Fineber siding: production features, types of paintings and their cost

The concern of each owner is to make his home not only cozy, warm, but also beautiful. For this, manufacturers produce many types of facing materials, including siding. Strong and aesthetically attractive panels made of polyvinyl chloride bear this name. Among the most famous manufacturers of this material is Fineber.

About the manufacturer

Base siding Fineber
The metropolitan company Terna Polymer was founded 15 years ago. Over the years, an enterprise from a small workshop has grown to the size of one of the largest plants in the industry.

The company is engaged in the production of polymer coatings, which are used for surface finishing both inside and outside buildings. Automated equipment is used for the manufacture of products, which allows the use of an advanced extrusion method. Due to this, during the production of polymer materials are combined , which are characterized by different characteristics.

The quality of the finished products is checked in the laboratory of the enterprise, so products that have passed the test are delivered to the market. This means that it does not cause complaints from consumers, since it fully complies with the requirements stipulated in GOST. The volume of production from the company “Terna Polymer” is constantly increasing, which will allow everyone to purchase the type of product they like.

Production Features

Vinyl siding Fineber
For the production of vinyl products, a special method is used in which two layers of sheets are connected at the molecular level. One of the layers is decorative, placed on the front side of the panels. The task of the inner layer is to keep the geometric shape of the products and maintain their strength.

To produce Fineber siding, high-quality polymer raw materials are used with special impurities that increase the resistance of the material to temperature conditions and preserve color throughout the entire period of operation of the products. Therefore, the lined surfaces are well tolerated by any adverse weather conditions and even after a few years have their original color.

Application benefits

Fineber siding
Using Fineber siding, it is possible, having invested a minimum of costs, to update the facade of any structure, whether it is an economic, industrial, public or residential building, to transform its appearance, to hide errors.

The advantages of the material include the following indicators:

  1. The level of quality that meets international standards.
  2. Aesthetic appeal.
  3. Reliability. The panels fit tightly against one another, creating an almost uniform canvas.
  4. Ability to operate at very low temperatures.
  5. Resistance to deformation and chemical influences.
  6. Lack of decay and corrosion.
  7. Water resistance.
  8. High environmental friendliness.
  9. A light weight.
  10. Variety of assortment.
  11. Convenient easy installation.
  12. It can be used for decorating facades of complex shapes.

Panel Views

The company produces several types of paintings that differ in external indicators:

  1. Standart. Flat paintings under the "ship beam" are presented in a variety of colors - from white to brown. From the outside, the sheets are textured. She imitates a cut of a tree. The use of paintings "standard" changes the appearance of the building, giving the facade a nobility.
  2. BlockHouse. Cloths of this type are made “under the log”, with a more rounded shape, which distinguishes Fineber “block house” siding from “standard” products. Using the products of one of 6 color schemes (mogan, torreya, sandalwood, pistachio, sakura, champagne), you can give a flawless and original look to even the most ordinary-looking building, turning it into a cozy and warm log house.
    Cost of siding
  3. Industrial. This view is profiled classic panels. It has a fairly compact color scheme - only 3 colors (bluish, wood, sand). The canvases are intended for decoration of industrial and industrial buildings. Such decoration will highlight the building, ennoble it, which will certainly affect the increase in the number of customers.
  4. "Soffit". This is the base siding Fineber. Used in the design of roof spaces. The products are available in two types - with a fully perforated surface or one perforation row located in the central part of the panel.

In addition, the company produces many other elements to give the final look to the facade of the building. These are the finishing and starting profiles, corner strips, slats, cornices, window strips and many other details.

Design Features

So that the panels can firmly and reliably connect to one another to create a common canvas, they are equipped with a lock with a bend. The lower profile is equipped with a system that will snap into place, and the upper one has a lock. A little higher than the lock on the canvas there are holes. This is a place for fastening, which at the same time will serve as additional ventilation for the release of condensate in a natural way. Due to this, fungi or mold do not form between the panels and the wall.

The lock latches itself, this ensures the strength of the connection. The best proof of the reliability of the design is the ability to withstand winds whose speed reaches 220-230 km / h.

Parameters of paintings

"Terna Polymer"
The most important indicators that buyers are usually interested in are the cost of siding and its parameters. Now we will talk about them. Fineber vinyl siding comes on sale in packages that contain from 10 to 16 sheets (depending on the type of product).

  1. The “Block House” series is designed for those who love original, extraordinary solutions. With a standard length of 3.66 m, the height of the products is 24 cm. The package contains 12 sheets that cover an area of ​​10.2 square meters. m. Cost - 233 rubles.
  2. “Standard”: overall dimensions of sheets - 366x21 cm. In the package - 16 paintings, which are enough to cover an area of ​​12 square meters. m
  3. "Spotlights" - 300x30 cm. The width of the paintings - 45.5 cm, length - 105 cm. The cost of siding is about 480 rubles.
  4. "Industrial" costs about 250 rubles. In the package - 16 sheets.


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