Propagation of an orchid by a peduncle: effective methods, methods and recommendations

The popularity of orchids is growing from year to year, and almost every grower has in his collection "cattleya", "phalaenopsis" or "dendrobium". There are a lot of materials on how to care for them, but when reproducing, there are subtleties without which you cannot get strong offspring. It has been established that using the vegetative method of propagation, up to three new plants are obtained from one plant, about 10 by cuttings, and several thousand by seeds. Which method is better to choose and how to propagate an orchid through a peduncle, we will consider further.

Growth Classification

All types of orchids according to the characteristic features of growth are divided into two large groups:

  1. Sympodial - plants consist of numerous shoots that are interconnected by a rhizome. This is a modified stem crawling on the surface of the substrate, from the nodes of which leaves and pseudobulbs with bundles of young roots are formed. They have several growth points, and each new sprout turns into a pseudobulb (a thickened stem of an orchid with a supply of nutrients). This type includes “Lelia”, “Cattleya”, “dendrobium”.
  2. Monopodial - they do not have a rhizome and pseudobulb, but contain one vertical stem and only one apical growth point. Growth is carried out by lengthening the stem and laying the leaves at the top. In the sinuses, between the leaves, buds are laid. Of these, lateral peduncles or axillary aerial roots are formed. Over time, from below, the leaves age and die, and young ones develop higher on the shoot. Representatives of this type are "phalaenopsis" and "vanda."
Orchid flower

From what type the orchid belongs to, to some extent its method of reproduction depends.

How to propagate?

For beginners who are keen on orchid cultivation, the question of how to propagate an orchid at home is very important. There are only two methods existing for cultivating these beautiful plants by amateur gardeners:

  • Vegetative - is called asexual. For propagation in this case, various parts of the mother plant are used - pseudobulbs, cuttings, layers, babies, side shoots, division of the bush. New individuals with this method of reproduction retain all the genetic properties of the mother plant.
  • Generative - otherwise it is called genital. The plant reproduces with the help of seeds. It is complex, long and painstaking. Seeds are very small and require strict rules for their cultivation. Moreover, the resulting orchid from the seeds may be completely unlike the mother plant.
Orchid seeds

At home, the method of propagation by seeds is practically not used, more often they use cuttings and dividing the bush.

The use of a peduncle for the reproduction of "phalaenopsis"

Often used for propagation orchid "phalaenopsis" flower stalk. The following are used:

  • Kids with roots. They appear as lateral processes on the peduncle. They grow quickly with proper care, and the transplant process is very simple.
  • Cuttings. The flower stalk removed from the plant is cut into pieces that are put to root.

The best-quality peduncles in Phalaenopsis appear in late autumn. And after flowering, no later than three months, they can be used for reproduction. At a later date after flowering, the material is not used as planting material.

Propagation by cuttings

Propagation of orchids by peduncle cuttings is considered one of the simplest and least costly methods. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Cut the peduncle from the plant close to the base. To process places of cuts with coal powder.
  • Cut the cuttings at an angle of 5-7 centimeters in length so that each of them has a kidney, as close as possible to the lower cut.
  • In shallow but of sufficient width containers with chopped sphagnum moss and moistened with water with a biostimulator, lay out the peduncle cuttings horizontally.
Orchid cuttings
  • When planting an orchid with a peduncle, cover plantings with film or glass, put in a warm and well-lit place. Ventilate daily and, when dried, spray the cuttings with a solution accelerating root formation.
  • When two pairs of leaves and roots up to 5 centimeters long appear, the cuttings are ready for planting in the ground.
  • When transplanting, the dead parts must be carefully separated and the process should be placed in the soil for orchids.

Growing children

The orchid baby is a natural clone of the mother plant. It, in fact, is a small formed orchid that has a stem, roots and leaves, and in some cases produces a small peduncle. But it happens that after flowering has to stimulate the forcing of the processes. How to successfully grow a baby orchid from a peduncle? To do this, use the following methods:

  • The difference in day and night temperature. The night set 18–20, and the day 28–30 degrees. Moreover, they provide high air humidity due to spraying and exposure of pebble baths flooded with water. Daylight hours due to artificial lighting lengthen up to 12 hours.
  • Sun baths. For one hour a day in early spring, the orchid is exposed to direct sunlight. It is necessary to ensure that the leaves do not become a dark purple hue. In this case, the procedure is canceled.
  • Artificial drought. For two weeks, the plant is not watered, but they are protected from direct sunlight. The roots become gray-silver in color, after waiting another two days, they carry out the moistening of the soil. Due to the resulting stress, the plant activates and releases the shoots.
  • Top dressing with a fertilizer containing a high dose of nitrogen. The method poses some risk, and the orchid sometimes dies from an overabundance of nitrogenous fertilizer. Therefore, use it with caution.

Reproduction by children

One of the most common ways of propagating orchids is to plant children. Siblings are separated from peduncles two months after flowering, usually this occurs in the spring. Growth buds on peduncles are formed on plants older than two years of age, with at least four healthy leaves. There is no consensus on the time of separation of children from the mother plant. Some believe that it is necessary to cut off the offspring when the roots appear, while others - when a pair of leaflets grows. Step-by-step instructions for propagating orchids with peduncles:

  1. Separate the baby from the peduncle. To disinfect sections and leave in the open air for drying during the day.
  2. In transparent cups, make drainage holes. Fill them with a chopped mixture of fern root, pine bark and sphagnum moss in a ratio of 1: 3: 1.
  3. Moisten the substrate, drop off the offspring and place the container in a makeshift greenhouse or greenhouse. Put it in a warm place with temperatures up to 25 degrees and bright diffused light.
  4. Planting during the propagation of orchid flower stalk daily must be aired and moistened using a solution of the root growth stimulator.
  5. A pair of lower leaves may turn yellow, but you do not need to trim them. They are necessary for the nutrition of newly formed roots. Over time, they will dry out and fall off on their own.
  6. When the root length reaches 4-5 cm, the orchid is transplanted into the ground.
Sprout with roots

The procedure for growing children to an adult orchid takes a long time and takes about a year.

Peduncle for the propagation of orchids

How to use it for breeding flowers? There are several ways to propagate the Phalaenopsis orchid at home. One of them is as follows:

  1. Cut the children with a peduncle, treat the slices with crushed charcoal and allow time for them to dry during the day.
  2. Warm the water a little above room temperature, dissolve succinic acid in it to activate biological processes and take half a glass of the finished solution.
  3. In the morning, place the baby in the liquid prepared on the eve so that about 2 mm remains from its lower part to the water. For convenience, foam is used, in which it is necessary to cut a hole and place the baby above the surface of the water.
  4. After six hours, get it and leave it to dry until the next morning.
  5. All actions are repeated until the roots grow to 5 cm. Water is changed daily.
  6. Plant the sprouted baby in the prepared soil for orchids.

This method is also suitable for resuscitation of plants that for some reason have lost their roots.

The use of stimulants

For the propagation of orchids with a peduncle at home, the following method is also used:

  1. Cut a faded peduncle from an orchid.
  2. Put it in warm, well-settled or rainwater, into which previously add a tablet of activated carbon to 200 ml of water or potassium permanganate crystals, making the solution pale pink. Succinic acid or a root growth biostimulator can be used to enhance development.
  3. Cover the container with a glass cap or plastic bag and place in a sunny place.
  4. Every day, do ventilation and spray with a solution of "Epina" or "Kornevin."
Cutting Processing

Instead of biostimulants, for the propagation of an orchid by a peduncle, sometimes special fertilizers intended for plants are used, making the concentration approximately two times lower than indicated in the instructions:

  • Change the water every four days.
  • Due to increased humidity, heat and light exposure and the presence of stimulant drugs at the growth points, the formation of children occurs.

Siblings are cut and rooting according to the above recommendations.

Propagation of "phalaenopsis"

The following methods are known for propagating the Phalaenopsis orchid:

  • Dividing - the upper part of the plant is cut off and rooted, and the lower continues to grow.
  • Cuttings - for cutting cuttings use peduncles arrows containing sleeping buds. New orchids grow from rooted cuttings.
  • Kids - one of the popular ways. Small orchids grow on peduncles of the plant, which separate and carry out rooting.
  • Seeds - rarely used because of the difficulty of growing, but they get an orchid, completely unlike the one from which the seeds were taken.

Cuttings for propagation

Propagation of orchids by cuttings at home is more often carried out in monopodial plants and they are not used very often. Although this method has an advantage - in one season you can get the desired number of new orchids. The best period for cuttings is active growth after flowering. About 15 cm are cut from a healthy stem with an aerial root with a sharp sterile knife. Slices are treated with activated carbon, and the stalk is deepened into a new pot. After a while, new shoots will appear on the cut stem. Leave only the top, the rest are cut so that they do not take food from the orchid. Received new shoots also root. To propagate "phalaenopsis", cuttings are performed somewhat differently. For this:

  • Choose three or four pseudobulbs from the age of two years.
  • Cut into several parts so that each contained a node with a kidney.
  • Disinfect sections and allow to dry.
  • Cuttings are buried in moist moss.

Cellophane bags are put on containers and constant humidity and temperature are maintained by airing daily. This regimen is maintained for two months.

Correct propagation of "phalaenopsis" peduncle

To obtain a healthy strain, you must follow simple rules for reproduction and follow these tips:

  • Planting material should be taken only from healthy plants.
  • Sterilize all used tools.
  • Perform disinfection of sections.
  • For planting, use disinfected soil.
  • In greenhouses, withstand the necessary humidity and temperature.
Kids with roots

Under these conditions, a healthy sprout will soon appear. To propagate "phalaenopsis" use several methods:

  • Cuttings - planting material is chosen from a plant with an age of at least two years.
  • Peduncles - the propagation of orchids is carried out when it has at least four full leaves, after flowering. On the taken part of the arrow, the presence of a sleeping point is mandatory. The flower stalk is used as follows. Place it in a glass container with water and germinate the kidneys at a certain temperature. Children are cut from the peduncle and planted in a container for growing. Cuttings are cut and germinated in greenhouses with moss, and then planted in separate pots.

All methods give healthy offspring subject to the rules of taking material and growing.

Tips & Tricks

Experienced gardeners who have been cultivating orchids for a long time give the following recommendations:

  • For good survival of the cuttings, moist soil is needed until 2-3 leaf nodes appear.
  • After the growth of roots 5 cm long, the sprouts are planted in new pots.
  • When propagating, apical cuttings are often used.
  • For planting and the appearance of flower buds, the plant needs to arrange stress in the form of artificial drought or a sharp change in temperature.
  • It is easiest to propagate lingering orchids of the sympodial type by separating the rosette with roots.
Bush division
  • When propagating, it is very important to observe the sterility of the necessary equipment and planting material.


Now it’s clear how to propagate an orchid at home through a peduncle. The article discusses different methods of propagation of these amazing indoor flowers. Now the choice is yours. You can try to grow cuttings from faded peduncles, or it will be easier to use children who are already small orchids and require only rooting. And it is better to try several methods of reproduction and choose the one that you like best.


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