Deputy Assistant. The first steps in big politics

A career in politics begins with small posts and a State Duma deputy is no exception. In this way, the majority of the chosen people began their journey to the political Olympus.

However, in addition to desire and ambition, you need to have certain character traits: leadership, determination, perseverance. In addition, it is necessary to be able to feel the mood of the masses and direct it in the right direction, to correct and create bills, to be well versed in issues of history, political science and cultural studies. It is the presence of such psychological and professional skills that will allow you to become a famous politician.

deputy assistant

And a small, but very responsible position - an assistant to the deputy, will be a good start to career growth. Usually the chosen one of the people has at his disposal up to 5 people, each of whom performs a certain work. So someone is assigned the function of a spokesperson, someone is responsible for the legal aspect and writes bills for consideration by the State Duma, and someone knows how to communicate with the electorate.

Responsibilities and Rights

An assistant deputy may have the status of a civil servant or work on a voluntary basis. In the first case, the position held implies the conclusion of an employment contract and a certain procedure for remuneration of labor, which cannot be said about the volunteer assistant.

deputy assistant duties
One of the requirements for hiring this kind of work is the citizenship of the Russian Federation, since the deputy’s assistant is obliged to provide assistance to the person chosen by the Russian people.


  • Support for a deputy in legislative initiatives, preparation of opinions on draft laws under consideration and provision of normative acts necessary for the deputy’s work.

  • Work to promote the bill. The assistant to the deputy of the State Duma should establish close relations with extra-parliamentary organizations and various factions. Organization and participation in informal meetings with deputies, seminars and study tours regarding this bill are possible.

  • Liaising with the electorate in the constituency.

  • Maintaining the initial reception of citizens and preliminary consideration of their appeal to the people's deputy. The deputy’s assistant (his duties are very extensive) also draws up relevant requests and proposals for submission to the governing bodies.

  • Receiving postal and telegraphic mail addressed to the deputy, and answers to them.

assistant to a deputy of the State Duma

  • The deputy’s assistant receives a salary from the total monthly fund, which is 1.65 of the deputy’s monthly salary and is distributed to all assistants.

  • He has free travel on all modes of transport within the city and on suburban routes.

  • The deputy’s assistant has the right to use the halls for delegations at train stations and airports.

  • He is reimbursed for the expenses required for the deputy’s activities, including the return of expenses on a business trip for rental housing, transportation costs , etc.

  • An annual paid vacation of 36 working days is provided.

  • With the early termination of powers of the deputy, the assistant is paid 3 monthly salaries and assistance is provided in hiring for the previous job.

  • He is entitled to free medical care.


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