Bay horse. The most beautiful horse

In the review presented to your attention we will talk about the best horses in the world - horses of bay color. You will ask why?" Indeed, at international exhibitions, the first prizes for the exterior are taken by the horses of Isabella, Igren, white, black or, even, gray, as well as their appearance. Is bay really some kind of special horse? Why is she better than the handsome men listed above? And anyway, bay, what color is it?

bay horse

Bay suit compliments

In our article we will tell you what the word “bay” means, and also conduct a short excursion on various aspects related to horses of this suit.

In the East they say: “If your mare has a black foal, sell it. Never buy a red horse. White will bring happiness, but it must be cherished and cherished. She is not too strong in health and can not cope with a heavy load. Always have a bay horse in the stable - she is the most reliable friend and best assistant. ”

As you know, Arabs and residents of Central Asia know a lot about horses. The best horses lead a pedigree from horses born precisely in Turkic and Arab countries. If you trace the pedigrees of the most famous horse breeds, you can find that horses of the bay suit are most often at their base. Thus, the breed of purebred British horses began with bay Arab, according to other sources, Akhal-Teke stallions, and the British Cleveland is still represented only by one color - bay. In a very common Trakenen breed in Europe, bay color also prevails.

bay horse

Four basic suits

Once horses were divided into only four suits. Currently, the number of suits with apprentices exceeds seven dozen, and this is not the limit. After all, there are also antecedents, but we'll talk about this a little lower. Sometimes a good horse breeder may not be able to determine the suit of the horse. An exact classification of all types has not yet been created, however, all new suits and avenues have occurred as a result of the selection of the four main ones.

Fashion for the color of the "shirt" of horses arose a long time ago, and breeders learned to create new colors for horses. Nevertheless, the belief that the character of the horse is directly related to the color continues to exist. It is believed that bay horses are the most obedient and the most hardy. Ravens are also hardy, but they differ in a hot, that is, wayward character. White is too gentle and shy. Redheads are not hardy enough, they are not always obedient, they are moody. The hero of our review is a bay horse. We will consider this suit in the most detail.

bay is what color

Traits uniting horses of bay color

The color of the horse is determined not only by the color of the skin, but also by the color of the eyes, skin, mane, brushes, shade transformations due to burnout and shedding.

What is the difference between a bay horse? Firstly, her body has a brown color. Shades range from very dark, almost karaka, to fiery, cherry-brown. Secondly, the color of the legs. Below the hocks, it is black. Thirdly, the tail and mane, they are also called the suspension, also black. Grandmas and metacarpus, except for the wild suit, are always black.

The skin under the coat is gray. This is the norm for all stripes, except for Isabella. Isabella's skin is pink.

Figuratively speaking, the appearance of a bay horse is often compared to a smoking flame. When the bay horse sweeps across the field, its mane and tail flutter in the wind. At this time, he really resembles the tongues of fire and black smoke.

bay horses

How not to confuse bay with ginger?

A person who is not well versed in horses may not understand how a bay horse differs from a red or a karakova. As we have already said, red, like bay, is not a color, but a suit, that is, a combination of several characteristics - the colors of the body and distal areas. Once at the stable, do not ask on the go the first person to come across: “What is the color of a bay?” If you do not want to receive a long pause in response. The answer may be overly broad. The most accurate definition can be heard only from a professional - a hippologist, caretaker or a representative of another profession related to horses.

How to distinguish a horse of red color from a bay horse, because they are both brown? The red color suggests the color of the mane and tail similar to the color of the body or lighter. The same applies to the distal extremities. They are the same as or lighter than the body.

Brown is a derivative of red, but it is not surprising to confuse it with dark bay. Unlike the latter, the brown coat is dark brown. The suspensions are the same (not black, like the bay). The carpal and hock joints are the same color as the body or lighter. Recall: in the bay they are black.

If a bay horse has a characteristic color and can be easily recognized, then it is much more difficult to sort out many offshoots. We will help you with this. It is no coincidence that bay horses are considered to be the best of all by the main performance indicators. This suit gives amazing results when creating new remixes. Learning to distinguish horses with bay genes is very useful.

a pair of bay

How not to confuse dark bay with a crow?

This question is not an idle one, because if you can’t confuse a common black horse with any other, then a black crow in tan can be misleading. With this suit, the wool burns out in the summer, and loses the coal black, becoming brownish. Such a horse looks like a bay Bulan suit. An experienced eye will see that the color of the suspension is also highlighted by the sun. For the amateur, the whole truth will open only after winter molting.

Or an example: in front of you is a stallion, as if bay, with yellow tan marks on the face, groin, armpits and near the eyes. The color of the case is like a dark bulan, or a black crow in a tan after a long exposure to the sun. You will be assured that it is a bay horse of a karak suit, but in fact you will be the master of a brown or karak black crow. You can accurately determine the suit only by carefully examining the hair covering the body of the animal, suspension and legs to the forearm. It is important to know that the bay color does not happen to be karakova, and also that the bay color does not burn the black color of the mane and tail in the sun, like a black one in tan.

bay suit

Apprentices and Appearances

Apprentices are derivatives of several basic suits. Appearances are called shades of the main suit. In everyday life, these words are rarely used. Usually they say - a dark bay bulan, or a light deer bay, etc.

Barking, like any other suit, differs not only in the shade of the primary color, but also in the presence of spots on different parts of the horse's body.

Wild suit

For example, a wild bay suit is when the horse's legs from the carpal to the hock have black hair. A slight admixture of dark brown hair is possible. In any case, the shade of the lower extremities from the wrist to the hock joint is darker than the body, and from the hoof to the wrist joint the color of the coat is white.

The ancestors of modern horses were bay, not white, gray or black.

bay with yellow tan

Suit suit

This is the name of a bay horse that has white spots on its face (near the eyes, mouth, forehead or nose), as well as on the joints of the legs or groin. But do not confuse meanness with pies. Too large spots on the body are defined as piebug and emit a separate group. Spots from the wrist and below are a sign of a wild bay, although there is no wild horse gene in such a bay.

Chubara suit

Chubaray can be derived from bay, as well as from red, black, bulan, saline and others. They are the base color. Admixture - white wool. White coat begins with a symmetrical spot from the sacrum. White hair mixed with base color hair. Color spots of the base coat. The farther from the sacrum, the thicker they are. The skin is gray with pink dots, and the hooves are striped - stripes of unpainted horn and the color of the base coat alternate. Depending on the color of the base, the shade of the tail and mane can change. Leopard and tiger horses are referred to as chubars.

The overall shade of the forelock is closer to the color of the base coat.

bay with yellow tan

Roan suit

The roan is a derivative of the same stripes as the Chubaray. Unlike the forelock, it does not change color under any conditions - neither during seasonal molting, nor from prolonged exposure to the sun. She has a large admixture of white hair than a forelock. The head and lower legs are the same color as the base coat.

The overall shade of a roan horse is closer to white.

Bulan suit

Horses of this color have a sandy, dusty-earthy shade of hair. It can be both light and dark. The bay horse of the Bulan suit has a dark belt running along the ridge. Apprentices - golden-bulan, silver-bulan, dark and light bulan, and also roan, piebald and other "shirts" are possible.

Bulans can be not only bay, but also black, gray and red horses. In order not to make a mistake, determining the suit, you must first focus on the color of the legs and suspension, correlate them with the color of the body. Then look at the other indicators.

bay this is what

Deer bay

The bay deer is called the bay horse, which has 2 or more shades that smoothly transition from darker to lighter. Such a suit is inherent in light fur on the stomach, in the armpits and in the groin, and the back, withers and croup are darker. The transition of colors is possible on the face. The overall color is both dark and light. The look-out is defined as a dark or light bay reindeer suit.

Exotic suits

To obtain new exotic colors and breeds, horse breeders cross the best representatives of good breeds with mustangs, ponies, zebras, Przhevalsky horses. This is reflected not only on the exterior of the horses, but also on their character, temperament, endurance and, of course, suit. The process of creating a new suit is very long and expensive. Often, investments do not justify themselves. It is possible to get only single copies with unique characteristics that are not passed on to future generations. So, white horses are very rare. This color is a manifestation of the albinism gene, which appears chaotically.

Horses of a playful suit have a black suspension and a silver or isabella color. Often they are a product of selection of bay and gray or isabella color. These are incredibly beautiful horses. The black mane and tail against the background of an exotic cream-colored hide look very impressive, but the non-standard color is poorly inherited. This also applies to other unusual colors, for example, tiger, when black and brown stripes are clearly visible on the horse's body.

beautiful horses

The most expensive horses in the world

I must say that, according to statistics, bay horses bypass representatives of other stripes in all respects. In the ten most expensive horses in the world, the vast majority of places are occupied by the bay color.

In the late nineties, at the London auction for $ 85 million, a one-year-old bay stallion named Montju was sold. Mohammed bin Rashet al-Makhtum, Prince of Dubai , bought it .

Another, even more famous stallion of the same suit, nicknamed Sheriff Dancer, was purchased in 1963 for $ 40 million.

bay stallion

The most famous horses

In 1924, at an exhibition in Wembley (England), a bay heavy truck named Vulcan dragged a load of 29.47 tons.

Life span of a horse is 20-25 years. Rarely anyone reaches 30, but the bay stallion named Billy more than doubled this term, having lived almost 63 years.

The dark-bay stallion named Narko is well known to the holders of purebred English breed horses. He is the founder of the line, all representatives of which every year take the main awards of the prestigious competition, known as the "Arc de Triomphe".

The legendary Italian steed - a miniature and invincible bay Piccolo Ribot - at one time became famous for having never lost in races. He was always ahead of his rivals in many corps. The most successful and fastest rivals lagged behind as many as six buildings. The hosts of Ribot received more money for his performances with prize money than the owners of all the other famous horses.

A bay mare named Poetin kept the inhabitants of the Netherlands in suspense for several years. Since 2000, speaking at the most prestigious competitions and exhibitions, she impressed the audience with the beauty of the exterior, the constitution. Her trot, gallop and step were rated the highest. At the 24th auction of Perforance Sales International, a real battle began for her. As a result, the mare was acquired by the Dutch Peter and Petty van der Zwan for 2.5 million euros.

bay mare

Bay horses in art

Horses are exceptionally intelligent and noble animals. They feel and understand people very well. They have a character. A horse will never offend a child. Accidents happen if it is not right to approach them. They do not see what is happening behind the croup, so they can kick. For this reason, everyone who first appears near a horse is warned that they should be circumvented in front. You can even under the very neck - she will not do anything wrong. Noble animals have long inspired talented people of art.

In the seventies of the nineteenth century, Sergei Donaurov’s romance to the poems by Aleksey Apukhtin, “A Couple of Bayes”, was very popular. This is a sad story about the fate of an actress, who once shone in the light, but to old age turned out to be forgotten by everyone and cast into a lonely existence. Only a couple of old bay horses remained her faithful companions.

On one of the squares of Kursk there is a bronze sculpture representing a pair of bay horses harnessed to an elegant stroller with a folded top. Against their background, Kursk and city guests are very fond of taking pictures.

In 2009, Sergei Krutinin's feature film, A Pair of Bay Fame, was released. This is a touching melodrama. Starring Irina Kupchenko and Mikhail Zhegalov. The granddaughter comes to Lydia Petrovna, the heroine of Kupchenko. She is played by Agnia Kuznetsova. The impudent and self-confident Muscovite a little despises the lifestyle of the coastal province. The grandmother's solitary life, her quiet affair with Arkady Pavlovich, who lives next door, seem to her boring and stupid. Gradually, she begins to realize that the delicate attention that the elderly show towards each other is real love. In general, the old age of a person and the old age of a horse is a frequent comparison.

One of the main character traits of horses is herding. What does this mean? This is a complex structure common to a group of horses. In the team of horses there is always a hierarchy according to age and strength characteristics. Horses always protect and support their own, that is, those they like. This is clearly seen in the herd when several new horses appear there. They, even if there are only two or three of them, once in a large herd, are sure to stay close to each other and watch out so that other horses do not offend the members of their small collective.


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