Where is Grove Street in GTA 5? Reference to San Andreas

During the game in "GTA 5" you will find a lot of interesting references to various works, such as books, films and even musical compositions. You will find a frozen xenomorph from the movie “Alien”, you can be killed by a shark from the movie “Jaws”, you can also find cave paintings with the face of the protagonist of the series “Breaking Bad” and so on. However, it was especially nice for old-school fans of the series to find references to previous episodes of GTA. One of the most striking is Grove Street - a street that all San Andreas fans will remember. But where is Grove Street in GTA 5 and what can you find there? This is what this article will be devoted to.

How to find Grove Street?

Where is Grove Street in GTA 5

So, if you want to find out where Grove Street is located in GTA 5, then you should not be guided by the appearance of this street, as you remember it. The fact is that the events of "San Andreas" in the story take place in the early nineties, and in "GTA 5" - in 2013. Accordingly, a lot has changed on this street, but you can still recognize it. However, it is much easier to use direct fire - you need to go to Los Santos itself, and not in its vicinity, and make your way to its southern part. There, for a landmark, you should take a large stadium, which you definitely can’t miss. From it you need to move east, and pretty quickly you will find the very Grove Street that served as your home in San Andreas. You can look around and take a closer look, wander around familiar places and make sure that time flows mercilessly. However, many gamers on such a tip can not determine where Grove Street is located in GTA 5. Accordingly, you need to clarify the data a little.

Exact location

groove street in gta 5

If you are having trouble trying to figure out where Grove Street is located in GTA 5, then you should consider one small circumstance. Use the instructions that were given to you a little earlier, but if at the same time you can’t find the right street, then take a look at the map. The fact is that Grove Street is slightly different from the rest of the streets that intersect in this area of ​​Los Santos. Grove Street ends in a dead end, while all other streets smoothly transition into new ones, never ending anywhere. Accordingly, you can focus on this when looking for memories of San Andreas. However, what awaits you when you finally discover Grove Street in GTA 5?

The inscription on the wall and the old house

where groove street in gta 5

If you spent enough time in San Andreas, then it will not be a problem for you to find the home of the protagonist of that episode on Grove Street in GTA 5. Of course, it looks very different, but it can still awaken memories. However, it should not be called the main attraction, but another building. More specifically, it is not the building itself, but one of its walls, on which there is an inscription. For those who did not play in San Andreas and, therefore, in no way associates this street with one of the previous episodes, it will not matter. However, old-school gamers, seeing on the wall the inscription "Welcome home! We missed you!", Involuntarily smile and remember the days gone by. Thus, if you played San Andreas, then you should definitely find out where Grove Street is in GTA 5, but if you did not have such an experience, then you will not experience much nostalgia, and this street will only be for you one of the same in Los Santos.


grove street in gta 5 where is

So, what else can Grove Street give you in GTA 5? Where this street is located, you already know, also you already realized that it has something special. However, you should also pay attention to those people who walk on it. This will be especially noticeable next to the inscription, which was discussed earlier. The fact is that on Grove Street you will meet a lot of people in green clothes - again, if you played San Andreas, you will immediately understand that these are members of the CJ gang, since green was their hallmark in that episode of the series. Unfortunately, you cannot do the same with them as in San Andreas, that is, go up to them and take them to your gang so that they go everywhere and help you with everything. However, you will still be pleased to meet old friends with whom you spent so much time when “San Andreas” was still the most popular and sought-after episode of the series. In principle, this is where all the features of Grove Street in GTA 5 end, but this is enough for those who remember.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E2555/

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