A brief retelling of "In a Furious and Beautiful World" by A.P. Platonov - Features and Characteristics of Heroes

The story "In a beautiful and furious world", a brief retelling of which is presented in the article, is a piercing, sad and touching work by the Soviet prose writer Andrei Platonov. It was first published in 1937.

a brief retelling in a furious and beautiful world

about the author

Before proceeding with a brief retelling of the story “In a beautiful and furious world,” it is worthwhile to devote a few words to its creator. Andrey Platonov was born in 1989. His father was a machinist. Many heroes of the writer's works are railway workers. The character in the work “In a Beautiful and Furious World” also works as a driver.

A brief retelling of Platonov’s book does not give an idea of ​​the extraordinary talent of this prose writer. His gift was not so much in the ability to find the right word, but in the ability to show the suffering of a person by the example of some everyday, seemingly insignificant situations. Perhaps the whole point is that he knew firsthand about suffering.

During the Civil War, the novice writer worked as a front-line correspondent. In 1922 he published the first book. After 10 years, Platonov wrote the story "For the Future", which caused Stalin's anger. The repression began. In 1938, the son of the writer was arrested, two years later they were released, but he lived, suffering from tuberculosis, only a few months.

retelling in a beautiful and furious world

Andrei Platonov went through the Second World War. In the rank of captain, he again worked as a correspondent, but risked his life on the front line along with ordinary soldiers. After the war ended, he published "Homecoming", after which he was subjected to new, more fierce attacks. Until the end of his days, a talented writer was deprived of the right to earn money as a writer.

“In a beautiful and furious world”: retelling

Platonov created works that, in the critics' opinion, have no analogues in literature. It's all in a unique, unique style. It is impossible to evaluate it by reading the retelling. “In a beautiful and furious world” is still a work based on an amazing story. The author told about events that can hardly happen in real life. And therefore, even a superficial acquaintance with the plot will be interesting.

Below is a short retelling plan. "In a beautiful and furious world" is easier to state according to the following scheme:

  • Maltsev.
  • Konstantin.
  • Sudden flash.
  • Arrest.
  • Tesla installation.
  • Experiment.
  • Life in the dark.

in a beautiful and furious world

Alexander Maltsev

What is the story “In a beautiful and furious world” about? Summary should be started with the characteristics of the protagonist.

Alexander Vasilievich Maltsev works in the Tolubeyevsky depot. And here he is the best driver. He is about thirty. He leads the composition with high skill, with some detachment. And at these moments it seems that he does not see anything else around.

Alexander Vasilievich is laconic. He only in extreme cases addresses his assistant - Konstantin, on behalf of whom the story is narrated in the story “In a beautiful and furious world”.

A brief description of Maltsev is given at the beginning of the work. Hard work, a passionate love for his work, even a certain sense of superiority over colleagues - these are the features and qualities of the protagonist. “In a beautiful and furious world” is the work of the author, from whose pen such images were often born. A man who lives by work, unable to exist without it, is a typical hero of Platonov.

a brief retelling of the story in a beautiful furious world


The narration is from a young man who admires the talent of the driver. No matter how much he tried to understand the secret of Maltsev’s extraordinary gift, he didn’t succeed. Konstantin worked as his assistant for about six months. And then an event occurred, which can be called the climax in the work "In a beautiful and furious world." A brief retelling of the story, which was witnessed and attended by Maltsev’s assistant, is presented below.

Flash flash

It happened on the way. Everything went as usual. No signs of trouble. But suddenly thunder thundered and bright lightning flashed. So bright that Konstantin was a little scared, and then asked the stoker about what it was.

It was a sharp blue light that flashed for a moment. It is not surprising that Konstantin did not recognize a completely ordinary natural phenomenon. At the same time, Maltsev led the squad calmly, calmly. When he heard the word “lightning” from the stoker, he said that he had not seen anything. But how could you not have noticed the piercing, instant flash?

After some time, Konstantin began to notice that the driver was driving worse. But this could be explained by fatigue. When they passed the yellow and then the red traffic lights, the Maltsev’s assistant was frightened, suspected something was amiss. And then the engineer stopped the train and said: “Kostya, you will continue to lead. I'm blind. ”

retelling in the beautiful and furious world of Platonov


Vision to Maltsev returned the next day. But on that ill-fated night, he committed several serious violations. The driver was put on trial, and no one believed Konstantin when he talked about temporary blindness. But even if the investigator believed, the driver would not have been released. After all, he, having lost his sight, continued to drive the train, thereby risking the lives of passengers.

Maltsev admitted to Konstantin that even when he was blind, he saw a line, and signals, and wheat in the steppe. But he saw it in his imagination. He did not immediately believe in his blindness. He only believed when he heard firecrackers.

in a beautiful and furious world briefly

Tesla Installation

Maltsev was sent to prison. Konstantin continued to work, but already as an assistant to another engineer. He missed Maltsev. And once I heard about the installation of Tesla, the use of which, as he put on it, can prove the innocence of the driver.

With the help of this installation it was possible to check a person’s exposure to electric discharges. Konstantin wrote a letter to the investigator, who was conducting the Maltsev case, with a request to conduct tests. In addition, he indicated where the installation was located and how the experiment should be carried out. For several weeks, the assistant driver was waiting for an answer.


No wonder Constantine wrote a letter to the investigator. After some time, he called him to his place. An examination using the Tesla installation was carried out. Maltsev again lost the ability to see. His innocence has been proven. He was released. However, the investigator felt guilty for a long time for having obeyed the advice of Konstantin. After all, the driver this time has gone blind forever.

Life in the dark

There was no hope of recovery. Maltsev was in fact easily exposed to electric discharges. And if for the first time when he led the composition, his vision returned, then during the experiment his eyes that had already been injured had suffered. Maltsev was destined to spend his whole life in darkness. Do not see any lines, no traffic lights, no fields. Not to see all that without which he previously could not imagine his existence.

This is the sad story of the hero of the story "In a beautiful and furious world." The summary is stated. But Platonov did not put an end to this.

Konstantin passed the exams, became a machinist. Now he drove a train on his own. Every day, Maltsev came to the platform, sat on a painted bench and looked with a blind eye towards the departing train. His face was sensitive, passionate. He eagerly inhaled the smell of lubricating oil and burning. Konstantin could not help him. He was leaving. Maltsev stayed.

in a beautiful and furious world, the main character

But once Konstantin took Maltsev with him. He put Alexander Vasilyevich in his place, put his hand on the reverse. In quiet areas, Konstantin sat in the place of the assistant and watched how the former engineer kept the train, forgetting his grief. And on the approach to Tolubeyev, Maltsev returned his vision again. He saw a yellow traffic light, ordered Konstantin to block off the steam, and then turned to face him, looked with a sighted gaze and burst into tears.

After work, they went to Maltsev’s home and talked until the morning. Konstantin was afraid to leave Alexander Vasilyevich alone with the hostile power of this beautiful but furious world.

Retelling an artwork saves time. In order to find out the content of a story or story, it is enough to spend only 2-3 minutes. Nevertheless, the books of such masters of the word as Andrei Platonov should be read in the original.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25571/

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