Marigold: seed cultivation

Marigolds are another representative of the Astrov family. They have a wide variety of annual and perennial species. In Russia, they were the first overseas flowers, since they came here in South and Central America in the sixteenth century. The Indians used them for various rituals and rituals, and it was also believed that these cute flowers can cure various diseases. Marigolds, or chornobryvtsy, are now distributed throughout the globe.


Marigold stems form bushes that can reach a height of 130 centimeters. The leaves are divided into small feathers, which have a bright green or dark green hue. The root system is fibrous, rather sprawling. Flower baskets have all kinds of shades of brown, yellow and orange. Marigolds begin to bloom in early summer and delight gardeners with their bright baskets right up to the onset of the first frosts. They have these flowers and the fruit, where the ripened seeds are stored.

Marigolds have a tendency to self-sowing, and their seeds can remain viable for up to four years. It is believed that the flowers of marigold have a strong spicy smell, but this is a misconception, since to a greater extent the aroma comes from the leaves.

marigold seeds

Species and varieties

As already mentioned, there are many varieties of these bright flowers, but only three species have reached the greatest popularity, which should be discussed in more detail below.

  1. Erect Marigolds. These are, perhaps, the largest chornobryvtsy that generally exist in nature, since the height of the bush can reach one meter. Usually they are covered with terry monophonic inflorescences, the diameter of which is fifteen centimeters. Flowers can have various shades: from white to golden.
  2. Short marigolds. Their height rarely exceeds a threshold of sixty centimeters. These are very small bushes that are covered with non-double and double flowers no more than eight centimeters in diameter. Here, flowers can decorate a flower bed for a long time, and their shades are not always monophonic. Carmen variety stands out, where corrugated petals have an orange-yellow center and red-brown edges.
  3. Thin leaf marigolds. Marigold marigolds have a special group, the cultivation of which brings pleasure to every gardener. Their main feature is beautiful lace leaves, which surprise not only with their appearance, but also with a pleasant delicate aroma. And also inflorescences are amazing, which, despite their modest size, are so numerous that they create a real carpet on a flower bed. They have red, yellow, orange and brown shades, which, being on the same flower bed, simply fascinate with their beauty.
marigolds in the flowerbed


Even a beginner in gardening can easily cope with such a task as cultivating marigold seedlings for growing at home and in the open ground. You can also propagate chornobrytsy by digging a flowering bush. You can give an almost one hundred percent guarantee that the bush will be accepted, and next year will delight others with its bright flowering. And you can use the traditional and most simple way - just sow the seeds.

If you plan to plant seeds directly in the open ground, then wait until mid-May, during this period frosts are unlikely to return. With the help of a chopper, a furrow is made in the flowerbed and well spilled with water, then the seeds of the chornobrips are laid out and sprinkled with loose earth. After a few weeks, the first shoots will begin to appear on this place. If you think that they are too densely planted, then after waiting for the appearance of several real leaves, they can simply be planted.

But if you do not want to go the easy way, then in the article we will talk in detail about how the cultivation of marigold from seeds for seedlings occurs.

types of marigolds

Preparing planting material

If you do not have seeds that a generous neighbor has shared with you, then you can purchase them at any flower shop. Moreover, this will have to be done only once, because after flowering these flowers leave enough seeds for reproduction. You should not collect seeds that have not yet ripened and look for innovative methods of drying them. It is enough to leave a few large heads right on the bush and wait until they ripen. Watch the weather carefully so that seeds that are already dry do not deteriorate in the rain. So, the ripened seeds can be collected and spread in a warm and dry room so that those inside are dry. Recall that finished seeds can be stored for no more than four years; after this period, seedlings can not be expected from them.

It is important to remember that almost all marigolds are hybrids, and in this regard, every fourth seed does not retain varietal properties. Some gardeners prefer to plant already sprouted seeds. What is needed in order to grow marigolds from seeds at home using this method? You will need a saucer on which a damp cloth is laid out, and seeds are placed on it. Then this saucer is wrapped in a plastic bag and placed in a warm place. Within three days, the seeds that are suitable for planting will hatch.

planting marigold seeds

Seed time

Another question that gardeners are interested in is growing marigold seeds, when to plant? Chornobryvtsy need to plant seedlings the sooner the better. If you want your flowerbed to be decorated with all the previously listed types of these flowers, then you need to know when to plant marigolds and all other species.

The first upright chornobryvtsy are planted - this is approximately mid-March, and in two weeks you can sow undersized and thin-leaved. If you adhere to this technology, then all three species will bloom at the same time, in June. In general, there is nothing difficult in growing marigolds from seeds, however there are some details that cannot be ignored.

The soil

First of all, you need to prepare a substrate, in which you will then place the planting material. You will need:

  1. Humus is one part.
  2. Peat is one piece.
  3. Sod is one piece.
  4. Sand - ½ part.

Be sure to disinfect the soil. To do this, it is watered with a fungicide solution or a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate. Do not forget that the bottom must be covered with a layer of drainage. Expanded clay, crushed stone or sand can be used. The layer of any material cannot be less than three centimeters. It is also necessary to fertilize the soil with organic matter, but do not use fresh manure.

marigold cultivation

Disembarkation technology

So, now we know all the subtleties of marigold thin-leaved, growing from seeds, when you need to do this, but here's how, let's talk further.

Seeds for seedlings are planted in pre-prepared grooves. Each of them should be at a distance of two centimeters from the next. Seeds are laid in these grooves and sprinkled with earth on top. After this, the planted seeds must be watered, but this must be done very carefully so that the flow of water does not wash out the seeds. It is better to use a spray gun for these purposes.

The containers must be put in a warm place where the air temperature will not drop below twenty-two degrees. Constantly control the soil moisture; it should not dry out. You will notice the first sprouts in a week. Just the time to move the containers to a more lighted place. The air temperature can be safely reduced to fifteen degrees.


Marigold seedlings for cultivation in the open ground can be planted only when you are completely sure that night frosts will not bother her. This is due to the fact that the homeland of chornobryvtsy is warm countries, and they do not tolerate cold temperatures. And also it is impossible to plant those seedlings on which there are no three real leaves yet, and their root system is not powerful enough. Their full readiness for planting in the soil occurs approximately in late May-early June. Try to choose loamy and neutral soil. It should be nutritious enough so that it does not have to be fertilized, and well moistened.

Depending on which planting variety you choose, the distance from one seedling to another is also calculated. If your marigolds are tall, then the distance from individual to individual and between rows is forty centimeters. Medium species are seated at a distance that is ten centimeters less than this and the lowest will feel fine twenty centimeters from a neighbor.

After a successful planting, you need to often and abundantly water the plants. Although many say that chornobryvtsy are drought tolerant, they need constant hydration. If this is not done, then the flowers will be small, and the bushes themselves will grow “clogged”.

how to grow marigold seedlings


As mentioned earlier in the article, marigolds grow well in bright light, but in partial shade and even shade they will feel normal. However, those flower growers who want to achieve lush and plentiful flowering should plant them in the place where the sun is always there. When the flowers move to the stage of active growth, they need frequent and plentiful watering, but as soon as you see that buds have begun to form on the bushes, watering must be reduced. Otherwise, the process of decay may begin if water stagnates in the roots and you will not see beautiful bright inflorescences.

They do not need additional nutrition, but if you yourself take the initiative, then the Chornobrivers certainly will not refuse. For fertilizer, it is recommended to use complex formulations. The first feeding is done when the seedlings reach a height of ten centimeters, then during the period when the first buds are produced, and for the last time with the beginning of flowering. What you need to do is to remove weeds and loosen the soil, otherwise the marigolds begin to choke. If you notice that the bushes began to grow strongly, then you can trim. Faded parts are removed so that flowering becomes more abundant.

These flowers do not need protection from insects and diseases due to their aroma, which repels everything that can harm. But besides themselves, marigolds can protect growing plants from similar problems and nearby, so many gardeners plant them around the entire perimeter of the site. But if the weather is wet for a long time and rains often pour, slugs and snails may appear that need to be disposed of. Place jars of bleach on the beds, and its smell will scare away uninvited guests.

But a dry summer is dangerous because chornobryvtsy affects spider mites. But you can also get rid of it. To this end, plants are sprayed with infusion of onions, red hot pepper and yarrow. As a prevention of its appearance, it is recommended to moisten the air around the plants. To do this, it is enough to spray water around the flower bed several times a day.

As for disease, gray rot may appear. You can not get rid of it, so you have to remove all damaged plants and as soon as possible. Otherwise, they will infect neighboring marigolds and more.

marigolds for seedlings

Marigold Properties

Marigolds can not only delight your eye with their flowering, but also bring quite a lot of benefits. Therefore, their cultivation in the garden can be called mandatory. First of all, they contain lutein, which is an excellent prevention of cataracts. In addition, if you study several recipes from traditional medicine, you can find very effective ways to deal with diabetes and inflammation of the pancreas. If you collect marigold flowers, dry them and insist, then you can cure stomatitis, which is a common problem in newborn babies, as well as serious diseases like asthma and bronchitis. Such a tincture will be very effective for colds, and even with its help you can quickly cleanse the blood.

To prepare such a healing infusion is not difficult at all. For one tablespoon of dried flowers, you will need a liter jar of boiling water. Flowers are poured and insisted for three hours. After this, it is necessary to strain the resulting infusion and consume one glass once a day thirty minutes before meals. The course of treatment is three months.

When taking a bath, add a decoction of marigolds to the water to relieve stress, relax the nervous system and just calm down. Even modern experts recommend such procedures for neurosis and frequent depression. The inhabitants of South America to this day are actively using marigolds for cooking. They add them as seasonings to various dishes and sauces. Caucasians even gave this seasoning their name “Imereti saffron” and sell it in powder form in their markets. Mistresses add such a powder to satsivi, pilaf and other national dishes. And in France, these flowers have long been grown on an industrial scale, and not for ordinary residents.

It should also be noted several recipes that are recommended to use well-known cosmetologists of the country:

  1. A balm that gives lips softness. You will need two tablespoons of dried and chopped marigold heads, which must be mixed with a third glass of olive oil and a tablespoon of apricot oil. The resulting mixture should be infused for a week in a dark place. After this, the raw materials are squeezed well, and the lips are lubricated with the resulting liquid, when necessary.
  2. Face Lotion. For one glass of boiling water, you will need two tablespoons of crushed inflorescences. Insists all night and after that you need to strain it well. A tablespoon of vodka and a teaspoon of lemon juice are added to the liquid. You need to store the lotion in a cool place, the refrigerator is best for this. Apply three times a day to the face.
  3. Another good remedy that removes any irritation from the surface of the skin. Pour one and a half cups of hot water into a pan or other iron container and pour two tablespoons of chopped heads into it. Bring it all to a boil and let it brew for three or four hours. Then the broth must be filtered, add two tablespoons of water and squeezed juice of one large leaf of aloe. The resulting broth is stored in the refrigerator and twice a day they are wiped with sore spots.

As you can see, the gardener does not need to create conditions for the cultivation of marigolds, which would require special effort. Just a little attention is enough to make your flower beds bright and fragrant.


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