Budleya - planting and care, cultivation and reproduction

Budleya is a beautiful shrub up to 2.5 meters high, which is often called the "autumn lilac". And not in vain. Brought to us from China, Budleya blooms in late summer, and its flowering continues until October. The inflorescences of the bush are very similar to lilacs, hence this "autumn" name came from.

Budleya: planting and care, especially growing

buddy landing and care
The homeland of the bush is humid subtropical forests, and therefore it feels most comfortable in these conditions. If you decide to plant this beauty, then the place is better to choose a sunny, open and preferably having protection from the north wind. The shrub does not tolerate heavy loam at all, it feels most comfortable in loose, well-permeable water soils.

Experienced gardeners recommend overlooking the ground around the bush with dry peat. In the heat, the plant should be watered abundantly. In the evening, it is advisable to spray the leaves with water, as the moist air loves waking very much.

Planting and caring for the plant should provide it with reliable protection from harsh winter frosts. Exposure to freezing temperatures can ruin the shrubbery.

Heat-loving wake-up: how to care for it to protect the plant in winter?

In our climatic zone, the most common is the dawdle of David. Before wintering, they cut it off at the very base. The roots are carefully covered with straw, fallen leaves or peat, you can also use compost.

As a rule, I’m not completely pruning a leaflet. Only old or dried shoots are removed.

wake-up boarding and grooming photo

To shelter the shrubs apply spruce branches. In light winters, a wake-up may die. The main difficulty in growing this plant is precisely in protecting and preserving it in the winter, because the shrub is very heat-loving, and severe frosts are simply fatal for it.

Budleya: planting and care, especially breeding

Shrub is quite simple to plant with cuttings. The tops of the shoots are cut at the end of June, about 15 cm long. The lower leaves are removed. It is kept for some time in the root formation stimulator, and then stuck into the ground to a depth of about 5 cm.The seedlings are abundantly watered and covered with a cap from the film, which is removed after the cuttings are attached and new shoots sprout.

Budleya can also propagate by seeds, but this method is only available in the southern regions. In our climatic zone, the seeds do not have time to ripen.

waking up how to care
Budleya, planting and care of which is carried out properly, pleases with abundant flowering. So that the shrub does not grow much, prune it every year. Looks very good in hedges, it can be combined in group plantings with plants such as spirea. But even if planted separately, it will decorate your garden - it’s waking!

Planting and care (photos are shown) for the bush will give you a real pleasure. Agree that it’s nice to watch the riot of colors of a small flowering bush against the background of yellowing autumn leaves, as if the last summer days decided to linger in your garden to give off the last warmth ...

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25578/

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