The very first reserve in Russia

Russia is rich in human resources, nature and minerals. Naturally, any of these riches requires a reverent attitude, especially all the resources that are created by nature. The first reserve was established in Russia in 1916, that is, actually before the revolution. According to the new calendar, December 29, 2016 is equal to January 11, 1917. And this place was Barguzinsky reserve.

General description of the conservation area

On the northeastern shores of Lake Baikal, where the cleanest and most transparent water is located, the first nature reserve in Russia is located. Its territory runs along the slopes of the Barguzinsky ridge. Today it is the territory of the Republic of Buryatia, which is part of the Russian Federation. The total occupied area is 366 670 hectares. From the reserve to settlements, at least 100 km to both Nizhneangarsk and Ust-Barguzin. In 1996, these territories were inscribed on the World Heritage List.

first reserve in Russia

Original purpose of creation

The initial and main goal of creating a conservation area is to study and increase the population of the sable fur animal. In the late XIX - early XX centuries, uncontrolled shooting of these animals was carried out, which led to the fact that they were on the verge of complete extinction. In the vast expanses from Sakhalin to the Northern Urals, there were isolated individuals of sable. After all, this was one of the main revenue items of the state treasury; sable was exported.

From 1913 to 1915 several expeditions were sent to the Baikal region under the conditional name “sables”. Researchers had to examine the area, determine the size of the damage inflicted and find the best place for organizing the conservation area. And already in 1916, the decree of the Irkutsk Governor-General established the first reserve in Russia. Then, the borders of the zone were corrected several times, but the so-called core always remained reserved.

the very first reserve in Russia

Climatic and geographical features

According to scientists, the territory of the modern and very first reserve in Russia was formed under the influence of the tectonic movement of the earth's crust. The Barguzinsky ridge rose, and the basin of Lake Baikal became much deeper. The main water separation ridge became higher and sharper, and steep ledges and walls formed below.

Despite the climatic features of the region, there are no glaciers, although in some places the snow lies all year round. In the conservation area, the landscape is traditional for the glacial.

On the Barguzinsky ridge 11 large and small rivers originate. Here they are fast and noisy, the water in them is clean and clear. Some mountain rivers have rapids and even waterfalls. Often ponds overflow due to the formation of floods in early winter. There are thermal springs in the tectonic faults, where the water temperature exceeds 70 degrees.

Most of the first officially created reserve in Russia is covered by sphagnum bogs. The western part is represented by the Central Siberian taiga. And in the south of the forest-steppe and the Mongolian steppes. In the eastern part, mainly East Siberian loess massifs.

The climate in the reserve zone is sharply continental, with high humidity. Although closer to midwinter, the weather is getting better, there are more clear days, and less and less rainfall. In the summer, after rain over Baikal, as a rule, there is fog. The end of autumn is characterized by strong and cold winds.

The first officially created reserve in Russia


This is not to say that the territory of the very first reserve in Russia is favorable for all animals to live. There are only 41 species of mammals. 80% of these animals are representatives of forest fauna. There are very few reptiles and amphibians. But it was possible to adapt to the Siberian frog and amphibian, and there lives an ordinary viper, viviparous lizard and ordinary already.

Baikal waters "sheltered" about 50 species of fish. This is black grayling, bullheads, lenok and taimen. Other lakes have roach, pike, perch and burbot.

But there are a lot of birds in the first officially created reserve in Russia, there are more than 265 species. Shores of Baikal were chosen by waders and ducks. There are gulls here during the flight. Gray cranes live in the swamps . And during the migration period, unique birds appear here: spotted three-thimble, flamingo, Demoiselle crane and bustard. The capercaillie, partridge, wagtail and shrimp shrimp also live in the conservation area.

Closer to winter, foxes and bears, ungulates of fauna migrate to the shores of the lake. And in autumn, there is practically no living creature on the banks, as the storm season begins.

On the territory of the first official reserve in Russia, a huge population of brown bears. Flying squirrels, sable and shrew, chipmunk and wood mouse live here . Many moose and wolves, foxes and weasels, deer and roe deer. Lynx and wolverine are found. The endemic of the protected area is the seal.

first official reserve in Russia


The first reserve in Russia is rich in vegetation; here only vascular plants number about 874 species. There are about 212 species of lichens, and 171 of mushrooms. There are also many mosses, about 150 species, and algae, there are 1,200 species.

Some representatives of the flora have been preserved since the time of the ice age, this is a three-flowered bedstraw, an ordinary swamp bog tree and others.

Specially protected include:

  • killer whale smooth;
  • leafless chin;
  • Redowsky rodentron;
  • real shoes and others.

The western slope of the mountain range can be described as a three-layer:

The bottom layer is forest

deciduous massifs with cedar dwarf pine, mixed forests and fir forests, dark coniferous massifs with pines

Subalpine belt

Bottom part

birch, fir forests, stone placers, woodlands and dwarf forests, with pine forests

Top part

stone placers and rocks, rarely seen thickets of rhododendron and dwarf

Bottom of the mountain belt

mostly lichens and mosses

The southern border runs along the coastline, so there are many cedars and firs. On the plains of the northern part and in the center there are numerous light coniferous forests, with rosemary and lingonberries, pines and larch.

first reserve in Russia 1916


Naturally, the first state reserve of Russia has unique places that travelers would like to visit:

Shumilikha river valley and mountain lakes

This area near Lake Baikal is famous for its waters and diverse flora, stone placers and steep cliffs.

Shumilikha river waterfall

Located at an altitude of 1 thousand meters above sea level, with a water arc of 20 meters. Here is a unique natural “sound” accompaniment.

South Birikan River

A small river, but with very picturesque banks, on which unique representatives of the fauna live.

Cape Volcano

In principle, this is a continuation of the Barguzinsky ridge, which protrudes into the lake for several kilometers. But here is a unique coastline and wonderful landscapes.

Geothermal spring

It is located near the largest lake in the world, where the water temperature reaches 70 degrees.

Visiting Rules

You can’t just get into the territory of the first reserve in Russia. To do this, you need to ask permission from the administration. The application must contain the number of participants, their data and the period of arrival. Entrance to the territory is paid.

the most famous and unique nature reserves of Russia

The biosphere reserve itself offers the organization and conduct of excursions. It can be:

  • Educational excursions. Travelers are taken to the southern border, where they are introduced to the history, flora and fauna.
  • Programs in the Museum of Nature. Vacationers are brought to the village of Davsha, where there is a weather station, a nature museum, a bath complex based on a geothermal spring. There is a hotel and a marina.
  • One day tours. The administration of the reserve offers to walk along the ecological route and enjoy the beauty of the environment.
  • Multi-day hiking. Over the course of several days, travelers will be able to see all the diversity of the nature of Transbaikalia.
  • Water sightseeing tours. It offers vacationers - walks on a boat or boat on the waters of Lake Baikal.

Interesting Facts

The modern holiday “Day of Reserves and National Parks” in Russia is celebrated on the day of the opening of the Barguzinsky Biosphere Reserve.

first reserve in Russia

There are no roads in the protected area at all. Therefore, all excursion programs are designed to overcome no more than 8 kilometers per day, since it is impossible to go through forests and rocky places anymore.

Other unique places of our country

The most famous and unique nature reserves in Russia that attract tourists:

Ubsunur Basin

This is an enclosed water basin located in Central Asia, the total protected area of ​​both states (Russia and Mongolia) is 1,068,853 hectares. Established in 1980

Lower Svirsky Reserve

This is about 42,390 hectares of protected wetlands near St. Petersburg, founded only in 1980.

Lapland Biosphere Reserve

It is located in the Murmansk region and occupies about 278 thousand hectares, founded in 1930.

Great Arctic

This is the largest conservation area in all of Eurasia, with a total area of ​​over 4 million hectares. Established in 1993

And this is only a small part of the protected unique territories in Russia, where it was possible to preserve the flora and fauna. But here, nature requires protection from human impact.


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