Handbag for girls crocheted. Inspired by the work of Vendula Maderski

crochet handbag for girls
Let's please your daughter, sister or niece with an elegant accessory! Let us draw inspiration from the wonderful works of the Czech craftswoman Vendula Maderski, known throughout the world. Not a single little fashionista will be impressed by a multi-colored handbag for a girl crocheted. It would seem that it could be easier than to knit two squares and a strip, from which then sew a handbag. But Vendula simply works wonders, combining many colors in one work, decorating products with beads and beads, small buttons, pendants, plastic birds and bells! It is impossible not to fall in love with the things she created at first sight. β€œThe magic of hooks and needles” - so she calls her work. And knitters from many countries around the world admire her work and create their own hats, bags and toys in the style of Vendula.

Craftswoman and her story

crochet bags
Vendula was born, raised and currently lives in the Czech Republic. She learned to knit at the age of 13, however, like many other knitters. Real inspiration came to her when she was at home and was engaged in the upbringing of her little daughter. From multi-colored glomeruli and a handful of motley beads, a beautiful handbag for a girl was crocheted. From this began the "new wave" in knitting. But exclusive items from the Czech craftswoman can not only be bought ready-made, but also made independently, because she generously shares her ideas and her experience. Today, the main business of Vendula Maderski is not only crocheting bags, clothes, bright accessories and toys, but also developing detailed schemes and descriptions for his works.

Quality mark

crochet bags
How to determine what a thing happened? Will the thing bring the same joy in the process of wearing that it brought to the master during manufacture? Will accompany the new owner every day or get dusty in the corner of the closet? Such questions are asked by the Czech knitter, finishing another job. And if the answer is yes, then the bag for the girl, crocheted, will go to the little hostess. This is the main evaluation criterion for Vendula, because she considers the main requirement for every thing - the ability to bring joy.

Handbag for girls crocheted. Vendula Style

crochet bags
We need 3-5 colors of yarn. It is desirable that all the threads be of the same kind, although this is not necessary. You can buy new ones, but you can use the remaining ones. Each color needs literally 50 grams. The main thing is that the colors are bright and harmonious with each other. In addition, be sure to stock up on wooden buttons, beads, glass beads, beads and ribbons. In general, we’ll use everything that was liked in the hardware store. Crocheting bags is a very interesting thing, and we will not adhere to complex patterns, we will experiment! First we connect the circle. We will collect 10 loops, in each row we will make increments according to this scheme: in one loop we knit one single crochet, and in the next - two. As a result, the circle will be even. But let's play with the flowers! And with patterns too: instead of a single crochet, you can knit a crochet with a contrasting thread, but in the previous row, not forgetting about the increments. When the circle is ready, we will go along a row of single crochet columns in the opposite direction, but not until the end to make an oval. We knit a second circle of the same size, experimenting with colors and textures. To make a pen, you can simply twist the tourniquet or braid the braid of thread. And for the valve we’ll make a smaller circle, the brightest and most fun. That's all! It remains only to sew details and embroider them with fittings as prompted by fantasy.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25576/

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