Sun stones: description, properties, deposits

Amber well known to everyone is also known as the โ€œsun stone." No need to explain why they call it that - anyone will understand this analogy, remembering its rich golden-orange color. Amber has many amazing properties and qualities for which it is appreciated all over the world, and some of them should be described in more detail. But before that are some interesting facts about the origin.

sun stones

A bit of history

Since ancient times, people have tried to explain the origin of the sun stone. A variety of versions were put forward. Arabs, for example, believed that amber was a dew that had fallen from the sky and subsequently hardened. And the philosopher Democritus at all assured that this stone represents the petrified urine of a lynx.

But all versions, of course, are false. In fact, it all started about 50 million years ago. Where Sweden is now. Then there reigned a humid climate, characterized by excessive moisture. Flora was mainly composed of conifers. Which, due to climatic conditions, intensively secreted resin. In exactly the same manifestations, the trees "reacted" to a hurricane, thunderstorms, and similar phenomena.

Sometimes insects sat on the resin. It is impossible to break away from her, so they remained in her forever.

Then, after a while, hardened resins were deposited in the water basin. It turned out that there are very favorable conditions for the accumulation and further formation of amber, consisting in their hydrodynamic and geochemical specificity.

In simple terms, the resin turned into amber under the influence of oxygen-containing waters enriched with potassium. Their combination provoked the appearance of succinic acid, due to which a solid stone of an amazing shade was formed.


Well, why amber is called a sun stone, and how it appeared at all is clear. Now a few words about where they get it.

There are many deposits on our planet. Take, for example, the United States. Amber is mined there in Kansas, in Ellsworth County, along the Smokey Hill River channel, under the Canapolis Reservoir, in Arkansas, California, Maryland, Massachusetts, Montana, New Jersey and several other states. Even in Alaska, a lignite was discovered in lignite, formed from ancient bog cypresses.

Amber is also mined on the west coast of Jutland (Denmark), on the Baltic Islands (harvested on beaches, more often after storms), in northern Germany (the Elbe River and the Baltic coast), along the northwestern side of the Gulf of Gdansk (Poland), in Zemland (Kaliningrad), in Lithuania and Latvia, in Estonia, and even in England (along the coasts of the counties of Suffolk, Essex and Kent). And this is only part of the deposits. In fact, they number in the tens. Needless to say, even if amber was found in Greenland.

why amber is called a sun stone

Chemical structure

Amber, like any other organic compound, has a formula. It looks like this - C10H16O. From a chemical point of view, sunstone is a high-molecular-weight compound of organic acids. Its composition looks like this: - 8.5%, - 10.5%, - 79%.

There are many impurities in amber. Most of them are in stones of Baltic origin. In addition to the above, it includes aluminum and silicon (0.7% each), iron (0.55%), sodium (0.16%), calcium (0.1%), magnesium and manganese (0.025% each), copper (0.001%).

The structure is amorphous, it no longer depends on the deposit of sun stone. But the degree of transparency - yes. Amber can be different - cloudy, transparent, translucent, with glass, opaque, greasy or resinous shine.

It is very light for processing and cutting. And after polishing, by the way, a color change is possible.

Physical properties

Studying the description of sun stones, I would like to note that their physical properties do not coincide with any other organic minerals. Here are the features that can be distinguished:

  • The density is the same as that of sea water. Amber does not sink in saline.
  • If you store it in fresh water for a long time, it will increase in volume - it will swell.
  • Dipping amber in a boiling liquid, it will be possible to soften it. Amber will become a density like resin.
  • It dissolves in alcohol, nitric acid, linseed and essential oil, as well as in chloroform and turpentine.
  • As a result of various external influences, it can change the density and color.
  • Amber conducts electricity well. If you rub it with wool, you can achieve a dielectric of 1.683 F / m.
  • Due to the ultraviolet effect, amber can be luminescent.

This yellow mineral is especially sensitive to temperatures. It softens to +150 ยฐ C. It melts at temperatures up to + 350 ยฐ C. This process is accompanied, by the way, by ignition and the release of ethereal odors. And if the temperature reaches +1000 ยฐ C, then amber disappears, decomposing into pairs.

sun stone and its relatives

Healing properties

Why amber is called a sun stone is understandable. But for what reason is it considered healing? They say that this stone, due to its long formation, has received incredibly powerful energy. And everyone who takes it in their hands will feel the amazing warmth manifested in light tingling sensations at their fingertips. That is why, by the way, they make beads from amber.

Scientists substantiate the healing properties of this stone with its composition. It is believed that it helps to cure jaundice, diseases of the eyes, ears and throat, lose toothache, and also improve the condition of internal organs.

Succinic acid contained in the stone has a calming and antispasmodic effect. Therefore, many โ€œchargeโ€ them water, after which they drink it. They say that it still helps with headaches, heart and kidney failure, arthritis, pathologies of the skin, blood diseases, disorders of the digestive tract. Therefore, people with similar problems are advised to wear amber jewelry or talismans, massage with this organic compound and meditate with it.

pink fluorite

Magical qualities

Countless beliefs exist about the sun stone and its "cousins." Amber is shrouded in so many legends that itโ€™s impossible to list everything. For a long time it was believed that if an evil person takes it in his hands, the stone will become dark. And once in the possession of a good personality, only shine brighter.

They say that amber is similar to amethyst in its magical properties. It comforts people in grief, protects from dark forces and witchcraft, helps to maintain youth and health for a long time. Amber amulets were even worn on newborns - to divert the evil eye.

They also say that this stone enhances intuitive abilities, brings good luck, gives cheerfulness and gives self-confidence. Not surprisingly, in the religions of different peoples of the world, amber is used in rituals. In Italy, for example, they were aimed at good luck in hunting and a good harvest.

yellow zircons


This fragile beautiful mineral, which is calcium fluoride, is also worth attention, since we are talking about sun stones. The above photograph shows precisely fluorite. And it can be not only so rich lemon. There are pink fluorites, green, blue, blue, reddish, lilac, purple-black. The rarest are colorless.

The unique color is due to a defective crystalline structure that is acutely responsive to radiation and heat.

A feature of fluorites is also their composition. Often rare earth elements can be found in it, sometimes even thorium and uranium.

These stones, like amber, have healing properties. Therefore, they are so often used by healers. Massage balls are made from fluorites, and they are used in procedures aimed at improving cardiovascular processes, curing brain damage, preventing epileptic seizures, and also alleviating stress tension.

yellow mineral

Yellow zircon

Another solar mineral belonging to the subclass of island silicates. From a chemical point of view, zircon is a salt of silicic acid of magmatic origin.

Interestingly, in Asia he is called the brother of diamond. Not surprising, because the properties of these stones are really similar. Zircon is especially beautiful when it is faceted (pictured above). By the way, it, like fluorite, can be of different shades.

Precious zircon is rare. It is mined in the Urals, in Yakutia, Norway, Tanzania, Australia, the USA, Brazil, Canada, Korea, Thailand, Kampuchea, Vietnam, Sri Lanka and on about. Madagascar. There are more deposits of ordinary zircon, but it is not used for jewelry purposes.

Minerologists claim that this stone has unique healing properties obtained due to the dipyramidal shape. Zircon jewelry is recommended for people with ischemic heart disease, high blood pressure, a weak immune system, overweight, liver and appetite problems, and insomnia.

Yellow tourmaline

Very rare stone. It is a boron-containing aluminosilicate with a high content of potassium and magnesium. Less commonly, it is only the Canary tourmaline, which is mined in Malawia.

A stone can be of different shades - starting with light golden, ending with dark brown, but in any case it will not have inclusions or air bubbles. But there are overflows. The color intensity is heterogeneous, so the stone changes color under artificial light and in the sun.

sun stones description


From the Greek language, the name of this mineral, which is a variety of beryl, is translated as "Gift of the Sun." Amazing golden hue due to the presence of impurities of Fe3 + ions. Sometimes uranium is found in some stones.

This stone lends itself perfectly to cutting, so it is often used in jewelry. But it is quite rare. It is mined in Argentina, Russia, Brazil, Madagascar, Ukraine, Namibia. In the photo above it is he.

The honey color is mesmerizing, but the stone can lose it. This will happen if you burn it. First, the heliodor will become colorless, and then will acquire a blue tint.

In conclusion, I would like to say that there are still many other golden-colored gems in the world. Sometimes in nature it is possible to find yellow diamonds, golden sapphires and topazes, citrines. They are rare, but precisely because they are attractive.


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