reliable barrier to the growth of rhizomes, which helps with the arrangement of flower beds, flower beds and alpine hills.

Main functions

The above material can perform the following functions:

  • separation of the layers of the roadway;
  • soil reinforcement;
  • drainage organization;
  • soil filtration;
  • soil protection against erosion.

geotextile heat bonded Price

Geotextiles can be used for reinforcing non-metallic materials. With its help, layers of the roadway are separated, and also protect the soil from displacement. Geotextiles can form the basis of a drainage system, protecting streams from debris, sand and small particles of other origin.

Geotextiles from the Technonikol company

Thermo-bonded geotextile "Technonikol" is a polymer web that consists of fibers arranged in a chaotic manner. They are connected mechanically when exposed to temperature. Fabrics with a surface density of 100 g / m 2 are made . The most impressive density reaches 700 g / m 2 per square meter.

The material is neutral to aggressive environments, is environmentally friendly, non-toxic and resistant to the effects of the sun, bacteria, microorganisms, alkalis, acids and temperature extremes. When operating geotextiles thermally bonded, the price of which is 30.8 rubles. per square meter, no by-products of decay occur.

heat-bonded geotextile 150

This geotextile has excellent physical and mechanical properties, among them it should be highlighted:

  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • high modulus of elasticity;
  • universal filtering ability.

The material is widely used in civil, industrial and road construction, as well as in the oil and gas industry, landscape design and for domestic needs.

Area of ​​use of geotextiles 150 g / m2

Thermo-bonded geotextile 150 is a material with an appropriate density. It is used in construction work, but there are other areas of application. It can be seen when slopes are installed, in this case the material is combined with a geogrid. They are also used in the manufacture of geocomposites. This geotextile is perfect for solving everyday problems, for example, sheltering plant seeds. It is used even in the manufacture of medical napkins.


Geotextiles appeared relatively recently, but during its existence managed to gain popularity among consumers. This is due to the wide area of ​​use of this material. It is used not only in industry and construction, but also for solving problems in everyday life. In support of the latter fact, it can be argued that summer residents are well aware of what geotextiles are. They use it in the beds when it is necessary to exclude the growth of weeds and prevent soil displacement.


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