Navier-Stokes equations. Mathematical modeling. Solution of systems of differential equations

The system of Navier-Stokes equations is used for the theory of stability of certain flows, as well as for the description of turbulence. In addition, the development of mechanics is based on it, which is directly related to general mathematical models. In general terms, these equations have a huge supply of information and have not been studied much, but they were deduced in the mid-nineteenth century. The main occurring cases are considered classical inequalities, that is, an ideal inviscid fluid and boundary layers. The consequence of the initial data may be the equations of acoustics, stability, averaged turbulent movements, internal waves.

Navier Stokes equations

The formation and development of inequalities

The original Navier-Stokes equations have enormous data of physical effects, and the investigative inequalities differ in that they have the complexity of characteristic features. Due to the fact that they are also non-linear, non-stationary, with the presence of a small parameter with the inherent highest derivative and the nature of the movement of space, they can be studied using numerical methods.

Direct mathematical modeling of turbulence and fluid motion in the structure of nonlinear differential equations is of direct and fundamental importance in this system. The numerical solutions of Navier-Stokes were complex, depending on a large number of parameters; therefore, they caused discussions and were considered unusual. However, in the 60s laid the foundation for the development of hydrodynamics and mathematical methods, the formation and improvement, as well as the widespread use of computers.

Further information about the Stokes system

Modern mathematical modeling in the structure of Navier inequalities is fully formed and is considered as an independent direction in the fields of knowledge:

  • fluid and gas mechanics;
  • aerohydrodynamics;
  • mechanical engineering;
  • energy;
  • natural phenomena;
  • technology.

Most applications of this nature require constructive and quick workflow solutions. Exact calculation of all variables in this system increases reliability, reduces metal consumption, the volume of energy schemes. As a result, processing costs are reduced, the operational and technological component of machines and apparatuses is improved, the quality of materials becomes higher. The continuous growth and productivity of computers makes it possible to improve numerical modeling, as well as similar methods for solving systems of differential equations. All mathematical methods and systems are objectively developed under the influence of Navier-Stokes inequalities, which contain significant reserves of knowledge.

Nonlinear differential equations

Natural convection

The problems of viscous fluid mechanics were studied on the basis of the Stokes equations, natural convective heat and mass transfer. In addition, applications of this field as a result of theoretical practices have made progress. The heterogeneity of temperature, the composition of the liquid, gas and gravity cause certain fluctuations, which are called natural convection. It is also gravitational, which is also divided into thermal and concentration branches.

Among other things, this term is shared by thermocapillary and other varieties of convection. Existing mechanisms are universal. They participate and underlie the majority of gas movements, liquids that occur and are present in the natural sphere. In addition, they affect and influence structural elements based on thermal systems, as well as homogeneity, thermal insulation efficiency, separation of substances, structural perfection of materials created from the liquid phase.

Features of this class of movements

Physical criteria are expressed in a complex internal structure. In this system, the core of the flow and the boundary layer are difficult to distinguish. In addition, the following variables are features:

  • mutual influence of various fields (motion, temperature, concentration);
  • a strong dependence of the above parameters comes from the boundary, initial conditions, which, in turn, determine the criteria for similarity and various complicated factors;
  • numerical values ​​in nature, technology change in a wide sense;
  • as a result, the operation of technical and similar installations is hindered.

The physical properties of substances that vary over a wide range under the influence of various factors, as well as the geometry and boundary conditions, affect convection problems, and each specified criterion plays an important role. The characteristics of mass transfer and heat depend on many of the desired parameters. For practical applications, traditional definitions are needed: flows, various elements of structural modes, temperature stratification, convection structure, micro- and macroinhomogeneity of concentration fields.

Mathematical modeling

Nonlinear differential equations and their solution

Mathematical modeling, or, in other words, methods of computational experiments, are developed taking into account a specific system of nonlinear equations. An improved form of deriving inequalities consists of several stages:

  1. The choice of a physical model of the phenomenon that is being investigated.
  2. The initial values ​​that define it are grouped into a set of data.
  3. The mathematical model for solving the Navier-Stokes equations and boundary conditions to some extent describes the created phenomenon.
  4. A method or method for calculating the task is being developed.
  5. A program is created for solving systems of differential equations.
  6. Calculations, analysis and processing of results.
  7. Practical application.

From all this it follows that the main task is to achieve the right conclusion on the basis of these actions. That is, a physical experiment, used in practice, should bring out certain results and create a conclusion about the correctness and accessibility of a model or computer program developed for the sake of this phenomenon. In the end, one can judge about an improved method of calculus or that it needs to be further developed.

Solution of systems of differential equations

Each indicated step directly depends on the given parameters of the subject area. The mathematical method is carried out to solve systems of nonlinear equations that belong to different classes of problems, and their calculus. The content of each requires the completeness, accuracy of the physical descriptions of the process, as well as features in practical applications of any of the studied subject areas.

The mathematical method of calculating based on methods for solving the nonlinear Stokes equations is used in fluid and gas mechanics and is considered the next step following Euler's theory and the boundary layer. Thus, in this version of the calculus there are high requirements for efficiency, speed, processing excellence. Especially these instructions apply to flow regimes, which can lose stability and go on to turbulence.

Solution of systems of differential equations

Learn more about the action chain.

The technological chain, or rather, the mathematical stages must be ensured by continuity and equal strength. The numerical solution of the Navier-Stokes equations consists of discretization - when constructing a finite-dimensional model, the composition will include certain algebraic inequalities and the method of this system. The specific method of calculus is determined by many factors, among which are: features of the class of tasks, requirements, capabilities of technology, traditions and qualifications.

Numerical solutions of non-stationary inequalities

To build a calculus system for problems, it is necessary to identify the order of the Stokes differential equation. In fact, it contains the classical scheme of two-dimensional inequalities for convection, heat and mass transfer of Boussinesq. All this is derived from the general class of Stokes problems on a compressible fluid, the density of which does not depend on pressure, but is related to temperature. In theory, it is considered dynamically and statically stable.

Taking into account the Boussinesq theory, all thermodynamic parameters and their values ​​do not particularly change with deviations and remain consistent with static equilibrium and the conditions interconnected with it. A model created on the basis of this theory takes into account minimal fluctuations and possible differences in the system during a change in composition or temperature. Thus, the Boussinesq equation is as follows: p = p (c, T). Temperature, impurity, pressure. Moreover, the density is an independent variable.

Methods for solving systems of differential equations

The essence of the Boussinesq theory

To describe convection, the important distinguishing feature of a system that does not contain hydrostatic compressibility effects is applicable in the Boussinesq theory. Acoustic waves manifest themselves in a system of inequalities if a dependence of density and pressure arises. Similar effects are filtered when calculating the deviation of temperature and other variables from static values. This factor significantly affects the design of computational methods.

However, if any changes or differences in impurities, variables occur, hydrostatic pressure increases, then the equations should be adjusted. The Navier-Stokes equations and ordinary inequalities have differences, especially for calculating the convection of a compressible gas. In these problems, there are intermediate mathematical models where the change in the physical property is taken into account or a detailed account of the change in density, which depends on temperature and pressure, and concentration, is performed.

Features and characteristics of the Stokes equations

Navier and its inequalities form the basis of convection, in addition, they have specifics, certain features that are manifested and expressed in numerical embodiment, and also do not depend on the form of recording. A characteristic feature of these equations is the spatially elliptical essence of the solutions, which is due to the viscous flow. To solve it is necessary to use and apply typical methods.

Inequalities of the boundary layer are different. These require the setting of certain conditions. In the Stokes system, there is a senior derivative, due to which the solution changes and becomes smooth. The boundary layer and the walls grow, in the end, this structure is non-linear. As a result, the similarity and relationship with the hydrodynamic type, as well as with an incompressible fluid, inertial components, the amount of movement in the desired tasks.

Navier Stokes equations solution

Characterization of nonlinearity in inequalities

When solving systems of Navier-Stokes equations, large Reynolds numbers are taken into account. As a result, this leads to complex spatio-temporal structures. In natural convection, there is no speed that is set in tasks. Thus, the Reynolds number plays a large-scale role in the indicated value, and is also used to obtain various equalities. In addition, the use of this option is widely used to obtain answers with systems of Fourier, Grashof, Schmidt, Prandtl and others.

In the Boussinesq approximation, the equations are specific in view of the fact that a significant proportion of the mutual influence of the temperature and flow fields is due to certain factors. The non-standard nature of the flow of the equation is due to instability, the smallest Reynolds number. In the case of an isothermal fluid flow, the situation with inequalities changes. Various modes are contained in the non-stationary Stokes equations.

The essence and development of numerical research

Until recently, linear hydrodynamic equations implied the use of large Reynolds numbers and numerical studies of the behavior of small perturbations, motions, and so on. Today, various flows imply numerical simulations with direct occurrences of transient and turbulent regimes. All this is solved by a system of non-linear Stokes equations. The numerical result in this case is the instantaneous value of all fields according to the specified criteria.

Methods for solving nonlinear equations

Processing non-stationary results

Instantaneous final values ​​are numerical implementations that lend themselves to the same systems and methods of statistical processing as linear inequalities. Other manifestations of non-stationary motion are expressed in variables of internal waves, stratified fluid, etc. However, all these values ​​in the final result are described by the original system of equations and processed, analyzed by established values, circuits.

Other manifestations of unsteadiness are expressed by waves, which are considered as a transition process of the evolution of initial disturbances. In addition, there are classes of unsteady motions that are associated with various mass forces and their oscillations, as well as with thermal conditions that change in the time interval.


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