Screw Tomato Electric Juicer

Various versions of juicers for tomatoes and berries on the market, allow you to choose any of the models to the taste of the client. All products differ in functional characteristics, power, price category and type of operation of the unit. Each of the models of juicers is different and characterized by the advantages and some disadvantages of the products.

To obtain juice with a thicker consistency, use special electric juice squeezers for tomato with a special screw mechanism.

Therefore, before you focus on a specific model, decide which juice you want to get: more liquid or reminiscent of a smoothie - thick and rich in vitamins.

Electric tomato squeezer

Interesting! Product quality is directly proportional to the type of mechanism that the electric tomato juicer is equipped with.

Classification of devices by type of internal mechanism

When planning to make a new purchase, first understand the types that are classified by type of design:

  • screw juicer (Zelmer) ;
  • Press, working on the principle of a meat grinder.

There is a manual and electric screw juicer for tomatoes, peaches, apricots and other vegetables and fruits.

Electric juicer

By its features, the unit is somewhat reminiscent of a classic meat grinder, which they are used to seeing in the kitchen. Inside the juicer is a screw shaft, which is located above the perforated filter, which holds the cake from the fruits.

Interesting! The screw juicer is great for the production of berry puree from strawberries, strawberries, raspberries.

The auger knife looks like a grater for potatoes, and is worn on the nose of a juicer as a special nozzle. There are models with removable nozzles, and there are options with a basic screw mesh designed only for tomatoes. The first are practical, because you can process any fruit. While the latter are suitable for the production of only tomato juice. Stationary models with auger mesh include industrial models of juicers.

Electric tomato screw juicer

Manual installation

A variant of a similar type with a manual actuation mechanism is more reliable. A mechanical juicer will last longer than any other equipment, no matter what warranty qualities it possesses.

Electric juicer for tomatoes tshm 1

Juicer Press

A separate segment of juice-producing devices that resemble a press unit is distinguished. This is a mechanical juicer, operating on the principle of applying pressure. The fruits are placed on a special stand of an electric screw juicer for tomatoes, and then squeezed through the net with the help of a lowering lever that drives the press.

A press device is the best option in the case of the production of thick homemade tomato juice, since the pulp and peel are not discarded, but are carefully rubbed to a homogeneous consistency.

Home-made juice production unit

If the master has some skills in the field of repairing equipment, then he can easily construct a juicer with his own hands from materials that are at hand. For example, from an old, already not used meat grinder. Externally, the home juicer and meat grinder are similar, but internally, they are radically different.

Ability to change modes

The electric screw juicer for tomatoes is equipped with a switch for changing operating modes, with which it is easy to adjust the rotation force of the centrifugal mechanism, including affecting the power level of the unit. This unit is considered universal, which means the possibility of processing any fruit: fruits, vegetables, berries.

Electric tomato juicer reviews

Before you buy an electric juice squeezer for tomatoes electric TShM-1 with a centrifugal mechanism, note that using such a device, you will not achieve the desired effect in the processing of tomatoes. The higher the speed of the mechanism, the more transparent the final product.

Capacity Classification

Electric juicers are divided into two large groups: household appliances and industrial. The first is used to produce juice for yourself, the second - for large-scale production for sale.

Customer reviews

Among connoisseurs of fresh juice, an opinion has been formed that a screw juicer for home is a great option. Buyers in their reviews characterize productive aggregates as hardy and reliable equipment. Many note the quality of Belarusian juicers, which increases the demand for equipment.

Opinion about juicers is generally positive. On the pages of blogs and forums, there are 75% more positive recommendations than negative statements about this technique.

Users trust trusted companies and advise potential buyers to do the same.

Recommendations for the selection of equipment for the production of juice at home

Before buying, pay attention to the reviews on tomato juicers. Electrical products or manual mechanical analogues - you decide as a buyer, but keep in mind that both of them have both positive and negative qualities in work.

After that, determine how much you are willing to pay for the network model of the juicer and whether it would be more profitable to buy a mechanical option.

A manual juicer will cost around 1,000 rubles. The price range for electric models is more flexible and starts from 2 500 rubles to 30 000 rubles. This is the price of an electric tomato juicer (Belarus).

As a price-averaged option, you can purchase a mechanical unit, but such an option is characterized by lower productivity in comparison with technological models.

Electric juicer for tomatoes electric tshm 2

Based on the estimated volumes of tomato processing, choose the model that has the optimal container capacity for your needs. This will allow the user to operate the equipment longer without having to shut down.

Principle of operation of a screw juicer

Squeezing the juice occurs thanks to a screw knife, which grinds and squeezes the fruits. With the realized press system of extraction, which modern juicers are supplied with, the process takes place with a minimum amount of waste, which means up to the last drop of liquid.

The electric TSHM-2 juice extractor for tomatoes , powered by the mains, is used for processing large volumes of tomatoes, for example, if conservation is planned. A manual option is bought if they plan to squeeze no more than a few glasses per day.

Important! Remember: no matter what the juicer is, the maximum duration of its operation without stopping is 30 minutes. After this, the unit should be disconnected from the mains, allowed to cool, rinse and clean. When the equipment dries, you can continue to process fruits or vegetables.

Tomato juicer electric Belarus

You can talk about the benefits of freshly squeezed juices, fresh, smoothies endlessly. The auger juicer is great for making such drinks. Moreover, regardless of the model, the technology with a bang copes with the task - fruit processing.

The electric tomato juicer with screw blades copes with the processing of any fruit, berries, vegetables, sprouts of sprouted wheat. This is a profitable option for acquiring home appliances, because such a device is useful on the farm. Especially if you have your own garden, the family can add homemade juices that are so healthy and fresh to the diet.


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