The Witcher 2: Little Sisters. Passage, quests, characters, plot and answers to riddles

The Witcher 2 is a great game that in many ways surpassed those RPG games that came out simultaneously with it and even later. Polish developers are famous for their ability to create a delightful atmosphere inside the game, which is obtained not only by beautiful landscapes and original characters, but also by side missions.

Often they put the player in front of a difficult moral choice or tell stories that to the depths of their souls can affect anyone. One such mission is the Little Sisters mission in The Witcher 2.

Quest start

It is worth noting immediately that you can only get a quest if you decided to help Vernon Roche in Flotzam , and not to the leader of the local scoy'tael, Iorvet.

So you walk around the camp of the kaedwen army, and at one moment you meet a man whom everyone around is showered with numerous insulting taunts and severely beaten. If you are interested in this, and you want to help a person, then go to him to talk. He will tell you about what happened, which is why people around him are so angry.

It was three years ago. On the river bank he met a strange ghost, which is why he literally put it on his pants. After this unsuccessful rendezvous, he is constantly haunted by ghosts, in connection with which his comrades treat him so disgustingly. Mauritius, that’s the name of our poor fellow, is constantly beaten, mocked and despised. As a result, he asks the Witcher to help him, thereby inviting him to start the Little Sisters quest in The Witcher 2.

To begin with, you will have to go to the lair of the marketers. There you can meet a girl named Liva. She was with the Kaedwen army three years ago, so she is familiar with this situation. She will tell Geralt about the house on the hill, which Maurice also mentioned to us. It turns out that there are rumors that a local doctor lived in that house. His name was Malget. The doctor had small daughters, whom the soldiers mercilessly killed, and Malget, unable to bear the grief of losing his beloved daughters, threw himself into the river.

data collection

Home inspection

Now you need to solve the mystery of the graves as part of the Little Sisters quest in The Witcher 2. Having learned all that he could, Geralt needed to go to an abandoned house in order to carefully examine it. Nearby, he finds a cemetery that Liva had previously told us about. When you get to the cemetery, you will immediately notice four graves, in each of which one of the doctor’s daughters was buried.

As you progress through the Little Sisters quest in The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings, more questions begin to arise. First break the barrels that are placed behind an abandoned house. After that, you will notice a secret passage that will allow the hero to get into the basement. Having carefully looked around, the Witcher will notice that some magic rituals were held here. Now you need to light the magic lights, but be careful. They must be ignited in the correct order, otherwise a ghost will attack you.

We continue the passage of “The Witcher 2”: “Little Sisters” like that. We light the farthest lamp, which is located near the entrance. Next, you need to light the one that is installed immediately near the entrance, and after the one that is on the right side of the door. During this simple process, you can hear the secret room open: come in. Inside there, you will find the magical record carefully encrypted.

How to solve the "Little Sisters" in "The Witcher 2"? We recall that Maurice said that he first met a ghost when he was here around midnight. After waiting for the required time of day, Geralt notices the ghosts of those girls who were killed by soldiers. The witcher himself decides whether he will attack them or whether it is better to talk with ghosts.

What happens if you attack?

beach battle

The battle with the spirits is a typical task for our Witcher. You can always have useful potions in your arsenal, which will make it possible to improve your sword against spirits. First, you can discard opponents using the Aard, and then defend with Quen. Dodging blows, manage to inflict your own. It is better to make an attack from the side or from behind, it is not recommended to attack ghosts in the forehead. If necessary, you can always use the Irden sign, which temporarily helps immobilize ghosts for an effective battle. As soon as you defeat all the girls, you can easily return back to the camp and take your reward from the soldier. The passage of "The Witcher 2" "Little Sisters" can be considered completed.

Ghost talking

little sisters

The witcher is famous for killing only dangerous monsters. If you have the opportunity to talk with a monster, then it is better to talk, and after that wave your sword. During a conversation with the girls, Geralt learns why they died. The real killer is Mauritius, which he did so hard in his pants. And we remember: the death of the girls influenced the father so much that he could not stand the grief of loss and committed suicide. Obviously, the spirits are waiting for revenge for themselves and for their beloved father. The mystery of the graves of “The Witcher 2” “Little Sisters” remains the same unresolved. The investigation is ongoing.

Conversation with Detmold

Geralt decides to talk with the court magician Detmold. He hopes the magician can help reveal the secret in the manuscripts we previously found inside the basement in an abandoned building. As it turned out, this was an extremely unfortunate idea, because Detmold is not so glorious.

The magician says that the manuscripts describe in detail the performance of a special necromancer ritual. It allows you to enter into communication with the spirits of dead people. The magician will offer the Witcher to buy this scroll, however, the best solution would be to keep it. Firstly, Detmold (spoiler!) Will not be an ally of the Witcher for a short time, and secondly, you can successfully apply this scroll a little later, when the third chapter begins. In the territory of Lok Muinne, in a conversation with the mage Bras from Ban Arda, the scroll will be useful to you.

the witcher in ben ard

This is the beginning of a very interesting quest, which as a result will give the White Wolf the opportunity to significantly strengthen before the final part of the game. Also, when deciphering the scroll, you will recognize the drawing of the Kerm sword - a steel magic sword that has two slots for amplification with runes.

Frank conversation with Mauritius

For the further passage of “The Witcher 2”, “Little Sisters” it is now necessary to talk with our ill-fated Mauritius. If at the right moment during a conversation you put pressure on the military man, he will openly tell you a true story about everything that happened. About three years ago, rumors began to circulate in the kaedwen camp that the alleged doctor Malget not only knows how, but often practices conversations with spirits.

Geralt needs to make his own choice. You can convince Mauritius to help you and arrange a meeting on the river bank closer to midnight. However, you should not tell him that the ghosts told who the true killer was, because in this case the Kadvenets would get very angry and go to the river bank himself, without the Witcher.

Mauritius with the Witcher

the witcher communicates with the kaedwenz

You were almost able to solve the riddle in The Witcher 2 Little Sisters. If Mauritius agreed to go with you, then he will be waiting for you at the appointed time in a specific contract place. After talking with him near the gorge, you will go to a rendezvous with ghosts. A small conversation in such an amazing company once again puts the witcher in front of a very mixed choice.

Don't help the killer

We were able to solve the riddle of the graves “Little Sisters” in “The Witcher 2”. Now we need to decide the fate of the person who is the culprit in this situation. You can ask the kaedwenz to plead guilty, and then give him to be torn to pieces by ghosts. In this case, Mauritius will attack both you and the ghosts, but such an unequal battle will end very quickly and disastrously for him. However, at some point, he will turn into a demon. After which he will inform the hero that it was the demon who killed the sisters, and Geralt was simply deceived.

The passage of "The Witcher 2" "Little Sisters" is not as simple as it seemed. The real truth is very bitter. Their father killed their daughters after learning that they had been dishonored by Kaedwen soldiers. Due to the fact that the doctor was actively involved in necromancy, the death of the girls and his own gave a large amount of strength to the demon. After this conversation, the Demon will attack the Witcher. With the help of a silver sword, several potions and a successful combination of signs, the Witcher begins a confrontation against the enemy. Dodge, parry attacks, put signs and make successful attacks. You will complete the quest only by defeating the enemy. You will no longer receive money for its implementation, because its customer, Mauritius, died from your blade. As a reward you will get only experience.

Support a man, not a ghost

If you decide to support Mauritius during the passage of “The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings” “Little Sisters”, then you will have to fight with ghosts along with the kaedwen. The fight will not be very difficult if you use the signs in time, make attacks and counterattacks. Quen and Yrden will be very useful in such a battle. When all the ghosts are dead, Mauritius will tell you the whole truth about what happened three years ago, and what part in all these events the kaedwen man himself took.

Mauritius went by himself

If Mauritius himself decided to go to the river bank without waiting for the Witcher, then when you are in place, you will find only the dead body of a soldier. When examining the body of the deceased, a laughing demon will come out. He will tell that thanks to the efforts of the Witcher, the Demon has significantly strengthened and now little can stop him. The battle begins.

battle with the demon

If you want to win, then you need to avoid all the attacks of a powerful enemy. Put blocks in time, use Quen, and attacks are best carried out from the side or behind. Signs such as Aard or Yrden will also be very useful. Only after defeating the enemy, you complete the quest. You, as mentioned above, will not receive money for its implementation, because the customer, Mauritius, died. As a reward you get only experience.


the appearance of the demon

As we said, the games of the Witcher series do not always have simple and clear quests. A mission is very rare here, where you just need to go through hordes of enemies, take an item / kill the main enemy and report on the implementation. The difficulty in making decisions in this game invariably lies in the fact that it is not always possible to understand the logic and motives that guided the characters.

Many quests in the game are original stories, on the basis of which it is quite possible to shoot several long-term domestic soap operas. Knowing bit by bit the history of the murdered girls, many of the players could come to the quite expected conclusion that justice should prevail and the soldier should die.

However, the game teaches us something. Firstly, you should never trust otherworldly forces. Whatever people are secretive, secret, or deceitful, otherworldly forces are more often worse. Secondly, it is not always worth taking the right to lynch on our shoulders, because we are witchers and it is our business to kill monsters, for which we are actually paid. Sometimes the search for justice leads to a good result, but in this quest, it is humanity that could save a life. Judging Mauritius' innocence is a personal matter for every player. This is precisely the whole charm of this game.


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