Common primrose: home care, seed cultivation

In the spring garden, primrose occupies a special place - an elegant primrose with playful bright hats. In nature, there are more than 500 varieties of plants. No wonder that the lush bushes quickly migrated from the flower bed to flower pots. And instead of wintering under the snow, they delight the eye with flowering on the January windowsill. In this article, we will detail what primrose is ordinary. Home care, seed propagation and plant transplantation usually do not give gardeners much trouble.

What is the best way to breed primrose?

First, let's talk about the care and reproduction of primrose in the gardens. Florists like this stemless herbaceous plant, forming a bush of dark green corrugated leaves collected in a rosette. Spring sunshine quickly awakens the primrose, and it throws arrows with numerous flowers, among which the most common are red, blue and violet. Florists dream of acquiring white, yellow and other rare varieties of primrose. And here a small problem arises.

Primrose ordinary home care
Long-term primrose is quite unpretentious, however, propagating a plant by the division method is quite problematic. The bush grows reluctantly, and the root system is so tenaciously intertwined that it is rarely possible to divide it without injuring it. Therefore, sowing seeds for seedlings seems to be the most acceptable option for plant breeding. Usually, with the onset of spring, the first sprouts already break through on the windowsills, which later, having strengthened, will be transplanted to flower beds in darkened areas of the garden.

Outdoor care for primrose

Having grown seedlings from seeds in the spring and planted the plant in a favorable place, as usual, we will wait for flowering only with the onset of the next season. After all, a plant will be able to bloom only 8 months after emergence. In the meantime, those varieties of primrose that have been wintering in the garden for more than a year will delight our eyes. Primroses do not like the open sun, so the flowerbed under them should be arranged in the shade or in areas where the sun's rays appear only in the morning. Also, the plant does not like stagnation of water in its roots, painfully reacting to this. Flowering can occur even when the average daily air temperature reaches 10 degrees. After flowering, the culture does not require any additional care. Cutting leaves for the winter is also not necessary.

How to care for primrose

Primrose annual

If the plant is well propagated by seeds, then there are no obstacles to the cultivation of this bright representative of the flora. How to care for primrose annual? As a rule, caring for such a plant is uncomplicated. Perhaps the most popular type of annuals in Russia is considered to be a tender primrose, which has small bright pink flowers. The plant is especially appreciated for the extraordinary beauty of lush inflorescences. Gardeners are not even stopped by the fact that after the flowering period has ended, the bushes have to be simply eliminated as unnecessary, however, they again and again plant primrose seeds along with asters and zinnias. The variety does not tolerate heat and can quickly stop flowering even at temperatures above 15 degrees. It should be noted that the annual favors increased humidity.

Reverse conical primrose: species growing conditions

So we came to that very species, which is very popular and most often lives in the winter on our windowsills. The extraordinary beauty of lush terry rosettes of inflorescences of different shades will not leave indifferent any lover of flora. And if you take into account the fact that flowering begins with the onset of the new calendar year, then the primrose inverted leaves in the category of plants that every gardener must have.

Flower Primrose Care

Summer period of existence

Reverse conical primrose in room conditions requires special attention. Directly in a pot, the plant should be taken out into the open air: in the garden, on the veranda, on the terrace. The main condition is to prevent direct sunlight from falling on the foliage. However, the space should be well lit. So that flowering does not stop in the summer, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the substrate, preventing its drying out. However, it is also not necessary to fill the plant. When a period with critically high temperatures begins, the plant is sprayed or a pot is placed on a tray with moist expanded clay. This kind of primrose should be kept with caution, in view of the possible allergic reaction of the skin on the hands of a person.

Growing a plant in pots, many are wondering if primrose flower often needs to be fed. Care for the crop, in particular the addition of mineral organic fertilizers in the summer, should be carried out every 2 weeks. A little later, during the period from November to February, when the plant begins the phase of active budding, top dressing will need to be increased and carried out weekly.

Primrose growing conditions

General rules for keeping plants in pots

We know that in the natural environment there is no more unpretentious flower than ordinary primrose. Home care and potting will require certain knowledge, skills and patience from gardeners. Some common points to consider when breeding a potted crop are:

  • The soil should not contain an increased concentration of mineral salts.
  • Flowering is possible only with good lighting and a stable low air temperature.
  • Wilted castings and inflorescences will prevent the development of new shoots. In this regard, the dried up elements are removed in a timely manner.
  • Winter conditions: a lit place with an air temperature of +15 degrees.
  • Transplantation is possible only after the end of the flowering period. At the same time, drainage is necessarily placed at the bottom of the pot.
  • The plant is affected by gray rot. In this regard, preferred fertilizers with a predominance of potassium and phosphorus. Processing for the destruction of spores is carried out with a solution of soap and copper or 1% of the composition of boric acid.
    Primrose in the room

Common primrose: seed cultivation. Sowing dates

It is believed that the optimal time for sowing primrose is the period from November to December. We remember that in an adult plant, budding begins at this time. Not critical if sowing seeds at other times of the year. Seeds will be characterized by increased germination, if they are kept at a temperature of 15-20 degrees and sufficient humidity before sowing. Seedlings can be expected already on the 10th day after laying in the ground. As soon as a seed breaks through the soil and sprouts, the air temperature and humidity in the room must be reduced. This is done gradually. The process of diving until the constant planting in the pot (period from March to April) is carried out twice.

Soil formation

What features does the substrate have in its structure for planting such a plant as common primrose? Home care is not possible without well-drained soil. You can use purchased ready-made soil for geraniums by mixing it with sandy soil in a 5: 1 ratio. Clean river sand is also suitable for composing the substrate. If you prepare the land yourself, then for planting and keeping primrose take in equal parts deciduous, peat and turf soil. After mixing the substrate, also according to the scheme 5: 1, sand is added. Household primrose should be contained in a spacious, not very high pot. In addition, do not forget about the layer of drainage from expanded clay balls.

Primrose ordinary seed cultivation

Propagation by axillary shoot acceleration

This type of propagation is inherent in plants with a weak root system, forming only one rosette of leaves. We are looking for the base of the root neck and separate a good stalk with a kidney and a piece of shoot. Leaf blades will interfere with rooting, but cannot be completely removed. Therefore, we will only shorten them by half. The cutlery should be placed in a substrate composed of deciduous soil and sand (preferably if it is coarse river sand) at an angle. You need to make sure that the kidney is located in the upward direction. Penetration of the cut into the ground to a depth of 1 cm will be quite enough. All the conditions for processing cuttings during rooting should coincide with those under which an adult primrose flower is contained. Care for these vegetative components is carried out in a bright, moderately warm and humidified room. Of course, like an adult plant, direct sunlight is contraindicated in cuttings.

Primrose pests

Sucking insects are very fond of soft, juicy leaves of rosettes of such a plant as primrose. Home care and protection against parasites are the timely adoption of effective measures. Aphids, thrips, spider mites reproduce well at elevated temperatures. If you deprive them of the conditions for optimal existence and development, in part you can save the primrose from sucking parasites. In the event that the pests nevertheless penetrated the plant, special preparations are added to the pots, such as Karbofos, Decis, Actellik. Radical pest control measures will help prevent twisting and deformation of the leaves, as well as wilting and their complete drying.

Excess dressing can cause yellowing of the edges of the leaves. Primrose does not like the increased acidity of the soil. If the leaves began to turn yellow, iron sulfate is usually added when watering.

Primrose home

The most beautiful plant species

We already talked a lot about spectacular views that migrated from flower beds to window sills, and also learned how to care for primrose. Of the many varieties of this beautiful plant, the following are especially revered:

  • Ear primrose - grown in greenhouses and has velvet flowers of unusual colors: cream, yellow, white, burgundy. Differs from other types of thick compacted foliage.
  • Chinese primrose is a hybrid reaching a height of 35 cm, with serrated leaves and a yellow eye inside the flowers. He likes cool, can be grown in pots.
  • Glossy primrose is a persistent primrose with pink, white, orange and red flowers that can bloom singly without forming inflorescences. Leaves are covered with hairs.


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