Main communicative situations: definition and description

Communication between people will be ineffective if the interlocutors do not know how to manage the specific communicative situation in which they are. It can be very unstable. Partners must clearly and adequately respond to changes in its structure and be able not to show (or show, but correctly) their own reactions.

We will understand the terminology

In the interpretation of the meanings of the words “communication” and “communication” there are many similarities, but there are also differences:

  1. Communication often occurs as a speech act on a personal level, with the transfer to the partner not only dry information, but also an emotional attitude to the subject of the conversation.
  2. Communication is less focused on the feelings and experiences of participants and involves business relations in the process of exchanging any information.
communication communicative situation

Thus, the difference in these concepts lies in the fact that the first of them reflects the psychological aspects of the interaction of people, and the second relates to the technical side of mutual information.

As a result of communication and receiving a variety of information from outside through various channels, a person develops as a person, learns the world and learns to use its benefits, to establish, in a scientific language, communicative communications with others in his own interests.

Communication process diagram

To exchange any information, at least two participants in this process are required: the first is the sender, the initiator of communication, the second is the recipient of information. In order for it to be correctly perceived and interpreted by the addressee, the sender must take care of its availability: take into account the age, level of education and the degree of his interest in the subject, choose the right encoding method (means of communication) and the transmission channel. Coding takes place using letters, pictures, photos, diagrams, tables, spoken language. A lot of important things can be reported, for example, in sign language, facial expressions, voice intonations, special behavior, and special attire.

Transmission channels: telephone, telegraph, mail, media, personal communication.

communication analysis

The recipient decodes the received information and, if necessary, becomes the sender himself: selects the necessary material for the response, the encoding method, selects the means of transmission, sends it to the communication partner.

The communicative process can be short, one-sided (order of the director of the institution) and long, when interaction between its participants occurs repeatedly (for example, planning the work of the enterprise). Its effectiveness depends on how well the participants are in communication technology.

What is a “communicative situation"?

A situation is a combination, a combination of various conditions for the existence of something. It can be favorable and unfavorable, short-term and long-term, manageable and uncontrollable, changeable and stable.

main communicative situations

An analysis of the communicative situation shows that its nature depends on conditions such as:

  • who are its members
  • what are their relationships
  • what are the goals
  • what are the means and methods of their communication,
  • choice of his place and tone (friendly, hostile, neutral, official).

With a change in one or more of these indicators, the whole communication situation changes, which leads either to the achievement by the participants of their goals or, conversely, to misunderstanding and disagreement.

Personally oriented communication

The main communicative situations, in the opinion of A. Leontyev and B. Kh. Bgazhnokov, are considered personality-oriented and socially oriented. The classification of types and types of communication is extensive, depending on the methodological approaches to their study.

Personally oriented communication is aimed at the formation in a person (child, student, student, employee, patient) of their own experiences for any reason, the exchange of opinions, emotions, knowledge. Communication, communicative situation in the same way is built by specialists working in the field of public services (medical, educational, cultural, social).

communicative situation example

Taking into account personal qualities, level of education, general development and knowledge, place, time of communication, presence or absence of other persons, level of relations with the child, the teacher creates a certain communicative situation. Example: he, taking care of an individual approach to the personality, chooses the goal, means and methods, the tone of communication with the pupil. At the same time, he also takes into account his own emotional state, since such negative feelings as anger can push into undesirable statements and actions.

Socially oriented communication

This type of communicative activity differs from the personality-oriented one in the following parameters: it is based on socially oriented relationships, which are dictated by objective rather than subjective factors.

The purpose of socially oriented communication is direct or indirect impact on members of society with the help of accepted norms and rules. This type of interaction exists between members of the labor collective, between managers and subordinates, and can be carried out in direct contacts and indirectly through written orders, orders, notifications, and reports.

Compliance with official etiquette requires the choice of verbal and non-verbal means of communication, its style, goals, duration, and accounting for the situation. The social communicative situation of a subordinate’s relationship with the boss, for example, eliminates familiarity, sometimes acceptable in an informal setting, but requires a concise and clear presentation of the problem, the use of professional terms.

socially communicative development social situations

At meetings and general meetings, compliance with the rules of speeches and their practical justification is required.

The leadership, which cares about social and communicative development, about the social situation in its team, finds opportunities to improve the culture of its members in the field of official and interpersonal communication.

Communicative Barriers (“Noises”)

Throughout life, a person falls into various communicative situations or creates them himself. His speech should be clear, accessible, accurate. This is an indicator of both his own culture and respect for a communication partner.

A lot of misunderstandings, grievances, misunderstandings, unresolved problems between people arise due to various interferences (“noises”) that impede the normal development of the communicative situation. These barriers are numerous, and they arise for various reasons:

  • due to biased, hostile, disrespectful attitude to the interlocutor;
  • due to inability to listen or hear it, concentrate on the essence and logic of the conversation;
  • due to incompetence in the subject under discussion;
  • due to inability to clearly and correctly formulate thoughts, use non-linguistic means: facial expressions, gestures, movements;
  • due to the lack of a culture of speech and behavior;
  • due to inability or unwillingness to admit their mistakes and delicately respond to others;
  • due to the poor organization of the conversation: its place, time, duration, structure were incorrectly selected.
various communicative situations

Success in achieving your goals depends largely on the positive attitude and ability to determine the psychological state and type of interlocutor from the first minutes, to adapt to it.

Communication Preparation

A prepared communicative situation should be a combination of desirable, and not random, circumstances.

  1. When preparing for a serious conversation with an individual or audience, you should carefully study the topic, the opinions of reputable people, real facts, and planned business prospects.
  2. Selected visual material (graphs, illustrations, samples, photos, videos) stimulates interest in the discussion.
  3. A well-thought-out meeting plan gives it concreteness and business character.
  4. Try to get reliable information about the interlocutor: range of interests, character, psychological type.
  5. Think of ways to activate all the participants in the contact.
  6. Costume, demeanor should impress the partner, have him to communicate.
  7. Take care of the absence of distracting interference: calls, visits.

Any communication, personal or business, has its own goals of the participants, and therefore requires their preparation, thoughtful structure and content.

Communication Effectiveness

The expressions “bad relations”, “strained relations” mean unproductive relations or their absence.

Not all communication ends with the satisfaction of the interests of all its participants: someone fully achieved their goals, someone partially, and someone negotiated without any results. However, the first participant received the desired, but quarreled with everyone else. The second and third, being dissatisfied with the results, maintained normal business contacts and intend to maintain them in the future. Accordingly, it was for them that communication was effective because the relationship was preserved. In the future, this will allow them to join forces to solve other problems.

The important law of communication

The preparation and implementation of communication scenarios requires a large expenditure of internal energy from each of its participants, if he wants at all costs to achieve the desired goal. This is one of the laws of effective communication.

Unconditional courtesy, calmness even in a provocative situation, the preservation of personal dignity demonstrate inner strength and inspire respect. The communication participant must be attentive and open, ready to compromise and firm in those matters where concessions are impossible.

social communicative situation

Efforts require a demonstration of a friendly attitude towards the partner, a willingness to provide the necessary and sufficient explanations, evidence of their innocence. Understanding and taking into account the emotional state of the interlocutor, suppressing one's own negative experiences in the interests of the cause is not an easy task.

Correct speech, the ability to persuade, insist and agree, manage the communicative process - the result of not only education, training and experience, but also a lot of internal work on yourself.


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