What is raffia? Material properties

Today there is a huge selection of materials from which you can sew or knit clothes, make any option for decorating the interior, and so on. The most popular and widespread was yarn made of raffia (a thread made of raffia). It can be used in any direction. And all because it has extremely good properties. How many popular models of clothes, shoes, jewelry, furniture and everything else were released by well-known fashion designers and decorators!

What is raffia

Probably each of you at least once in your life heard this term. "What is raffia?" - you ask. The answer is very simple. Raffia is a type of palm tree (the name of a palm tree) from which special ornamental material is made. One of the most popular today is raffia for knitting.

Raffia hat

For its manufacture, huge palm leaves are manually harvested and left on sunny plantations until completely dry. After the raw materials are collected, sorted and torn according to a special method into thin strips. At the end of all work, long fibers are made from these strips. The material is twisted into skeins. They are called raffia yarn.

What is raffia is clear to everyone. But technology does not stand still. Today, there is artificial raffia.

Artificial Fiber Raffia

Raffia Earrings

Artificial raffia is cheaper in contrast to natural material. Rafia thread has a wide range of colors. That allows you to make products from it brighter. One skein may be enough for several children's hats. It is very beneficial. Artificial raffia is produced synthetically. In appearance, the threads are very similar to corrugated paper.

Although the artificial raffia thread is much cheaper and more affordable. However, compared to natural, yarn is inferior. The same applies to the environmental friendliness of the material.

Now everyone understands what raffia (artificial) is. Consider what properties it has.

Properties of a natural thread raffia

In fact, the threads of raw raffia have a lot of both positive and negative properties. We indicate some of them:

  • natural raffia fiber itself has a delicate cream shade;
  • very rarely, but you can find dyed fiber (it is dyed during processing and drying of the leaves, the strips themselves);
  • raffia does not shed;
  • raffia fibers are strong and elastic (this effect is achieved during drying of the material);
  • the material is resistant to temperature and moisture;
  • good sticks.
Furniture from raffia

A material like raffia has a lot of positive properties. It is also worth mentioning that the strips are widely used in floristry and interior design. Unfortunately, such an interesting and practical raw material also has disadvantages:

  • threads can tear in the longitudinal direction;
  • soaks in water;
  • only dried strips of raw raffia tend to be confused.

Characteristics of raffia fibers

Let's look at the characteristics of the fibers. This will be very useful for those who are fond of such material and the manufacture of crafts:

  • The fiber itself is very strong, although it looks almost transparent and fragile. This allows you to use it in gardening.
  • Raffia has elastic fibers. Due to this, the strips can be folded several times.
  • Also, the fibers adhere very well to each other. They can be glued to other materials using natural glue or varnish.
  • The threads are easily dyed in a different color.
  • If the room becomes wet, then the fiber becomes translucent.
  • Raffia fiber can be used not only indoors, but also on the street. And all because the threads do not change their color even after a long time.
  • Does not tear in the transverse direction. But you can easily tear along.
  • The tape can be smoothed out only with water.
  • Raffia fibers pass moisture and air very well through themselves. Therefore, they are not susceptible to decay.
  • During the transition from one state to another does not lose its properties.

You can also have a good look at the raffia threads in the photo below.

Raffia yarn, color

Raffia application

After considering the characteristics and properties of raffia, it becomes clear that such material is quite widely in demand. This also applies to its range of use. Today, the scope of raffia is expanding. Such material is used in floristry, decoration. Handbags, hats, baskets, small rugs are woven from it, souvenirs are made.

Raffia is also used for making washcloths. Due to the effects of hot steam and moisture, the material becomes very soft and delicate. Raffia ribbon is often used in floristry. Ribbons and wrapping paper are being replaced. And all because such material is inexpensive and readily available. Many gardeners use fibers as the basis for plants that curl. Raffia tapes are used in any field. They will never be few or many. It doesn’t matter whether it is a bouquet or a beautiful craft. Since we already said what raffia is, it becomes clear: wherever you decide to use it, you will never be mistaken.

Wall decoration with raffia

It’s great if your choice is on raffia colored ribbons. Products made of colored thread are used in the decoration of the room: walls, ceiling, furniture, large floor pots, pillows and so on. You can list for a very long time. Do not forget that you can decorate those objects that are outdoors.

Raffia consumption

In order to tie a hat or bag of raffia, you do not need to use a lot of threads. It turns out that the consumption is extremely small, given the material and its cost.

In order to tie a hat for an adult with a single crochet, with small margins, you need to use about two skeins. And for a hat with large brim - three skeins.

For a small handbag (clutch) you need to spend about two skeins. For a medium sized handbag, you will need five skeins. But for a bag of large sizes - from seven to more.

You should also pay attention to the fact that the amount of yarn can increase or decrease. It all depends on how tight you knit, and whether you use openwork patterns.

You need to use hook number 3 and number 4. As for the knitting needles, this is number 5 and number 5.5.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25540/

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